
IGK clan Congress of Nations and States

Secretariat Rudolph C. Rÿser, Secretary General Congress of Nations and States 3 November 2020 Dear Leaders, On behalf of the Congress of Nations and States Preparatory Body, I wish to welcome you and your organization’s participation and contributions to the work of the Congress as it proceeds toward convening in September 2022. The Congress of Nations and States is an endeavor unique to international relations in that it serves as a body for indigenous nations and states to freely engage in dialogue and negotiations on an equal political plain toward the goal of implementing policies already agreed to in instruments issued in the last fifty years. Many nations and states are somewhat frustrated that while careful and deliberate work has been done to define constructive international policies in the fields of economic, cultural and social, political, environmental, security and justice relations very little progress has been made to implement these important agreements. The Congress of Nations and States is serving as a balanced initiative that ensures equal participation and the fulfillment of the agreed upon principles espoused within international treaties and declarations. Your organization’s contributions to this important international process will be vital. Your organization will be invited to participate during the submission process of each of six commissions that will commence in the near future. Each Commission will formulate protocol proposals to the Preparatory Body and then before the Congress in September 2022. The Secretariat will remain in touch with you and continue to keep you informed as to progress and submissions procedures. We believe that NGO participation will be key to this process. Sincerely, Rudolph C. Rÿser

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