
Generalna skupština UN-a je odredila 7. april kao Međunarodni dan sjećanja na genocid u Ruandi

The UN General Assembly designated April 7th as the International Day of Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda

IGC Remembers Rwanda Genocide Victims

IGC  remembers with profound sorrow the more than 800,000 victims of the Rwanda genocide 20 years ago. View

This unimaginable slaughter ended the illusion that after the Holocaust genocide would not happen again," said IGC Director Emir Ramic. "The refusal of governments and international institutions to intervene as systematic murders and related atrocities consumed Rwanda only furthered the magnitude of the genocide."

“The Rwandan people admirably have pursued the difficult path of recovery, rebuilding their society, but tragically many in the world have forgotten the lessons of genocide and the international community's promise of never again," said Emir. "From Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and  to  other nations, deep-seated hatreds fuel the evil of genocide."

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, established by the UN Security Council, has been instrumental in pursuing justice. Over the last 20 years, nearly 30 individuals — including some of the key architects of the mass murder — have been convicted by the Tribunal for their involvement in the genocide.


Generalna skupština UN-a je odredila 7. april kao MeÄ‘unarodni dan sjećanja na genocid u Ruandi

IGK sjeća žrtava genocida u Ruandi

IGK sa dubokom tugom se sjeća  više od 800.000 žrtava genocida u Ruandi, koji se dogodio  prije 20 godina. Ovaj strašni zločin je srušio  iluzije da nakon holokausta više se neće ponoviti genocid. Odbijanje vlada i internacionalne zajednice da efikasno intervenišu i suzbiju genocid u Ruandi i Bosni i Hercegovini samo povećava strah od budućih genocida u svijetu izjavio je direktor IGK Emir Ramić ".

MeÄ‘unarodni krivični sud za Ruandu , osnovan od strane Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a , ima presudnu ulogu u ostvarivanju istine i pravde. U proteklih 20 godina , skoro 30 pojedinaca - uključujući i neke od ključnih arhitekata genocida u Ruandi su osuÄ‘eni od strane ovoga suda za njihovo učešÄ‡e u genocidu .
