Podrške plemenitih


Dear Professor Ramic,

I am writing you pursuant to your correspondence with Professor Christian Schwarz-Schilling regarding his recently published book Der verspielte Frieden in Bosnien. Europas Versagen auf dem Balkan and your institute's petition (e-1837) to the Government of Canada seeking legal sanctioning for the deniers of the genocide in Srebrenica in Canada. I am writing you today as the niece of Christian Schwarz-Schilling. I live in Toronto and have followed the politics of Bosnia Herzegovina over the years with great interest.
A few weeks ago the office of Professor Schwarz-Schilling sent me three copies of his book translated into the Bosnian language: Prokockani mir u Bosni. Neuspjeh Evrope na Balkanu. I would be delighted to pass these on to readers of the Bosnian language in Canada for whom this book might be an important resource. Of course, I would like to send you one as well. 
Please do let me know if you know of individuals who might be interested in receiving a copy. Do we have a Canadian Member of Parliament of Bosnian descent who might appreciate receiving a copy?  I could send to three addresses in Canada.  Of course, I also have a few German language copies available, should that be of interest as well, but the book has unfortunately not yet been translated into English.

With respectful regards and looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience,
Doina Popescu
Founding Director
Gallery. Research. Collections
Toronto Metropolitan Univ
Toronto, Canada
cell 416 994 66 07 
