Naučna istraživanja


Povodom napada srbijanskog dnevnog lista Kurir na Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada.
Vaš pokušaj revizije historijskih činjenica putem negacije sudskih presuda o genocidu u BiH je osuÄ‘en od čitavog civilizovanog svijeta.
Sve dok oni negiraju genocid mi ćemo ih tući sudskom i naučnom činjenicom.
Zaborav je saučesništvo u zločinu. Nemamo pravo na zaborav. Borba za istinu i pravdu je osnova našeg postojanja, i za nju se vrijedi boriti. 
On the occasion of the attack of the Serbian daily newspaper Kurir at the Institute for Genocide Research Canada.
Your attempt to revise historical facts through the denial of judicial verdicts on genocide in BiH has been condemned by the entire civilized world.
As long as they deny the genocide we will beat them with the judicial and scientific truth.
Forgetting can be deemed as being part of a crime. We have no right to forget. The struggle for truth and justice is the basis of our existence, and it is worth fighting for it.
