


Veliko-srpske nacionalističke poruke fudbalera Manchester City-a Kolarova i Nastasića

Bijele majice sa veoma istaknutim i uvrijedljivim srpskim ultranacionalističkim sloganom "Srbija do Tokija" koji su korišteni od strane srpskih vojnih i paravojnih snaga tokom agresije nad Bosnom i Hercegovinom i drugim susjednim zemljama u 1990-tim pod diktaturom Slobodana Miloševića.


Na zahtjev Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) i Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IGK), Engleska Fudbalska Asocijacija (FA) pokrenula je istragu protiv ponašanja Manchester City-evih nogometaša Aleksandra Kolarova i Matije Nastasića, u toku slavlja za osvojeno prvo mjesto po drugi put u tri godine Premijerlige, 11. maja 2014.

U korespondenciji koja je primljena u službi za odnose s javnošÄ‡u KBSA, predstavnik komunikacije FA navodi da se "istražuje slučaj" i "da su kontaktirana oba igrača kako bi pojasnili svoje ponašanje”.

Ova dva fudbalera su odlučili da proslave titulu noseći posebno napravljene bijele majice sa veoma istaknutim i uvrijedljivim srpskim ultranacionalističkim sloganom "Srbija do Tokija" koji su korišteni od strane srpskih vojnih i paravojnih snaga tokom agresije nad Bosnom i Hercegovinom i drugim susjednim zemljama u 1990-tim pod diktaturom Slobodana Miloševića. Doznajemo da su mnogi bosanski navijači Manchester City, povrijedjeni i razočarani sa ponasanjem ova dva nogometasa.

Pozdravljamo ovu istragu i nadamo se da će FA u potpunosti i brzo završiti istragu i poduzeti potrebne mjere sankcionisanja ovih fudbalera, te da će i osigurati da ove vrste uvredljivih poruka nikada ne budu dozvoljene u nogometu.


Press Release regarding the FA investigation of Kolarov and Nastasic

May 22, 2014


At the request of the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) and the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC), the English Football Association (The FA) has started an investigation into the actions of Manchester City football (soccer) players Aleksandar Kolarov and Matija Nastasic, during the team’s public celebrations of their second Premier League title in three years on May 11, 2014.


In the correspondence received by CNAB’s department for public relations, The FA’s communications representative indicated that they are “investigating the matter” and “have contacted both players to ask for their observations”.

The two players chose to celebrate the title by wearing customized white t-shirts featuring highly offensive Serbian ultranationalist slogan “Srbija do Tokija” (“Serbia to Tokyo”) that were used by Serbian military and paramilitary forces during their campaign of aggressions on Bosnia and Herzegovina and other neighboring countries in the 1990s under the dictatorship of Slobodan Milosevic. 


We have heard from many Bosnian supporters of the Manchester City club who said they have been hurt and disappointed with the actions of these two players.


We welcome the news of this investigation and hope that the FA will fully and swiftly complete the investigation and take the actions necessary to sanction the players, and ensure that these kinds of offensive messages are never allowed in the game of football.
