Cooperation between the Institute for Research Genocide of Canada and national, international institutions
As soon as it was established, the Institute for Research Genocide of Canada established the communication and cooperation with national and international researching institutions, using the scientific methodology, aiming to gather records on genocide and other forms of crimes against humanity and international law committed in the world, specifically in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1991-1995. Along with it, the Institute worked hard on gathering and securing the original, genuine, relevant, reliable, and authentic documents, which deal with the issue of cause, reason, planning, intention, preparation, organization and execution of crimes against humanity and international law, which were subject to a complete examination of documents on the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the content.
To prepare this activity, the Institute needed to establish and maintain a good quality cooperation with all the state authorities, institutions, governmental organizations and NGO’s, associations of citizens, and even individuals – not only the scholars, but also simple citizens who were the victims of crimes or both victims and eyewitnesses to the crimes
The cooperation was established with the renowned international institutions such as: Society for the Endangered Peoples - International, UN Commission for findings on the war crimes committed in the territory of former Yugoslavia, UN Commission for Human Rights, ICTY; Institute for the Study of Genocide, Document Center of the Jewish victims of Nazi Regime; Amnesty International, and other.
Collecting and data-analysis was carried out in accordance with plans for sorting and analyzing the records, as a tool for verifying the hypothesis and drawing conclusions relative to the subject of research.
During the execution of so many projects, the Institute relied on national and international, renowned, experts, who often even without any financial compensation worked unselfishly and gave their full contribution to the implementation of projects, which fall under the scope of the activities carried out by the Institute.
As for the institutions, we have to point out the special cooperation between the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada and the Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the Sarajevo University.