Naučna istraživanja

Peticija e-1837 - 5

Poštovani gospodine Brian Masse,


Upravo smo završili drugi krug konsultacija u vezi peticije e-1837. Ovoga puta konsultacije smo izvršili sa istaknutim advokatima, istraživačima i profesorima meÄ‘unarodnog prava.

Na osnovu zahtijeva navedenih konsultanata, te na zahtijev Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada, Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike i Kanadsko bosanske zajednice, informišem vas o sljedećim zakljčcima:


1.Advokati, istraživači genocida i eksperti meÄ‘unarodnog prava smatraju potpuno opravdanim zahtijeve iz peticije e-1837. U tom smislu sugerišu vam da kako je predloženo iz vašeg ofisa da prezentirate peticiju e-1837 u Parlamentu Kanade, proslijedite peticiju Vladi Kanade na konačno odlučivanje i tada istovremeno predložite prijedloge koji su prezentirani od gospodina Mohammeda iz vašeg ofisa.


2. Prema ekspertima potpuno legalan i legitiman pravni osnov za zahtijeve iz peticije su pravosnažne odluke MeÄ‘unarodnog suda pravde i  MeÄ‘unarodnog kaznenog suda u Hagu koja su pravosnažnim presudama presudila o genocidu u Srebrenici. TakoÄ‘e eksperti smatraju da je veoma bitna Äinjenica što je Kanada sa dvije parlamentarne rezolucije prihvatila odluke navedenih sudova UN i proglasila 11. juli Danom sjećanja na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici u Kanadi.


3. Eksperti vam sugerišu da pored zahtijeva Vladi Kanade da se prihvate navodi iz peticije e-1837, predložite  Vladi Kanade da pored krivičnog sanskcionisanja negatora genocida u Srebrenici, kaznenim djelom se smatra i uskraćivanje, minimiziranje, opravdavanje ili odobravanje genocida, zločina protiv čovječnosti ili ratnih zločina koje kao takve priznaje meÄ‘unarodni sud.


4. Eksperti meÄ‘unarodnog prava vas informišu da je veoma bitno uzeti u obzir pravosnažnu doživotnu presudu Radovanu Karadžiću, političkom lideru Bosanskih Srba koji je bio jedan od najvećih planera genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini. To je prva presuda političkom lideru za genocid poslije Drugog svijetskog rata. TakoÄ‘e eksperti smatraju veoma bitnim da Vlada Kanade prihvati zahtijeve iz peticije e-1837 jer se nalazimo u posljednjoj fazi genocida- negiranje genocida, što je zadnja faza njegovog potpunog izvršenja. Zapravo mi ulazimo u slavljenja genocida od onih koji su ga izvršili. 


5. Eksperti smatraju izuzetno povoljnim što su se po pitanju peticije e-1837 pismeno oglasili iz ofica Premijera Kanade, Ministrice vanjskih poslova i Ministra pravde.



Na kraju eksperti meÄ‘unarodnog prava su jednoglasni u stavu da će krivično sanskcionisanje negatora genocida u Srebrenici u Kanadi doprinijeti da se historijske činjenice o tome genocidu više nikada neće interpretirati prema nalogu ili željama zločinaca, niti će uspjeti projekat negiranja genocida, revizije historijskih činjenica ili izjednačavanja žrtava i zločinaca. Počinjeni genocid u Srebrenici treba biti razlog za razmišljanje o greškama koje su učinjene u prošlosti, za iskreno pokajanje, i u konačnici za priznanje kao preduvjet neophodne katarze bez koje nisu mogući procesi pomirenja. Nije moguće graditi moderan i prosperitetan svijet, bez suočavanja sa prošlošÄ‡u.

Dear Mr. Brian Masse,


We just concluded the second round of consultations in regards to e-1837 petition. This time we have consulted with a prominent lawyers, researchers and professors in the field of international law. Based on the requests of the above-mentioned consultants and upon request from the Institute for research of genocide Canada, the Congress of Bosniaks in North America and the Canadian Bosnian Community, I would like to inform you of the following findings:


1. The lawyers, the genocide investigators and the experts in the international law consider the e-1837 petition requirements fully justified. In that sense, they are suggesting to you that you should go forward as proposed from your office in presenting the e-1837 petition in the House of Canada, and to forward the said petition to the Government of Canada for final decision, as well as to propose suggestions presented by Mr. Mohammed from your office.


2. According to experts we consulted, a completely lawful and legitimate legal basis for petition requests is the motive in regards to final adjudication of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague, which ruled in favor of genocide in Srebrenica by final verdicts. They also believe that it is very important that Canada has already accepted two parliamentary resolutions based on the decisions from the said UN tribunals and proclaimed July 11th the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Genocide in Srebrenica in Canada.


3. The experts are also suggesting that in addition to requesting the Government of Canada to accept the allegations contained in the e-1837 petition and besides the criminal sanctioning of the genocide deniers in Srebrenica, that the denial, minimization, justification or approval of genocide, the crimes against humanity or the war crimes are criminal offenses which have been recognized by the international court.


4. The international law experts would like to inform you that it is very important to consider the final life sentence for Radovan Karadzic, a Bosnian Serb political leader who was recognized as one of the largest genocide planners in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This judgment of a committed genocide by a political leader is the first one after the Second World War. The experts also consider it very important that the Government of Canada accepts requests from the e-1837 petition because we are in the last phase of genocide - the denial of genocide; which is the final and last stage of its complete execution. In fact, we are entering the celebration of the genocide by ones who committed it.


5. The experts consider it extremely favorable that the members of the office of Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Justice have reached out in writing to us in regards to the said petition.


Finally, in the end, the international law experts are unanimous in their stance that the criminal sanctioning of Srebrenica genocide deniers in Canada will contribute to the historical facts about said genocide and it will never be interpreted according to the order or wishes of the war criminals, nor will the project of denying said genocide will ever thrive, nor that a review of historical facts or equating victims and criminals will ever be allowed. The committed genocide in Srebrenica should be a reminder of the mistakes made in the past, as well as for a sincere repentance, and ultimately as a prerequisite for the necessary catharsis without which the reconciliation processes will not possible. It is not possible to build a modern and prosperous world without facing the past.
