Naučna istraživanja

These are truly scenes from hell

"These are truly scenes from hell, written on the darkest pages of human history.” Judge Fouad Riad, International Criminal Tribunal For The  Former Yugoslavia
Fifty years after the world said “Never Again” to the horrors of the Holocaust, genocide took place on European soil. The name Srebrenica has become synonymous with those dark days in July 1995 when, in the first ever United Nations declared safe area, thousands of men and boys were systematically murdered and buried in mass graves. The victims, predominantly Muslim, were selected for death on the basis of their identity. This was the worst atrocity on European soil since the Second World War. Although Srebrenica is the only mass killing in Balkan wars that has been officially ruled as genocide by the international courts, this atrocity was only the final act in a much broader genocidal strategy—euphemistically dubbed “ethnic cleansing”. The Srebrenica genocide was the planned, systematic, and industrialised conclusion of a four year campaign of forced deportation, torture, mass murder and systematic sexual violence by Bosnian Serb forces in service of their goal to create a “Greater Serbia”.
"To su zaista scene iz pakla, napisane na najtamnijim stranicama ljudske Historije. "Sudija Fouad Riad, MeÄ‘unarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju
Pedeset godina nakon što je svijet rekao "Nikada više" u užasima holokausta, genocid se dogodio na evropskom tlu. Ime Srebrenica je postalo sinonim za najmračnije dane u julu 1995. godine, kada su prvoj proglašenoj  zaštitnoj zoni Ujedinjenih nacija hiljade muškaraca i dječaka sistematski ubijani i sahranjeni u masovnim grobnicama. Žrtve, pretežno Bošnjaci, muslimani, izabrane su na smrt na osnovu njihovog identiteta. Ovo je bio najgori zločin na evropskom tlu od Drugog svjetskog rata. Iako je Srebrenica jedini masovni zločin u BiH koji je zvanično presuÄ‘en kao genocid od strane meÄ‘unarodnih sudova, ovaj zločin je bio samo poslednji čin u mnogo široj genocidnoj strategiji - eufemistički nazvanoj "etničko čišÄ‡enje". Genocid u Srebrenici bio je planski, sistematski čin kampanje prinudne deportacije, mučenja, masovnog ubistva i sistematskog seksualnog nasilja snaga bosanskih Srba u službi njihovog cilja stvaranja "Velike Srbije".
