Podrške plemenitih

H. Haris

Honourable Bob Bratina
Member of Parliament 
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario

Honourable Mr. Bratina,

My name is Haris Hrle and it was my honor to have been the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United States of America until the October of 2018.

I have known Emir Ramić since 2002, when I met him in Ottawa (2001-2003) during my diplomatic term of office.

I would like to personally thank you for the activities you were promoting the respect of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where you also have strengthen the cooperation between states and people, and for the gracious, sincere, and valuable support you have given to the Bosnian communities in Canada.  Your heartfelt and direct interview has been conveyed throughout the most important media sources in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Thinking about how this interview took place, I realized that an additional step should have been made, and on this occasion, with this letter, I would like to offer my support for your initiative to award professor Emir Ramic with a distinguished recognition.

During my diplomatic work in Ottawa, I realized that Dr Ramic's persistence, effort and commitment were key for the Canadian institutions, Canadian Members of Parliament and good hearted people of Canada to understand the past and veracity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

We are all part of a cultural mosaic, part of the carrousel as well as a part of the kaleidoscope, and Canada was one of the first country to realize this and use it to its advantage to develop a country that is the most prominent in life and work, science and culture, social justice and professional excellence.

I still remember the somewhat cluttered power of Toronto, European charm of Montreal, the fairy-tale that is Quebec City (which reminded me of Dubrovnik in the winter!), Winnipeg's keenness, the wind and smell of the Pacific Ocean in Vancouver, the urbane Ottawa swiftness, and I can spiritually and clearly link them all to the places where we come from.  That is you, Emir, the tens of thousands of others, and myself who in the course of their historical will, came to Canada.  Let’s take this opportunity and let's strengthen the relations between Canada and Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Finally in the end, it would be my pleasure to see Professor Emir Ramić as a distinguished laureate in Canada.

Kind regards from cold and snowy Sarajevo.

Ambassador Haris Hrle

Moje ime ja Haris Hrle i imao sam cast biti ambasador Bosne i Hercegovine u SAD do oktobra 2018. godine.

Emira Ramica znam od 2002. godine, kada sam ga upoznao tokom svog diplomatskog manadata u Ottawi (2001.-2003.).

Zelim da Vam se zahvalim na aktivnostima kojim promoviste postovanje ljudskih prava u Bosni i Hercegovini, pojacavate saradnju medju drzavama i narodima te blagorodnoj, iskrenoj i vrijednoj  podrsci koju dajete bosanskohercegovackoj zajednici u Kanadi.  Vas srdacni i usmjeravajuci intervju su prenijela sva važnija sredstva informisanja u Bosni i Hercegovini. Razmisljajuci o nacinima kako je doslo do tog intervjua, shvatio sam da treba napraviti dodatni korak te ovom prilikom, ovim pismom, zelim dati podrsku Vasoj incijativi za dodjelu odlikovanja Emiru Ramicu. 

Tokom diplomatskog djelovanja u Ottawi shvatio sam da je upornost, trud i predanost dr Ramica bila kljucna za razumijevanje bh proslosti i stvarnosti u kanadskim institucijama, kod kanadskih parlamentaraca i dobrih ljudi nama tako drage i bliske i Kanade. Svi smo mi kulturni mozaik, dio ringispila i dio kaledioskopa, a Kanada je to prvo shvatila i iskoristila kao prednost u pravcu razvoja drzave koja je najpozeljnija za zivot i rad, nauku i kulturu, socijalnu pravdu i profesionalnu izvrsnost.

Jos uvijek pamtim pomalo pritajenu snagu Toronta, euro-sharm Montreala, bajkovitu idilu Quebec City (meni je licio na zimski Dubrovnik!), cistu ostrinu Winnipega, vjetar i miris Pacifika u Vancouveru, otmenu brzinu Ottawe i sve ih duhovno i jasno povezujem sa mjestima odakle poticemo - Vi, Emir, ja i desetine hiljada drugih koji su se slijedom istorijske volje nasli u Kanadi. Prilika je, pojacajmo veze Kanade i Bosne i Hercegovine!

Na kraju, bilo bi mi veoma drago vidjeti profesora Emira Ramica kao odlikovanog laureata u Kanadi.
