
Dear Prof.Dr. Abdulkader Alfantookh,

Dear Prof.Dr. Abdulkader Alfantookh, On behalf of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada, scientific research institutions engaged in research of the greatest crimes against humanity and civilization, we thank the organizers for the invitation to participate in the symposium on the theme "Media and Youth" which will be held on Thursday, the 27th October, 2016 starting at 9:30 am at the Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo. Unfortunately, because of the obligation we cannot attend. On this occasion we use to emphasize the importance of opening discussions on the impact of new media on young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Middle East. It is especially important to the scientific research aspect to explore the role of social media in the identification of the identity of young people, their behavior and social engagement. In this sense, our Institute is at your disposal. With respect, Professor Emir Ramic President of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada

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