


Vrijeme ljudske solidarnosti

Največe poplave u historiji naše domovine ugrozile su hiljade ljudi. Ugroženi su ljudski životi. U ovoj ljudskoj katastrofi nema mjesta politici, svaÄ‘ama, političkim strankama, nacionalnim interesima. Ima mjesta jedino onome po čemu se ljudi razlikuju od svih drugih bića, ima mjesta pomoći ugroženima, ima mjesta humanosti, ima mjesta solidarnosti. Obaveza svakog od nas je da pomogne. Svaki pojedinac može da pomogne. Svaka pomoć je dragocjena. Pomoć ljudima u nevolji izazvanoj poplavama je naš trenutno najvažniji zadatak. Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada poziva sve ljude da pomognu unesrećenima u nezapamćenim poplavama koje su pogodile BiH i ugrozile mnoge ljude i njihovu imovinu. Budimo humani, pomozimo onima u nevolji.


The biggest flood in the history of BiH has jeopardized thousands of people and endangered human lives. In this human catastrophe there is no room for politics. There is a place which makes people different from all other beings, there is a place to help those at risk, there is a place for humanity, a place of solidarity. The obligation of each of us is to help. Every individual can help. Any help is appreciated. Helping people in distress caused by the floods is currently our most important task. Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada invites all people to help the victims of the unprecedented floods that hit BiH and the people in danger as well as their property. Let's be humane, let's help those in distress
