Naučna istraživanja

Kultura sjecanja

Nauka je utvrdila i u njoj je verifikovano naučno saznanje da zločin genocida, uključujući i genocid nad Bošnjacima u Bosni na kraju XX stoljeća, nije slučajni, niti stihijski zločin. Izvršenje genocida zahtijeva vrlo delikatnu i složenu kampanju ideološke, političke, pravne, vojne, ekonomske, medijske, psihološke i druge pripreme od države - režima koji s odreÄ‘enim ciljem i namjerom želi počiniti genocid. Genocid nije zločin razjarenih masa koje spontano doÄ‘u na ideju da ubijaju svoje komšije druge nacionalne, etničke, rasne ili vjerske pripadnosti. Žrtve genocida su svjesno i s namjerom odreÄ‘ene kao mete napda i uništenja (kao mete genocida) zbog njihove identifikacije s odreÄ‘enom (nacionalnom, etničkom, rasnom ili vjerskom) grupom kao takvom. Genocid je sistematski isplaniran zločin, planski, organizovani i ciljni zločin koji se sistematski odvija pod kapacitetom potpune odgovornosti i pokroviteljstva države, a preko vojnih, policijskih i drugih podsistema i nosilaca oružane sile države.

U nastojanju da se spriječi i onemogući ponavljanje genocida, nužno je o tom najtežem obliku zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava utvrditi istinu, odnosno naučno istražiti genocid, u skladu s metodologijom istraživanja iz oblasti društvenih nauka i uz interdisciplinarni pristup, na bazi valjanih naučnoistraživačkih projekata. Otkrivanje istine i istina su bitni činioci i odredbe normi vladvine prava kao fundamentalne pretpostavke praktikovanja i zaštite univerzalnih ljudskih vrijednosti u savremenom demokratskom društvu, kao što su: mir, sloboda, pomirenje, zajednički život, ljudsko dostojanstvo i ravnopravnost, bez obzira na nacionalnu, etničku, rasnu, vjersku, ideološku i potiličku pripadnost.

Imajući to u vidu, istraživači holokausta i genocida, svojom istraživačkom djelatnošÄ‡u i rezultatima naučnih istraživanja, bitno utječu na svijest ljudi i njihovih kolektiviteta o shvatanju potrebe udruživanja svih demokratskih, progresivnih i antifašističkih snaga u borbi protiv genocida i svih drugih oblika zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava ma gdje i u koje vrijeme se oni dogaÄ‘ali na planeti Zemlji. Ukupnom istraživačkom djelatnošÄ‡u, istraživačkim naporima, poduhvatima i rezultatima kroz organizovan, ciljan, sistematičan, permanentan i kontinuiran rad istraživači dolaze do naučnih saznanja, odnosno naučne istine, koju blagovremeno i adekvatno na odgovarajući način predstavljaju domaćoj i meÄ‘unarodnoj javnosti, čime opominju na brojne, raznovrsne, raznomjesne i raznovremene razmjere holokausta, genocida i drugih oblika zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava, što je jedan od mogućih adekvatnih preventivnih strateških oblika aktivnosti.

Jedna od značajnih aktivnosti u tom pravcu je širenje istine i očuvanje historijskog sjećanja na žrtve genocida. U tom smislu neophodno je jačati intelektualni kapacitet, odnosno školovati kadrove i eksperte koji će na dosljedan način istraživati i čuvati historijski značajna saznanja i objektivno utvrÄ‘ene činjenice o korijenima, uzrocima, ciljevima, namjeri i razmjerama zločina genocida. Samo se na taj način, poznavanjem historije vlastitog naroda, historijskog konteksta u kojem narod bivstvuje, ali i historije drugih naroda nad kojima je zločin genocida izvršen, mogu razumjeti i shvatiti indikatori planiranja i pripremanja zločina genocida.

Istražujući (naučno-teorijski i naučno-empirijski) genocid i druge oblike zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava, naučnici - istraživači istovremeno dižu glas protiv genocida i upućuju poruku koja će bitno utjecati i djelovati na svijest i moral moćnika, kako bi spasili savremeno čovječanstvo i civilizaciju, očuvali najviše ljudske vrijednosti, ljudske slobode, ljudska prava i živote svih, a posebno malih, slabih i nemoćnih ljudskih grupa, zajednica i narodâ. Sadašnje i buduće generacije iz svih dosadašnjih zločina genocida moraju konačno u interesu budućnosti savremenog svijeta i civilizacije izvući historijsku pouku o potrebi jačanja, razvijanja i ujedinjavanja svih antifašističkih snaga, bez obzira na nacionalnu, etničku, rasnu, vjersku, ideološku ili političku pripadnost i opredijeljenost, u strategiji sprečavanja i kažnjavanja zločina genocida.

Samo naučnoistraživačka saznanja mogu biti trajna osnova razvijanja (naših) sposobnosti u pravovremenom otkrivanju, identifikovanju, sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida, u čemu istraživači holokausta, genocida i drugih oblika zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava imaju historijsku ulogu i odgovornost. Obaveza je istraživača, kako to piše nobelovac Elie Wiesel, da govore u ime žrtava, podsjećaju na njihove patnje i suze i potiskuju strah od zaborava. Istraživači moraju imati profesionalnu odgovornost i dovoljno moralne hrabrosti u istraživanju i saopćavanju javnosti naučne istine o genocidu.

Podsjećanje na holokaust, genocid i druge oblike zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava ima historijsku važnost za cijelo čovječanstvo. Sjećanje na univerzalne lekcije genocida, zločina koji je čovječanstvu nanio ogromne ljudske i materijalne žrtve, ne može biti prepušteno prošlosti i zaboravu. Iz genocida čovječanstvo još uvijek ima mogućnost da izvuče historijsku pouku i poruku, mada je genocid u Bosni na kraju XX stoljeća pokazao negativno iskustvo.

O genocidu ne smije biti šutnje ni ravnodušnosti. Opasno je biti nijem i ravnodušan na zločin genocida. Prema genocidu ne smije biti neutralnosti. Na dokaze o genocidu ljudska bića ne smiju biti neutralna - moraju reagovati. “Neutralnost pomaže zločincima, a nikada žrtvama”, tvrdi Elie Wiesel.

Izvršiocima genocida na svim nivoima odgovornosti jako je stalo da se genocid negira, da se drži u tajnosti i da se sistematski uklone tragovi zločina. Ne radi se samo o tome da nestanu - da budu likvidirane - individue, odabrane osobe za uništenje, već, takoÄ‘er, i o tome da se žrtve genocida liše mezara i sjećanja (na njih za buduće generacije), odnosno, riječ je o specifičnoj politici brisanja tragova sjećanja na zločin genocida i žrtve genocida. Zbog toga je obaveza svih preživjelih žrtava genocida da sjećanje - taj, po Elie Wieselu, “častan i potreban čin” - na genocid i žrtve genocida čuvaju i zaštite od zaborava.

Aktivnosti na tom bolnom sjećanju su neophodne, ne samo za žrtve genocida, koje će time biti upamćene (ostat će u sjećanju zauvijek, a što je znak najmanjeg poštovanja koje im se duguje), već i za zločince i cijelo društvo, naročito za mlade. Sjećanje na žrtve genocida, pored ostalog, doprinosi razvijanju i jačanju svijesti, koja nam omogućava da se uspješno borimo protiv historijskih mitova, falsifikata, obmana, laži, kvaziistraživača i kvaziistraživanja, te negiranja genocida.

The science has established and also verified the findings that the crime of genocide, including the genocide against Bosniacs in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of the 20th century, is not an accidental. It is not uncontrolled event. The commission of genocide requires a delicate and complex campaign of ideological, political, legal, military, economic, media, psychological and other types of preparations by a state – regime that wishes to intentionally commit a crime of genocide. Genocide is not a crime committed by enraged crowds, which spontaneously start thinking of killing their neighbors of a different national, ethnic, racial or religious background. Genocide victims were selected and targeted as the goal of attack and destruction (targets of the genocide) due to their affiliation with a certain (national, ethnic, racial, or religious) group as such. Genocide is a systematically planned crime, organized and targeted crime, which takes place systematically under the full sponsorship and responsibility of a state through the military, police, and other subsystems and holders of the armed forces of a state.

In the attempt to prevent the repetition of genocide, it is necessary to establish the truth about this gravest form of crime against humanity, that is, it is necessary to research the genocide in line with the research methodology applicable to social sciences, accompanied by interdisciplinary approach used in valid scientific and research projects. Revealing the truth and the truth make important factors and determinants of the rule of law norms, being fundamental assumptions for practicing and protection of universal human values in a modern democratic society, such as: peace, freedom, reconciliation, common living, human dignity and equality, regardless of national, ethnic, racial, religious, ideological, or political background.

Having this in mind, the Holocaust and Genocide scholars, by way of their research and results influence the awareness of people and their communities about the understanding the need of joining all the democratic, progressive, and antifascist forces in fighting genocide and other forms of crimes against humanity and international law, wherever and whenever they occur on the planet Earth. By way of comprehensive research activity, endeavors, and results obtained through organized, targeted, systematic, permanent and continuous work, the scholars get scientific findings and truth, which they timely and adequately present to the national and international public, and thus warn about numerous, versatile, and different extents of Holocaust and Genocide, taking place in different locations and in different times, as well as other forms of crimes against humanity and international law, which is ultimately one of the possible adequate, preventive strategic form of activity.

One of the most important activities to that end is spreading truth and preservation of historic remembrance of genocide victims. It is necessary to that end to strengthen intellectual capacity, and educate personnel and experts who will consistently study and preserve the historic relevance of the findings and objective facts related to the roots, causes, intention, and the extent of the crime of genocide. Only by knowing the history of its own nation, historic context in which that nation lives, but also the history of other nations subjected to the crime of genocide, it is possible to understand and comprehend and the indicators applicable to planning and preparation of the crime of genocide.

By studying (theoretically and empirically) genocide and other forms of crimes against humanity and international law, the scholars – researchers at the same time raise their voice against genocide and send their strong message which will influence and act on consciousness and morality of the powerful ones to do their best and save humanity and civilization, preserve highest human values, human freedoms, human rights and lives of all, particularly the small, weak, and helpless human groups, communities, and nations. The present and future generations of all previous genocides have to finally, in the interest of future of the contemporary world and civilization, learn a historic lesson on the need to strengthen, develop, and unify all the antifascist forces, regardless of their national, ethnic, racial, religious, ideological, or political background and determination, within the strategy of prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide.

Only the scientific and research findings may be a permanent basis for the development of (our) abilities for timely detection, identification, prevention, and punishment of the crime of genocide, in which exercise the scholars of Holocaust, Genocide, and other forms of crimes against humanity and international law play a significant role and have important responsibility. It is the duty of scholars, Nobel prize winner Elie Wiesel wrote, to speak in the name of victims, remind the world of their suffering and tears, and suppress the fear of oblivion. Scholars must have professional responsibility and sufficient moral courage to study and inform the public about the scientific truth on genocide.

Reminding on Holocaust, Genocide, and other forms of crimes against humanity and international law has a historic value for the entire mankind. Remembering universal lessons from genocide – the crime that inflicted upon society huge human and material losses, cannot be left to the past and oblivion. It is still possible to learn historic lessons from genocide, although the genocide committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of the 20th century suggests otherwise.

There cannot be any silence or indifference in relation to genocide. It is dangerous to be mute and indifferent towards the crime of genocide. There cannot be any neutrality in relation to genocide. Human beings cannot be neutral when confronted with evidence on genocide – they have to react. “Neutrality helps criminals, never victims”, Elie Wiesel argues.

Executors of genocide at all levels of responsibility really do care about the denial of genocide, they want to keep it secret, and erase systematically all the traces of genocide. This is not only related to disappearance – execution – of individuals, selected for destruction, but also to deprivation of the genocide victims of their graves and memories on their dearest. This is a specific policy related to removing the traces of memories to the crime of genocide and genocide victims. It is therefore the duty of all the surviving genocide victims to keep this memory – according to Elie Wiesel, that “honorable and needed act” – on genocide and genocide victims, and to protect them from oblivion.

Activities on these painful memories are necessary, not only for the genocide victims, who will be remembered in this way (they will be remembered forever, which is the sign of the least respect they deserve), but also for the criminals and the entire society, particularly the young generations. Remembering the genocide victims, among other things, contributes also to the development and strengthening of consciousness, which helps us to successfully fight against the historic myths, forgeries, deceits, lies, quasi researchers, and quasi studies, and final genocide denial.
