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M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 1

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 1

Part 1, Breivik, Trifkovic, and Radical Serb Ideology

Note: After the appearance of Anders Behring Breivik’s manifest, 2083: A European

Declaration of Independence, I noted the profound influence of Bat Ye’or and Srjda (Serge)

Trifkovic’s writings upon Breivik’s world-view. Breivik cites the full text of a talk that Bat

Ye’or gave in Chicago in October 1995 to the Lord Byron Foundation, an organization

dominated by Trifkovic that supports the ideology that led to the formuation of Bosnian Serb

Republic (Republika Srpska) and its rule under adovan Karadzic. Bat Ye’or’s speech, on the

topic of Turkish enslavement of Christian Serbs and the stealing of Christian Serb children

through the institution of the Janissaries, reinforced Karadzic’s long-affirmed ideology

concerning the struggle of Christian Serbia against the genocidal and inexorable Islamic program

of conquest through jihad from the outside and cultural and moral enslavement from within.

Breivik also cited the transcript of the 2006 film What the West need to Know, one of three films

to appear in that period (Obsession and Exposed being the other two) that featured Walid

Shoebat, track footage from MEMRI and Palestinian Media Watch, and dire warnings that Islam

was as bad or worse than Nazism. Trifkovic, one of its four principle “talking heads” (along

with Bat Ye’or and Robert Spencer) on What the West Needs to Know, exercised a key influence

over the ideology of the film’s two producers.

In the meantime, I’d been exploring Trifkovic’s role as the spokesperson and public relations

advisor for the RS from 1992-1995 and the personal advisor to both Radovan Karadzic and his

successor as RS president, Biljana Plavsic. That led me to Trifkovic’s whereabouts on July 11-

July 14 at which time the Srebrenica massacre was underway. Below I present the first selection

from a book-in-progress on religion and violence dealing with the issues. This one focuses upon

What the West Needs to Know, Trifkovic’s role as RS advisor and activities of July, 2005, and

Trifkovic’s writings on the complicity of cultural-marxism with Islam’s enslavement of Europe

and coming enslavement of the U.S. I hope soon to post the next section, on Bat Ye’or’s longstanding

relationship with Serb radicalism, its influence on her concept of dhimmitude, and her

influence back on it.

In pointing out that Trifkovic and Bat Ye’or were fundamental sources for the world-view of

Breivik as expressed in his manifest, I do not mean that they recommended Breivik’s response to

the situation they depicted, only that they helped shape his understanding of what that situation

was. I disagree with the notion that Breivik’s manifesto and web postings reveals the mind of a

madman. (e.g. Beau Friedlander, “An Interview with a Madman: Breivik Asks and Answers His

Own Questions,” Time, July 24, 2011).

Read more:,8599,2084895,00.html#ixzz1TAV1zucT

If Europe has already succumbed to dhimmitude and become Eurabia and if its ruling elites are

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 2

completely complicity its enslavement to Islam, and thus democratic resistance is no longer

possible, Breivik’s answer is not irrational. Those that claim it to be irrational to my knowledge

have not come forward with another plan, beyond all out assault of the cultural-marxists that are

helping Islam—a force as bad or worse than Nazism—engulf and extinguish European peoples

and their Christian heritage.

Trifkovic’s view of the U.S. is as grim. Here is a quote from an essay he has posted on a pro-

Karadzic and pro-Mladic website.

The figures for immigration from the Middle East are already matched, and are

likely to be exceeded, by the number of Muslim immigrants from the Indian Sub-

Continent (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh). Currently Muslims account for one-tenth

of all naturalizations, and their birth rates exceed those of any other significant

immigrant group.

Far from enhancing America’s “diversity,” the coming deluge threatens to impose

a numbing Third-World sameness, to eradicate the remnants of this country’s

identity, and to demolish what survives of her special character. On current form,

not only will English-speaking Americans of European origin become a minority

in their own country half a century from now, but they will share an increasingly

overpopulated, polluted, lumpenproleterized, culturally unrecognizable country

with tens of millions of actual or potential jihadists and their accomplices, aiders

and abettors.

Whether this colossally criminal idiocy can be stopped, and how, is open to doubt. The

cultural-Marxist ruling class sees self-annihilation of peoples with a historical memory

and a cultural identity as the key to its revolutionary project. The founders of the United

States rebelled against King George for sins far lighter than those of which our rulers are

culpable. Srdja Trifkovic, “Half a Billion ‘Americans’? August 21, 2007, Chronicles


Michael Sells, July 25, 2011.

What the West Needs to Know, Obsession, and Exposed

On November 15, 2006, the CNN Headline News program Glenn Beck ran a special feature

titled Exposed: The Extremist Agenda. The film opens with video footage of terrorist carnage

inflicted by Muslims juxtaposed to video footage of President Bush, Secretary of State

Condoleezza Rice, and other officials stating that “Islam is a religion of peace.” More

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 3

juxtapositions follow, with video clips of militant Muslim demagogues alternating with images

Hitler in full oratorical fury.

Key expertise is provided by Walid Shoebat. “With eighteen years living in the Holy

Land, and growing up as a Muslim, I lived, breathed, and walked the Islamic path, studying the

Qur’an and practicing the faith,” Shoebat states early one in the film, thereby establishing his

authority as an insider privileged with knowing the true teachings of Islam. Shoebat then goes on

to explain that Islam is “the only religion with a sacred scripture” that enjoins murder, torture,

sexual enslavement, and world conquest as religious obligations. Shoebat confesses his own past

as a terrorist and a hater of Jews, then explains his former attitudes and behavior as a reflection

of the core teachings of Islam—not of Islam as he may have encountered been taught it by the

Palestinian militants he says supervised his education—but Islam as it is taught in the Qur’an and

hadith. To those who ask how many Arab Muslims support the jihadist ideal of destroying Israel

and the United States, conquering the world, and imposing sharia law everywhere, Shoebat does

not hesitate to offer a precise response: “We can say over 77 percent of the Arab world supports

the jihad ideology.”

During the same period in November, CNN’s rival, Fox News, aired a one-hour special

based upon the film: Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West--with the same

techniques, some of the same the same story line, some of the same video clips, and some of the

same experts as found in Exposed, and with Walid Shoebat once again in a feature role. Along

with Shoebat, Obsession’s experts included Nonie Darwish, a Lebanese American Christian

whose family endured suffering at the hands of Palestinian militias during the Lebanese civil

war; Stephen Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism and author of several books on

terrorism and Islam; Brigitte Gabriel, the author of Because They Hate, the founder of the

American Congress for Truth and an advisor to Intelligence Summit; Carolyn Glick, a columnist

for the Jerusalem Post; Itamar Marcus, the director of Palestinian Media Watch; and Daniel

Pipes, who writes widely in the area of modern Middle East politics and is director of the Middle

East Forum.

Obsession’s internet homepage presents a list of strong endorsements. “I carry a copy of

it with me. Obsession reflects the facts of radical Islam. This needs to be seen by everybody in

America and in Europe,” writes retired the Fox News analyst Major General Paul Vallely. “This

courageous, utterly gripping exposé deserves the attention of every American – and merits

serious consideration for the Academy Award for Best Feature Length Documentary,” writes

film critic Michael Medved. “Obsession rips away our society’s PC lenses and lays bare what

goes on in the world of radical Islam. This is a documentary that needs to be seen,” writes David

Shore, the executive producer of the television series House. “Obsession is required viewing for

everyone. Especially for people who have tried to understate or ignore the threat of radical Islam

to our national security, Obsession shows how real and present the danger is,” writes Howard

Gordon, executive producer for the television series 24. “For your security and the security of the

country, Obsession is a must-see, writes MSNBC anchor and talk-show host Monica Crowley.

“Viewing this documentary should hereafter be considered a prerequisite for participating in the

debate about the national security challenges we face, and what must be done to address them,”

writes Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy. “I believe this is the most

important movie of our lifetime,” adds Glenn Beck.

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 4

Obsession opens with pictures of Muslim men at prayer juxtaposed against images of

terrorist bombings. Daniel Pipes claims that “the general response of the Muslim world” to 9/11

was “delight.” Brigitte Gabriel declares that “they are not here to belong to our culture,” and

then, after more frames of violent imagery, she adds that “they are using our laws against us.

They are using our democracy against us.” Sir Martin Gilbert, a biographer of Winston

Churchill, claims that Hitler’s Nazism and Islamic fundamentalism are identical. Shoebat

explains the implication for contemporary diplomacy. Any “land-for-peace” settlement in the

Middle East, he states, would repeat the 1932 British appeasement of Hitler at Munich.

The second segment includes an interview with Alfons Heck, a former member of the

Hitler Youth who expounds on Nazism and Islam. Walid Shoebat introduces this segment with

the declaration that “what is coming out is something that, literally, comes out of Nazi Germany”

as images of Hitler’s boy scout corps and Muslim youth organizations are shown in quick

succession. “This is a crime of the Muslim world against their own children, worse than what

Hitler did against German children,” adds Heck as the footage of Muslim boys in scout-like

uniforms plays on the split screen. “The propaganda of Islam is very similar to the propaganda of

Nazism. It’s the same hate speech, paranoia, and us against them,” adds Darwish. In Darwish’s

statement, the first word in “radical Islam” has been dropped as the comparisons with Nazism

have become more intense.

Hajj Amin al-Husseini is the topic of the next segment, “Hitler and the Mufti,” which

features photographs of al-Husseini meeting with Hitler, Himmler, and other Nazis during World

War II and inspecting the Handschar division of the Waffen-SS. Then Shoebat explains that a

secular ideology like Nazism, he states, is “far less dangerous than the religious ideology of

radical Islam.” In a frame representative of the technique of juxtaposition employed throughout

Obsession, the voice of Franklin Roosevelt stating that “we will not permit this Nazi shape of

things to come” sounds over a background footage of an Arab boy holding a Kalashnikov.

By mid-2007, ten million people had viewed Obsession, according to its producers. In

addition to receiving multiple runs on Fox News, the film was promoted at special viewings on

approximately two hundred college campuses and numerous other venues around the country.

The 2006 third annual Philadelphia Israel Awareness event sponsored by Hillel of Philadelphia

and other organizations including a group called Aish of Philadelphia, for example, featured a

screening of Obsession followed by a talk by Denis Prager. (The keynote speaker of the previous

year’s Israel Awareness event had been Obsession expert Walid Shoebat).1 In January, 2007,

Florida Attorney General Robert McCollum sent an email to five hundred state employees

urging them to attend one of three screening of Obsession that McCollum had arranged to be

held on state property during business hours.2 McCollum had served in the House of

Representatives from 1981-2001, where he was a member of the congressional Republican Task

Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. What a film sounding alarm over the Nazilike

or worse-than-Nazi nature of what was called variously and vaguely called everything from

radical Islam to Islam added to the effort to combat crime and terrorism in Florida was not made

clear. Thousands of rabbis, including members of Reform Judaism’s Central Conference of

American Rabbis, received free Obsession DVDs in a mailing sent under the postal permit of

John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The mailing, which turned out to have been

funded by the Republican Jewish Coalition, also included the book Standing with Israel by

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 5

David Brog, CUFI’s Washington lobbyist. The joint Obsession-Standing with Israel mailing

came with a cover letter by former Israeli ambassador to the United States Daniel Ayalon who

praised Brog’s book and urged American Jews to embrace Christian zionist support for Israel. 3

The film’s distributors then chose a symbolically laden day for their next major

distribution event. “Obsession Launched in Retail Stores Across the Country!!!” read one

announcement posted on the Obsession home page. “Starting September 11th, the full-length 77-

minute DVD, which contains never-before-seen-footage, can be found at most major retail stores

in North America. Obsession will once again be on the Fox News Channel on Tuesday,

September 11, at 1:10p.m. ET.” According to a later announcement on the same page, the

producers secured radio and television interviews across the country, with a dozen such events

on September 11 and many more throughout the month of September.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center joined the promotion effort. The center offered to

send free copies of Obsession to student groups on “Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week.” scheduled

for the second week of October, 2007. The center also offered free copies of another film

featuring Walid Shoebat: Islam: What the West Needs to Know, codirected by Gregory M. Davis

and Bryan Daly. “Virtually every major Western leader has over the past several years

expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who commit violence in its

name are fanatics who misinterpret its tenets,” states the product description on the film’s

website. “This claim, while widely circulated, rarely attracts serious public examination. Relying

primarily on Islam’s own sources, this documentary demonstrates that Islam is a violent,

expansionary ideology that seeks the destruction or subjugation of other faiths, cultures, and

systems of government.” In addition to Shoebat, experts appearing on Islam: What the West

Needs to Know include Bat Ye’or--cited earlier for her presentation of Arabic and Islamic

civilization feeding off the dying corpses of the civilizations it conquers, infiltrates, and

enslaves--, and Robert Spencer, an adjunct fellow at the Free Congress Foundation and the

director of Jihad Watch, a program on the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Spencer’s

biography on Jihad Watch states that he is the author of nine books on Islam and jihad, including

the New York Times bestsellers The Truth About Muhammad and The Politically Incorrect

Guide to Islam (and the Crusades),” as well as a weekly columnist for Human Events and

FrontPage Magazine.” The biography adds that “Spencer is a weekly columnist for Human

Events and FrontPage Magazine, and has led seminars on Islam and jihad for the United States

Central Command, United States Army Command and General Staff College, the U.S. Army's

Asymmetric Warfare Group, the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the U.S. Intelligence


“Allah orders Muslims to conquer the world and institute the laws of Allah over the earth,

through warfare following the example of Muhammad’s conquest of the Arabian peninsula in the

seventh century,” states Bryan Daly, the coproducer of Islam: What the West Needs to Know,

during an interview with MSNBC host Tucker Carlson. “His order is set down in the Qur’an,

which is the eternal immutable word of Allah which cannot be changed and stands for all time

and cannot be changed or questioned from an Islamic standpoint.” As Daly outlines what he

claims is the clear teaching of the Qur’an, the MSNBC program shows a split screen. On one

side of the screen are alternative takes of Carlson and Daly, who are being broadcast from

different studios. On the other side is footage of Muslim men bowing in prayer, three elderly

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 6

Muslim men standing in prayer, a group of boys memorizing the Qur’an, Muslim men and

women walking on a street and pursuing normal everyday activities, some mujahedin fighters

kneeling and bowing in prayer, and—as Daly is explaining that Islam demands the enslavement

of women and children—a group of women exiting a mosque.

Questions concerning the funding and distribution of Obsession have been extensively

pursued, and the interlocking set of non-profit organizations that have promoted the film have

been at least in part exposed. To my knowledge, no such work has been done of the funders and

the backers of Quixotic Media which seems to have produced no other film beyond What the

West Needs to Know.

Daly’s coproducer Gregory Davis wrote a 2006 book dedicated to the same topic:

Religion of Peace? Islam's War against the World. The book’s produce description states: “As

Religion of Peace? so eloquently demonstrates, Islam is a violent expansionary ideology more

akin to a system of government than a personal faith…The Koran—believed by Muslims to

contain the words of God himself verbatim—constitutes a vivid message to kill unbelievers and

conquer the territories they inhabit.”


Srdje Trifkovic as Spokesman and Public Relations Advisor for the Republic Srpska

Expert bios in documentary film subtitles are by necessity brief, but the bios provided on the film

websites promoting the product can offer more information. Viewers of the three films discussed

here will know that Walid Shoebat is a former Muslim, a self-described former terrorist, a

convert to evangelical Christianity, and an allegedly prestigious expert on radical Islam. Yet

neither the films’ credits nor the promotion material on the websites disclose another, equally

important role that Shoebat is playing in the world as an endtimes prognosticator who portrays

Islam as the Antichrist and whose analysis is deeply anchored in what Shoebat views as the

biblical prophecies concerning contemporary events, nations, and peoples.

Viewers of Islam: What the West Needs to Know will Serge Trifkovic is the author of the

book The Sword of the Prophet, Director of the Center for the International Affairs at the

Rockford Institute, and the Foreign Affairs editors of the Rockford Institute’s Chronicles

Magazine. They are not informed that Trikovic served from 1993-1995 as an informal

spokesperson and media advisor for the Republika Srpska (RS), the self-proclaimed Serbian

Republic in Bosnia that was led by Radovan Karadžić or that he later served as an advisor to

Biljana Plavšić, a member of Karadžić’s inner circle who became president of the RS in 2006.

In his testimony at the International Criminal Tribunal on the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY),

Trifkovic explained that he wished to keep his role informal so as to enhance his credibility as an

U.S.-based independent journalist and expert on Balkan affairs.4 As of 2010, Karadžić was on

trial at the ICTY for genocide, crimes against humanity, and grave breaches of the Geneva code

on the conduct of war. Plavšić pleaded guilty to crimes against humanity and was sentenced to

eleven years’ imprisonment.

Karadžić and Plavšić viewed themselves as experts on Islam and offered public analysis

of the nature of Islam and the character of Bosnian Muslims. Karadžić, a professional

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 7

psychiatrist, was a follower of a psychiatrist and political activist who diagnosed Slavic Muslims

as suffering from an anal-analytic complex and offered as evidence what he claimed was their

obsession with ritual ablutions before prayer. In 1994 Plavšić explained the reason for the war in

Bosnia. It was “genetically deformed material” that converted to Islam in the fourteenth and

fifteenth centuries, she said. That material became further degraded with each generation, and

any effort to reason with contemporary Bosnian Muslims was futile. Plavšić drew upon a strain

of Serb religious nationalism that considered the Slavic Muslims of the Balkans to have

“Turkified” in fourteenth and fifteenth century and, by doing so, to have become Turks.

Trifkovic has also offered a psychiatric diagnosis of Islam. “The West has yet to learn

fully the lesson that my Balkan ancestors were forced to learn six centuries ago, that Islam a

collective psychosis seeking to become global, and any attempt to compromise with madness is

to become part of the madness oneself,” he wrote in 2003.5 More recently, he has quoted with

approval a passage by the British parliamentarian William Gladstone:

“The tragedy of Christian communities under Turkish rule, as Gladstone rightly pointed

out [emphasis mine] was not ‘a question of Mohammedanism simply, but of

Mohammedanism compounded with the peculiar character of a race.” The Turks, in his

view, “were, upon the whole, from the black day when they first entered Europe, the one

great anti-human specimen of humanity. Wherever they went, a broad line of blood

marked the track behind them, and, as far as their dominion reached, civilization

disappeared from view. They represented everywhere government by force as opposed to

government by law’.”6

In July of 1995, Trifkovic traveled to the Bosnian Serb capital of Pale in his capacity as an

advisor to Radovan Karadzic and a public relations consultant for the Republika Srpska. With

him were group of Serbian-American supporters of the RS. To arrive in Pale, the group had to

travel by land from Belgrade, across the international border with Bosnia. Trifkovic arrived in

Pale on July 11. On July 12 he met with leaders of RS, including Karadzic, and the following

day he met with Karadzic for a one-on-one. On July 14th, he traveled back to Belgrade. At the

time of Trifkovic’s sessions in Pale, Karadzic was busy not only planning public relations but

also directing RS actions in Srebrenica. On July 11, Serb forces let by RS General Ratko

Mladic overrun the U.N.-declared Safe Area of Srebrenica, disarmed the Dutch contingent of the

United Nations Protection Force, and, in front of the Dutch soldiers, divided the captive Bosnian

Muslims into two groups. The women and children were taken to buses, abused and robbed, and

transported to the Safe Area of Tuzla. From July 12-17, between 7000 and 8000 adult males

between the ages of 14 and 65 were taken to various detention centers, tortured, shot, and buried

in mass graves throughout eastern Bosnia. On his way back to Belgrade, Trifkovic traveled

through areas where the RS army was conducting these operations. 7

In one of his appearances at the ICTY, Trifkovic was questioned at length on his meeting

with Karadzic during the period of the Srebrenica massacre. He stated that he could not

remember what Karadzic told him about the Srebrenica situation beyond a general remark that

the captives would be treated well. His notes, he said, had been entered on a computer and the

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computer had crashed in 1997.8 As for what he knew and saw of what was happening in

Srebrenica, he would say only that the RS soldiers he encountered appeared very relaxed. In a

2009 interview with Boba Borojevic, Trifkovic denied that genocide occurred at Srebrenica,

calling into question the number killed, and explaining that Bosnian Serbs in the area were angry

over a 1993 atrocity carried out by a Bosnian military unit in the town of Kravice.9 Trifkovic

might have known about that sentiment first hand. In 1994, pro-RS film appeared demonizing

Bosnian Muslims and Croats as genocidal peoples, with graphic images of atrocities committed

during World War II and close ups of a grieving Serb woman at Kravice and with an

unmistakable call for revenge. As public relations advisor for the RS, Trifkovic would have

been familiar with the manner in which the Kravice atrocity was being used to stoke anger and

motivate Bosnian Serbs in the area to retaliate or to view such retaliation as justified. The

interview, published on the pro-RS web journal Serbianna ends as follows:

“Srebernica” [sic] is an ongoing brazen manipulation of reality in order to obtain certain

short-term political goals. That manipulation is still continuing, 14 years after the event.

This only testifies to the lack of ability of the Western media class to think critically and

to analyze Balkan events objectively, concluded Trifkovic.

Trifkovic’s position on the conflict in Kosovo is similar. In the Borojevic interview and

throughout his writings he denounces what he considers to be NATO’s illegal, unjust, and

atrocity-filled war against the innocent party in the conflict, and the blindness of Europe in

taking the side of the Kosovar Albanians.

As for post-1995 Bosnia, Trifkovic writes in The Sword of the Prophet, the situation is

grim. He claims that Israeli intelligent reported to the U.S. that “Bosnia, Herzegovina, Kosovo,

Albania, and Macedonia are ready to do Bin Laden’s bidding and that a nucleus of Bin Laden

followers in the Balkans could balloon into an army of about 40,000 men”

As for what Trifkovic considers Islam’s demographic war against the West, he appears to

agree with Bat Ye’or that Europe is lost, and sees grim future for the U.S. as well. After two or

three paragraphs devoted to Muslim immigration to the U.S., he then expands his perspective to

depict immigration policy in general. It is hard to separate out this vision of the U.S. from

Breivik’s vision of Europe. For Trifkovic as well as for Breivik, the “cultural-Marxist ruling

class” is actively the immigrant wave.

The figures for immigration from the Middle East are already matched, and are

likely to be exceeded, by the number of Muslim immigrants from the Indian Sub-

Continent (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh). Currently Muslims account for one-tenth

of all naturalizations, and their birth rates exceed those of any other significant

immigrant group.

Far from enhancing America’s “diversity,” the coming deluge threatens to impose

a numbing Third-World sameness, to eradicate the remnants of this country’s

identity, and to demolish what survives of her special character. On current form,

not only will English-speaking Americans of European origin become a minority

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 9

in their own country half a century from now, but they will share an increasingly

overpopulated, polluted, lumpenproleterized, culturally unrecognizable country

with tens of millions of actual or potential jihadists and their accomplices, aiders

and abettors.

Whether this colossally criminal idiocy can be stopped, and how, is open to doubt.

The cultural-Marxist ruling class sees self-annihilation of peoples with a historical

memory and a cultural identity as the key to its revolutionary project. The

founders of the United States rebelled against King George for sins far lighter than

those of which our rulers are culpable.10

Trifkovic, Davis, and What the West Needs to Know

The world-view of the 2006 film What the West Needs to Know is spelled out fully in a coproducer

Gregory Davis’s 2006 book Religion of Peace? Islam’s War Against the World. The

author bio of the book states that “Gregory M. Davis is an author and filmmaker. He graduated

from the University of Rochester in 1997 with a BA in political science, and from Stanford in

2003 with a Ph.D. in the same area of study. In 2005, he founded Quixotic Media with Bryan

Daly, with whom he produced and directed the documentary, Islam: What the West Needs to


Davis cites Andrew Bostom, Paul Fergosi, Ibn Warraq, Robert Spencer, Serge Trifkovic,

and Bat Ye’or as his major influences.11 Also cited in the book are Fjordman, and the website

Islam Undressed.Com. It is Trifkovic and Bat Ye’or, however, who dominate the work’s

understanding of Islam.

Davis dedicates his book to “the memory of the countless victims of the religion of

Muhammad, through centuries and today.” The book was one of many responses critical of

President George W. Bush’s statements that Islam was a religion of peace. A page of such

statements is given, including Bush remarks of November 14, 2005. “While these killers chose

their victims indiscriminately, their attacks flow from an ideology and a terrifying vision for the

world. Their acts are evil, but they’re not insane. Some call this evil Islamic radicalism; others,

militant jihadism; still others, Islamo-fascism. Whatever we chose to call this enemy, we must

recognize that this ideology is very different from the tenets of the great religion of Islam.”

Davis then spells out his position. “It is the contention of this book that the idea that

“Islam is a religion of peace” is fundamentally, totally, and disastrously wrong. In fact, Islam is

intrinsically violent; it is the impetus for modern terrorism, and its doctrines necessitate that the

only possible relationship between Islamic civilization and non-Islamic civilization is war or

subjugation.” (Emphasis by Davis).

Davis stresses the genocidal nature of Islam, citing Trifkovic:

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 10

Hindus, whom Muslims considered pagans for centuries, suffered what may amount to

the greatest genocide in world history, known in the East as “The Hindu Holocaust.” This

was a series of invasions into South Asia, first by Arab Muslims and later by Turks and

Mongols, which killed incalculable millions. “The massacres perpetrated by Muslims in

India are unparalleled in history, bigger in sheer numbers than the {Nazi} Holocaust, or

the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of

the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese.”12

1 Reported in the Jewish Exponent, March 9, 2006.

2 Meg Laughlin, “McCollum, Muslims to Discuss Film: The Attorney General Played the Disputed Move for His

Staff,” St. Petersburg Times, February 12, 2008.

3 “Republican Jewish Coalition Responsible for Mailing Anti-Muslim Film,”, February 15, 2007.

4 Trifkovic appeared as a material witness at the trial of xx Beara before the International Criminal Tribunal for

Yugoslavia in the Hague in the genocide trial of Llubici Beara. In the course of his testimony, Trifkovic confirmed

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 11

his role as a public relations adviser and spokesperson for the RS from September 1993 to September 1995 and

added that he asked to keep his role as spokesperson “informal,” so as not to interfere with “capacity to function as a

freelance journalist and also to provide the kind of analysis of the political background to the conflict the former

Yugoslavia that I wanted to continue doing as I deemed fit.” Trifkovic agreed with the RS leadership that when

serving as an RS spokesman, he would be identified to the press as a “Balkan affairs analyst with close links to the

Bosnian Serbs.” public relations work on behalf of the RS and explained that while he agreed to serve as an

advisor to the government, he preferred to be an “informal” advisor, so as not to interfere with his work as an

independent journalist. See ICTY, “The Prosecutor versus Vujadin Popovic et. al. (Case number IT-05-88-T),

transcript for September 4, 2008, pp. 25210-25215.

5 “Islam and Slavery: The Concealed Truth. Excerpt from a lecture by Srdja Trifkovic.” The article appeared on

November 24, 2003. The lecture took place at Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans on November 14, 2003.

I have cited the text from the transcript of the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague, as it was read to

Trifkovic and confirmed by him as genuine. ICTY, “The Prosecutor versus Vujadin Popovic et. al., pp. 25290-


6 Srdja Trifkovic, “A Dark Day in History,” Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture,” May 29, 2007.

M. Sells, Breivik, Trifkovic, Bat Ye’or, part 1, 12

7 ICTY trial transcript, “The Prosecutor versus Vujadin Popovic et. al.,” September 4, 2008, pp. 25226-25245.

8 Ibid.

9 The interview is also available at, last accessed July 25, 2011.

10 Srdja Trifkovic, “Half a Billion ‘Americans’? August 21, 2007, Chronicles Magazine.

11 “The arguments and evidence advanced in this book rely heavily on authors who have been plowing this ground

for years (including Andrew Bostom, Paul Fergosi, Ibn Warraq, Robert Spencer, Serge Trifkovic, and Bat Ye’or)

and I encourage the reader to consult their works.”

12 Davis, Religion of Peace? 84, citing Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet (Boston: Rebina Orthodox Press, 2002),




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