
Saopćenje u vezi rezultata istrage engleske fudbalske asocijacije (The FA) Aleksandara Kolarova i Matije Nastasića

Saopćenje u vezi rezultata istrage engleske fudbalske asocijacije (The FA) Aleksandara Kolarova i Matije Nastasića

June 28, 2014


Engleska fudbalska asocijacija je završila istragu u vezi ponašanja Manchester City igrača Aleksandra Kolarova i Matije Nastasića, tokom javne proslave osvajanja titule prvaka Premier League po drugi put u tri godine, 11 maja 2014.

Istraga je pokrenuta kao rezultat reakcije na protestno pismo upućeno od strane Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike i Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanade (IGC), u kojem se osudjuje način proslavljanja dvojice igrača koji su za ovu priliku obukli majice sa ultra-nacionalističkim sloganom “Srbija do Tokija”. Isti slogan je često bio korišten od strane srpskih vojnih kao i paravojnih jedinica prilikom počinjavanja ratnih zločina genocida na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine i susjednih zemalja tokom kampanje agresije koje su se desile pod diktaturom Slobodana Milosevica tokom 1990-ih. Navedene   su reakcije  mnogih navijača Manchester Citya, fanova  Premier League, koji vode porijeklo iz Bosne i Hercegovine i koji su uvelikom broju bili žrtve bosanskog genocida. Veoma su razočarani i povrijeÄ‘eni ovakvim neodgovornim ponašanje dvojice igrača.


Engleska fudbalska asocijacija je u službenom odgovoru upućenom odjelu  za odnose sa javnošÄ‡u Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike navela sljedece:

“Sproveli smo istragu vezanu za žalbu, i u skladu sa tim zatražili savijet od nezavisnih eksperata  vezano za  navedeni problem. Cijenimo činjenicu što ste naš upoznali sa ovim problemom. TakoÄ‘e razumijemo vaše reakcije vezane za simbole i slogane koji su se vidjeli tokom Premier League manifestacije.  Razumijemo  i zašto je sve ovo izazvalo negativne reakcije. Nama je takoÄ‘e saopšteno da simbol i slogan ove vrste može da ima višestruko značenje, i samim tim može da bude korišten u raznim kontekstima od kojih svi nisu uvredljivi i ofanzivni. Oba igrača su nam pojasnila da su majice nošene prvenstveno kao odraz nacionalnog ponosa. Naglasili su da nisu imali namjeru da provociraju ili propagiraju političke poruke bilo kakve vrste. Uzimajući u obzir savjete primljene od strane nezavisnog eksperta, The FA  je odlučila da izda upozorenje obojici  fudbalera  u vezi sa ovim slučajem. TakoÄ‘er im je veoma jasno dato do znanja da će u slučaju ponavljanja incidenta sa sloganom i simbolom, protiv njih  u budućnosti biti razmotrene strože disciplinske mjere.”


Tako ova istraga nije rezultirala u disciplinskim mjerama u ovom trenutku, pozdravljamo činjenicu da je FA tražila savjet  nezavisnog eksperta, provela istragu i uputila upozorenje dvojici igrača  protiv takvog ponašanja u budućnosti. Mi se nadamo da će na ovaj način biti poslana jasna poruka da provokativni nacionalistički slogan nemaju mjesto u sportu. Sa druge strane je veoma razočaravajuće to što Aleksandar Kolarov i Matija Nastasić nisu našli za shodno da se izvinu svima onima koji su bili uvrijeÄ‘eni  zbog neodgovornog ponašanja dvojice fudbalera.


Press Release regarding the results of the FA investigation of Aleksandar Kolarov and Matija Nastasic


June 28, 2014


The English Football Association (The FA) has completed their investigation into the actions of Manchester City football (soccer) players Aleksandar Kolarov and Matija Nastasic, during the team’s public celebrations of their second Premier League title in three years on May 11, 2014.


The investigation was launched as a result of the protest letter by the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) and the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) because the players chose to celebrate the title by wearing customized white t-shirts featuring highly offensive Serbian ultranationalist slogan “Srbija do Tokija” (“Serbia to Tokyo”).  These same slogans were frequently used by Serbian military and paramilitary forces while they committed genocide and atrocities during their campaign of aggressions on Bosnia and Herzegovina and other neighboring countries in the 1990s under the dictatorship of Slobodan Milosevic.  We have heard from many victims of the Bosnian genocide and supporters of Manchester City and fans of the Premier League who said they have been hurt and disappointed with the actions of these two players.


In the official correspondence received by CNAB’s department for public relations, The FA’s communications representative issued the following statement:

“We have investigated the complaint and sought independent expert advice on the matter. We appreciate the fact that you raised this matter with us and understand your reaction to seeing the symbol and slogan on t-shirts at a Premier League football match.  We also understand why they caused offence.  That said, we have been advised that the symbol and slogan have multiple meanings and have been, and are, used in a number of different contexts, not all of which are offensive. Both players have explained that the t-shirts were worn purely to reflect their national pride and have reassured us that it was not their intention to cause any offence or to make any political statement in wearing them. In considering this matter very carefully in light of the advice we have received from an independent expert, The FA has decided to issue both players with a warning on this occasion. We have also made it very clear that should either player display this slogan or symbol in the future, we may issue disciplinary charges against them.”


Although the investigation did not bring about disciplinary charges at this time, we welcome the actions taken by the FA to seek expert advice, investigate and issue a warning to the players against such actions in the future.  We hope that this will send a clear message that nationalist slogans that are offensive have no place in sports.  It is, however, very disappointing that Aleksandar Kolarov and Matija Nastasic did not issue an apology to all those who were offended.




