


11. juli, 2014.




Misliti genocid u Srebrenici znači tražiti odgovor na pitanje da li je genocid legalno sredstvo u ostvarivanju političkih i kulturnih ciljeva? Dejtonski mirovni sporazum pokazuje da on to jest.



Prošlo je devetnaest godina od genocida u Srebrenici, stravičnog zločina i simbola stradanja, agresije i genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini. U Srebrenici se dovršava barbarski pohod režima koji je ognjem i mačem pravio “Veliku Srbiju”. Bosanski Srbi u velikom broju, potaknuti velikosrpskom politikom iz Srbije, shvatili su da je jedini način da se stvori homogena, « Velika Srbija » da se izvrši  agresija i genocid. A genocid u Srebrenici predstavlja dovršavanje procesa zločina nad Bosnom i Hercegovinom, dovršenje projekta „čiste“ srpske teritorije u Bosni i Hercegovini. Taj proces se nije mogao sprovesti bez režima Slobodana Miloševića. Današnja srbijanska vlast odgovornost za genocid u Bosni i Hercegovini podmeće bosanskim Srbima koji su Dejtonski sporazum o miru pretvorili u sredstvo gušenja države Bosne i Hercegovine.


Na pragu dvadesete godišnjice jednog od največih zločina protiv čovjeka i civilizacije poslije holokausta u Evropi, Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada poziva bosanskohercegovačku, evropsku i svjetsku akademsku, kulturnu i političku javnost da konačno počne misliti genocid u Srebrenici. Novo promišljanje genocida u Srebrenici se treba zasnivati na:


1.Genocid u Srebrenici se ne može svesti na jednu dženazu godišnje i kurtoazni govor saučešÄ‡a političara iz Bosne i Hercegovine i inostranstva. Time se iskrivljuje, prikriva genocid koji u nedostatku novog promišljanja može podstaknuti nove velikosrpske nasrtaje na Bosnu i Hercegovinu.

2. Genocid nad Bošnjacima Srebrenice je na savjsti evropske i općenito svjetske zajednice. Pitanje genocida je pitanje cijelog čovječanstva. Dakle, genocid u Srebrenici treba posmatrati na evropskom i svjetskom nivou, u okviru internacionalnog prava, Povelje UN, Evropske Unije.

3. Na meÄ‘unarodnim skupovima se pominje Srebrenica, ali se ne veže za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Tako se stiče dojam da je Srebrenica neko neodreÄ‘eno mjesto izvan bosanskohercegovačkog prostora. Neznanje, neodgovornost i nesposobnost pojedinaca i institucija predstavljaju osnovicu potkopavanja herojske odbrane Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i ponižavanja žrtava stradanja. Time se pomaže da agresija na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu retroaktivno postane „graÄ‘anski rat“ u kojem su „svi ubijali“ i u kojem su „svi jednako krivi“.

4. Zna se ko je izvršio zločin genocida u Srebrenici, a znamo li odgovornost mnogobrojnih meÄ‘unarodnih i unutrašnjih političara koji Presudu Internacionalnog suda pravde u Hagu o genocidu u Srebrenici pretvaraju u mrtvo slovo na papiru. Presuda treba da služi za traženje i poštovanje prava, za ostvarivanje  pravde za žrtve, za utemeljenje istine o zločinu. Područje genocida treba da ima poseban status u savjesti meÄ‘unarodne zajednice, a ona i danas prelazi preko toga što se u toj zoni, na primjer, ni sada ne dopušta bošnjačkoj djeci, potomcima genocida, školovanje na maternjem jeziku.

5. Kompleksnost problema genocida zahtijeva da se na više razina govori i djeluje, a jedna od njih estetičko-umjetnička i poietička je izuzetno važna.

6. Institucije entiteta Republika Srpska, vojska i policija, prema presudi Internacionalnog suda pravde u Hagu počinile su genocid nad Bošnjacima. Bosanskohercegovačke dejtonske institucije moraju ispoštovati ovu Presudu, jer je ona nadreÄ‘ena svim pravno-političkim i paradržavnim formama djelovanja. Borba za Bosnu i Hercegovinu danas se vodi kroz poštivanje vladavine zakona i priznavanje važnosti internacionalnog prava kojim se članica UN mora zaštititi od barbarstva, agresije i velikosrpskog projekta koji proizilazi iz ekspanzionističko-integralističkog nacionalizma. U entitetu Republika Srpska očuvanje rezultata genocida postavljeno je kao glavni politički i kulturni cilj svih vlada poslije Dejtona. To im je omogućio upravo Dejtonski mirovni sporazum. Od 1995. do 2014. Bosna i Hercegovina je postala zatočenik entitetskog iredentističkog i protivdržavnog djelovanja. Oni koji ne shvataju da je genocidna tvorevina Republika Srpska četnički antibosanski projekt trebaju odstupiti iz struktura vlasti. Tu se ne radi o naivnosti i neznanju – riječ je o nedoraslosti i krajnjoj neodgovornosti.  Tako se entitet Republika Srpska pokazuje kao rezultat i kao čuvar  ostvarenog genocidnog zlodjela kojim se priprema stvaranje „srpske države“ na tlu države Bosne i Hercegovine. To vodi ka novim ratovima.

7. Polazeći od naučno utemeljenih ideja da genocid udara u sam temelje države i društva, misleći o genocidu u Srebrenici, mi mislimo dejtonski projekt kao projekt koji direktno dovodi u pitanje državu Bosnu i Hercegovinu i podmeće  antibosanski Ustav (Anex IV). Misleći o genocidu u Srebrenici, dakle, mislimo o državi i društvu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Bošnjačka politika i predstavnici političkih stranaka koji se navodno brinu za interese bošnjačkog naroda, nisu pokazali doraslost u razumijevanju genocida koji je sproveden nad stanovnicima Bosne i Hercegovine. Bošnjaci ne poklanjaju neophodnu pažnju velikosrpskom programu etničkog čišÄ‡enja i genocida koji traje dva stoljeća. Entitet Republika Srpska je rezultat tog programa.

8. Misliti genocid u Srebrenici znači i tražiti odgovor na pitanje da li je genocid legalno sredstvo u ostvarivanju političkih i kulturnih ciljeva? Dejtonski mirovni sporazum pokazuje da on to jest. Isto tako, pred nam je pitanje da li je Presuda Internacionalnog suda pravde dovoljna da se ostvari pravo žrtava i dostigne pravda? Da li je moguće da djelo genocida i dalje postoji na tlu države Bosne i Hercegovine?  Donošenje nužnih ustavnih promjena u Bosni i Hercegovini nije moguće uz očuvanje tekovina genocida koji je u njoj izvršen. Zločinom genocida stvoren je entitet Republika Srpska na tlu države Bosne i Hercegovine i treba zahtijevati da se to djelo i njegovi izvršioci sankcioniraju pred internacionalnim institucijama prava.

9. Bosna i Hercegovina, zemlja u kojoj se dogodio genocid, pored više pokušaja nije usvojila dokument o osudi genocida. Misliti genocid u Srebrenici podrazumjeva usvojanje rezolucije o osudi genocida u Srebrenici i proglašenje 11. jula danom sjećanja na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici. Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada putem svoga Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima će pojačati napore i tražiti pritisak meÄ‘unarodnih faktora na pojedine članove Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine u smislu da promjene svoje razmišljanje i stavove kako bi se rezolucija usvojila. To je prije svega ljudska obaveza i poštovanje prema žrtvama i svjedocima genocida u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini.

10. Na kraju, misliti genocid u Srebrenici podrazumijeva  razvijati sistem obrazovanja koji će učiti generacije da je na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu izvršena višestruka agresija, a nad njenim graÄ‘anima genocid. Danas u svijesti bosanskohercegovačkog čovjeka pojmovi agresija genocid na putu su da nestanu.

Emir Ramić

Institut za istražvanje genocida, Kanada


 July 11, 2014.




Think of the Srebrenica genocide means and look for the answer to the question of whether genocide legal means to achieve political and cultural objectives? The Dayton Peace Agreement shows that it is


It's been nineteen years since the genocide in Srebrenica, a horrible crime and a symbol of suffering, aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Barbaric regime that is with fire and sword made a "Greater Serbia" is getting completed in Srebrenica. Inspired by great Serbian politics from Serbia, Bosnian Serbs ( in large numbers ), have realized that only with the aggression and genocide, they can make a homogenous "Greater Serbia". Genocide in Srebrenica represents the completion of the process of crimes against Bosnia and Herzegovina, the completion of the "pure" Serbian territory in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This process could not be carried out without the regime of Slobodan Milosevic. Today's Serbian authorities impose the responsibility of the Bosnian Serbs for genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who have turned the Dayton peace agreement to quench the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


On the threshold of the twentieth anniversary of one of the greatest crimes against humanity and civilization after the Holocaust in Europe, the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada urges Bosnian-Herzegovinian, European and global academic, cultural and political public to finally start thinking about the genocide in Srebrenica. Rethinking of the Srebrenica genocide should be based on:


1. Genocide in Srebrenica cannot be reduced to one funeral and courteous politician's speech of condolence from Bosanko- Herzegovinian politicians and politicians from abroad once a year. This distorts and disguises the genocide that in the absence of new thinking can encourage new Greater Serbian attacks on Bosnia and Herzegovina.


2. The genocide against the Bosnia’s of Srebrenica is on European conscience and the world community in general. Question of Genocide is an issue of humanity.  Therefore, genocide in Srebrenica should be considered at European and world level, in the framework of international law, the UN Charter, the European Union.


3. At international conferences mentioned Srebrenica, but is not tied to Bosnia and Herzegovina. So the impression that Srebrenica a vague place outside the Bosnian space. Ignorance, irresponsibility and incompetence of individuals and institutions constitute the basis undermining the heroic defense of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the humiliation of victims of calamities. This helps to aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina retroactively become a "civil war" in which "all kill" in which "all equally guilty."


4. We know who committed the crime of genocide, and we know the responsibility of numerous international and domestic politicians that the verdict of the International Court of Justice in The Hague on genocide in Srebrenica turned into a dead letter. The judgment should be used to search for and respect, for the realization of justice for the victims, for the establishment of the truth about the crime. Area of genocide should have a special status in the conscience of the international community. She still passes over the fact that in this area, for example, even now does not allow Bosnian children after the genocide, that is educated in their own language.


5. The complexity of the problem of genocide requires that the multi-level talks and acts, and one of them are aesthetic, artistic and social groups are extremely important.


6. The institutions of the Republican Serbian army and police, according to the judgment of the International Court of Justice in The Hague committed genocide against Bosnians. Dayton BiH institutions must comply with this judgment, because it is superior to all legal-political and Para-state forms of action. The battle for Bosnia and Herzegovina today is through respect for the rule of law and recognition of the importance of international law that UN members must be protected against barbarism, aggression and Greater Serbian project that stems from the expansionist-integrals nationalism. The entity of the Republic of Serbian genocide preservation result set as a major political and cultural objective of the government after Dayton. The Dayton Peace Accords had just enabled it right. From the 1995th to 2014th Bosnia and Herzegovina became a prisoner of the entity irredentist and against state action. Those who do not realize that a genocidal creation of the Republic of Serbian is Chetniks anti-Bosnian project should step down from power structures. This is not about naivety and ignorance - it is the inadequacy and utter irresponsibility. This entity of the Republic of Serbian shows as a result, and as guardian of the resulting genocidal atrocities which prepares the creation of "Serbian state" on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This leads to new wars.


7. Starting from the idea that science-based genocide strikes at the very foundations of the state and society, thinking about the genocide in Srebrenica, we think the Dayton project as a project that directly calls into question the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and supplies the anti-Bosnian Constitution (Annex IV). Thinking about the genocide in Srebrenica, therefore, think of the state and society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnian politics and representatives of political parties that are supposedly caring for the interests of the Bosnian people showed up to this understanding that genocide was carried out against the residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnians do not pay the necessary attention to the Greater Serbian program of ethnic cleansing and genocide, which lasted for two centuries. The Republic of Serbian entity is a result of the program.


8. Think of the Srebrenica genocide means and look for the answer to the question of whether genocide legal means to achieve political and cultural objectives? The Dayton Peace Agreement shows that it is. Likewise, the question before us whether the judgment of the International Court of Justice sufficient to realize the right of victims and achieve justice? Is it possible to Genocide still exists on the ground state of Bosnia and Herzegovina? Adoption of the necessary constitutional changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not possible while preserving the legacy of the genocide that was in it was made. Crime of genocide was created entity of the Serbian territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and shall require that the act and its perpetrators are sanctioned before the international institutions of law.


9. Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country where the genocide took place, in addition to several attempts failed to adopt a document condemning the genocide. Think of the Srebrenica genocide implies the adoption of the resolution on condemning the Srebrenica genocide and the announcement on July 11, the day of remembrance of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide. Institute for Research of Genocide Canada through its International expert team will step up efforts and seek international pressure factors on individual members of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the sense that it changes their thinking and attitudes to the resolution adopted. It is primarily a human obligation and respect for victims and witnesses of genocide in Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


10. Finally, think of the Srebrenica genocide involves developing an education system that will teach generations that had been done multiple aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens. Today, in the minds of the Bosnian people, the concepts of aggression genocide on their way to disappear.


Emir Ramic

Institute for research of Genocide, Canada
