Naučna istraživanja

Genocide in B&H is the sin of mankind, and the guilt of criminals.

Genocide in B&H is the sin of mankind, and the guilt of criminals.

The denial of genocide is a greater spiritual defeat. For that misery of the human spirit justification cannot be found, neither can it ever be forgiven. Therefore, We urge all the people of the world to reject the glorification and denial of genocide. We must advance the spirit of a dignified life. We invite all the people in the world to help us to reach justice. Justice is essential to bringing back normality and stability. When people of different persuasions meet, it is our obligation to call people to peace and coexistence. Peace will reign between us when we all, no matter where we live, attempt to change what is within us – and when we accept each other and desire for each other what we desire for ourselves.

Genocid u BiH je grijeh čovječanstva, a krivnja zločinaca.

Poricanje genocida veća duhovna bijeda i od samog zločina. Za tu bijedu ljudskog duha ne može postojati opravdanje, iskupljenje, niti je se može oprostiti. Stoga, pozivamo sve ljude da odbacimo veličanje i poricanje zločina genocida i da preživjelim žrtvama osiguramo dostojanstven život. Pozivamo ih i da pomognu da se dostigne pravda. Ona nam je svima potrebna, kako bismo normalno živjeli. Kada se ona zadovolji, naša je obaveza pozvati ljude na mir i suživot. Mir će zavladati meÄ‘u nama onda kada svi mi, ma gdje živjeli, izmijenimo ono što je u nama samima, kada prihvatimo jedni druge i kada budemo željeli jedni drugima ono što želimo sebi samima.
