Naučna istraživanja

Odgovorili smo organizaciji "Genocide Watch”.

Odgovorili smo organizaciji "Genocide Watch”.
Hvala vam na ovom izvještaju. Veoma cijenimo kontinuiranu pažnju negiranju genocida u BiH i naglašavamo važnost suprotstavljanja poricanju genocida.
Me?utim želimo ista?i važnu ?injenicu koju niste dobro uo?ili.
U BiH nije bio „gra?anski rat“. Bila je to agresija koja je rezultirala genocidom u Srebrenici.
Brojni i raznovrsni relevantni izvori razli?ite provenijencije jasno potvr?uju dvije po?etne, bitne i temeljne empirijske i nau?ne ?injenice o savremenim doga?ajima i epizodama u Republici BiH na kraju 20. stolje?a:
- Prvo, izvršena je klasi?na oružana agresija na Republiku BiH, odnosno zlo?in protiv mira i sigurnosti ?ovje?anstva koji je po osnovnom poimanju i definiciji me?unarodni oružani sukob,
- Drugo, na okupiranim teritorijama nezavisne i me?unarodno priznate Republike BiH, ?lanice UN, po?injen je najteži zlo?in – zlo?in genocida u gradovima u opsadigradovima i teritorijama UN-a – zašti?enim zonama UN protiv prije svega Bošnjaka, pripadnika (zašti?ene) nacionalne, etni?ke i vjerske grupe kao takve.
Veoma je važno da koristimo ispravnu terminologiju.
Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada

We responded to the organization "Genocide Watch”.
Thank you for this report. We would like to point out that what happened in Bosnia end Herzegovina was not “civil war”. It was an aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina which resulted in genocide in Srebrenica. 
Numerous and versatile relevant sources of different provenance clearly confirm two initial, essential, and fundamental empiric and scientific facts surrounding the contemporary events and episodes in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of the 20th century:
- First, a classic armed aggression was conducted against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, it was crime against peace and safety of mankind which is according to the basic understanding and definition an international armed conflict, and
- Second, the worst crime – crime of genocide was committed in the occupied territories of an independent and internationally recognized Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a member of the United Nations, on the towns under siege and the UN territories – United Nations Safe Areas against Bosniacs, members of the (protected) national, ethnic, and religious group as such.
Words matter and it is very important we use correct terminology.
Institute for Research of Genocide Canada
