Naučna istraživanja



 Obavještavamo žrtve genocida u BiH, kao i cjelokupnu svjetsku javnost da sudski procesi za naplatu ratnih šteta počinjenih od strane Republike Srbije i Republike Srpske tokom genocida u BiH uskoro poćinju, prvo u Sjevernoj Americi..

U skladu sa američkim i kanadskim  zakonima započeo je prvi pilot sudski postupak za naknadu štete za žrtve genocida počinjenoga tokom prošloga rata u Srebrenici, po osnovu pravosnažnih presuda MeÄ‘unarodnog suda pravde {ICJ} i MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za područije bivše Jugoslavije {ICTY} protiv Republike Srbije i Republike Srpske. Kasniji će biti pokrenuti sudski postupci za sva ostala mjesta u BiH koja su presuÄ‘ena u presudama MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za područije bivše Jugoslavije {ICTY} i meÄ‘upresudom Slobodanu Miloševiću. Navedena meÄ‘upresuda Slobodanu Miloševiću na osnovu člana 26 Statuta MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za područije bivše Jugoslavije {ICTY} i pravila 119 Pravilnika o postupku i dokazima MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za područije bivše Jugoslavije {ICTY} nikada nije pobijena i njegovom smrču je postala pravosnažna sudska odluka. MeÄ‘upresudom je dokazan meÄ‘unarodni konflikt - agresija Republike Srbije na Republiku BiH, te da je počinjen genocid u Brčkom, Prijedoru, Sanskom Mostu, Srebrenici, Bijeljini, Ključu i Bosanskom Novom. Samo za Kotor Varoš nije dokazano „van razumne sumnje“ počinjenje genocida.

 15. avgusta 2018. godine u skladu sa američkim zakonima, poslato je pismo pred pokretanje sudskoga procesa, kako američki zakon nalaže na službene adrese u Beogradu: Alexandra Vučića, Ivice Dačića, Ane  Brnabić, Maje Gojković, Nele Kuburović i Olivere Stanimirović. Odgovoreno iz kabineta Aleksandra Vučića. Tim odgovorom Srbija se upustila u raspravu o meritumu spora, i u skladu sa američkim i kanadskim zakonima postala strana u sudskom postupku. Tako da je ispunjen uslov za voÄ‘enje sudskih postupaka. Sljedeći korak je slanje tužbe, koja se upravo finalizira i doraÄ‘uje.

 Največi broj budučih tužitelja su državljani SAD i Kanade. Njihova je privilegija da biraju mjesto sudskog postupka. I ostale osobe koje nisu državljani SAD i Kanade, u skladu sa zakonima, imaju zakonsku mogućnost se pridruže tužbi. U državama koje negiraju genocid, veličaju ratne zločince i ne poštuju presude meÄ‘unarodnih sudova, jednostavno bi bilo nemoguče voditi ove procese. Američki Kongres i Senat i Kanadski parlament su usvojili rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici, što je dovoljna garancija za pravedan i fer sudski postupak.

 U sudskim procesima pravosnažne presude se koriste kao prima facie, i neće biti dokazivanja dali se genocid desio. Samo će se tražiti adekvatna dokumentacija da su tu tužitelji stvarne žrtve ili zakonski nasljednici žrtava koji slijede pravo na reparacije, koje su jus cogens norme meÄ‘unarodnog prava.

 Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada će angažovati eksperte i advokate za ove procese. Očekujemo od svih udruženja žrtava u svijetu saradnju po ovom pitanju.

 Sve informacje u sudskim procesima, prikupljanju sredstava, procedurama, potrebnim podacima, dokumentima  i dokazima nosilaca prava na obeštečenja biće dostupna na web stranici  Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada.


 We would like to inform the victims of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovinia, as well as the entire world that the court proceedings for collecting war damages committed by the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska during the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovinia will begin soon and they will start in North America first.

 In accordance with the American and Canadian laws, the first pilot trial for the compensation of victims of genocide committed during the war in Srebrenica began after the basis of final verdicts of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [ICTY] v. The Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska. The proceedings for all other places in Bosnia and Herzegovina which were adjudicated in the judgments of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Interim Council Slobodan Milosevic will be launched at later date. The aforementioned interim order to Slobodan Milosevic under Article 26 of the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the Rules of Procedure of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has never been stoped and with his death the order became a final court decision. An international conflict - the aggression of the Republic of Serbia on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, provoked genocide in Brcko, Prijedor, Sanski Most, Srebrenica, Bijeljina, Kljuc and Bosanski Novi. Only the town of  Kotor Varos was not included in above mentioned conflict due to not being proved "beyond reasonable doubt" by the genocide commission.

 On August 15, 2018, in accordance with the US law, before the pilot trial begins a notification letter was sent to the official addresses in Belgrade: Aleksandar Vucic, Ivica Dacic, Ana Brnabic, Maja Gojkovic, Nele Kuburovic and Oliver Stanimirovic. The cabinet of Aleksandar Vucic has responded which officialy confirmed Serbia’s discussion of the merits of the dispute, and in accordance with an American and Canadian laws it became a party to the court proceedings. With this the condition for conducting court proceedings has been fulfilled. The next step is to send a lawsuit, which is in its finalizing and processing phase.

 The largest number of future plaintiffs are American and Canadian citizens. As such they hold a privilege to choose the place of judicial proceedings. Other non-US and non-Canadian citizens, in accordance with the law, have the legal ability to join the said lawsuit. In countries where the  genocide is denied, where war criminals are glorified and where the judgments of international courts are not respected, it would be impossible to have fair trails. The US Congress and the Senate and the Canadian Parliament have adopted resolutions on the genocide in Srebrenica, which is a sufficient guarantee for a fair trial on their soil.

 In court proceedings, a final verdict is used as prima facie, and there will be no need for evidence as to whether the genocide has occurred. Only adequate documentation will be required to confirm that the plaintiffs are the real victims or a legal successor of the victims that are entitled to reparations, which are jus cogens of the norms of the international law.

 The Institute for Research of Genocide Canada will hire experts and lawyers for these processes. We expect full cooperation from all victims' associations in the world on such matter.

 All information on court proceedings, collection of funds, procedures, necessary data, documents and evidence of the compensation holders will be available on the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada website.
