
Protesno pismo u vezi negatora genocida Handkea

20. 09. 2014.


The International Ibsen Award

C/0 Nationaltheatret. Postbobks 1225 Vika, o11o Oslo, Norway


Telephone: (+47) 959 11 799


Prime Minister Erna Solberg

The Office of the Prime Minister

P.O. Box  8001 dep.

(NO-)0030 Oslo

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90




Poštovani članovi Žirija 2014 Internacionalne Ibsen nagrade.

Poštovana Predsjednica Vlade Norveške,



U ime preživjelih žrtava i svjedoka agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad njenim graÄ‘anima, u ime KanaÄ‘ana i Amerikanaca prijatelja istine i pravde, Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada najoštrije protestuje protiv odluke žirija o dodjeljivanju presitžne Internacionalne Ibsen-nagrade austrijskom piscu koji živi u Francuskoj, dramaturgu, negatoru genocida u Srebrenici Peter Handke. Sramna odluka o dodijeljivanju nagrade poštovaocu kreatora agresije na Republiku BiH i genocida nad njenim graÄ‘anima, največih zločina poslije holokausta u Evropi, Peter Handkea je duboko užasnula sve razumne i časne ljudi svijetu i osramotila pravdu i istinu, te najvele tekovine ljudske civilizacije. Ovakav izbor ovogodišnjeg laureata nagrade Ibsen usmjeren je upravo na implicitno ali potpuno nedvosmisleno ublažavanje i relativiziranje stvarnog karaktera agresije i genocida u BiH, javno motivisanih vjerskomrasnom, nacionalnom mržnjom.


Neshvatljivo je da Norveška, koja finansira ovu nagradu, nagraÄ‘uje čovjeka koji podržava ekstremnu nacionalističku politiku stvaranje Velike Srbije agresijom i genocidom, koji ne priznaje presude internacionalnih sudova, koji negira sudski utvrÄ‘en genocid u Srebrenici. NagraÄ‘ivanjem političkog i nacionalističkog ekstrema, revizora historije, Norveška šalje izuzeteno lošu poruku svijetu, civlizaciji, čovjeku. Zapravo ovom nagradom koja ide u pogrešne ruke, Norveška ohrabruje agresivni nacionalizam koji se želi širiti nasilnim zauzimanjem tuÄ‘ih teritorija i porobljavanjem čitavih naroda.


S Poštovanjem,

Emir Ramic

Profesor Emir Ramic, Direktor

Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada



September 20,  2014


The International Ibsen Award

C/0 Nationaltheatret. Postbobks 1225 Vika, o11o Oslo, Norway


Telephone: (+47) 959 11 799


Prime Minister Erna Solberg

The Office of the Prime Minister

P.O. Box  8001 dep.

(NO-)0030 Oslo

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90




Dear Members of the Jury of the 2014 International Ibsen Award,

Honorable Prime Minister of Norway,


On behalf of the surviving victims and witnesses of aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens, on behalf of Canadians and Americans as well as friends of truth and justice, the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada condemns the decision against the jury for awarding the Austrian writer, play write and Srebrenica genocide denier Peter Handke the prestigious International Ibsen Award. The shameful decision to award the prize to an admirer of makers of aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens (the biggest crime after the Holocaust in Europe) Peter Handke, has deeply offended all reasonable and honorable people worldwide and shamed justice and truth - the biggest achievements of human civilization. The choice of this year's laureates Ibsen focused precisely on the implicit but completely unambiguous mitigation and relativism of the actual nature of the aggression and genocide in Bosnia, publicly motivated national hatred.


It is incomprehensible that Norway, which funded this award, is rewarding a man who supports extreme nationalist policy of creating a Greater Serbia, aggression and genocide, a man who does not recognize the verdicts of international criminal tribunal, and continues to deny the genocide in Srebrenica despite the determination of the court. By rewarding political and nationalist extremes, Norway is sending a bad message to the world, civilization and man. Actually this award, which is going into the wrong hands, encourages aggressive nationalism, which can spread the forced occupation of foreign territories and enslavement of entire peoples.


On behalf of the marginalized and the injured victims and witnesses of aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on behalf of the many friends of truth and justice in North America and throughout the world, on behalf of more than 100 activists of human rights and freedom, members of the International Expert Team of the Institute for research of Genocide Canada, kindly asks the jury to withdraw its decision. At the same time we seek answers to the following questions from the jury: Are you convinced that Peter Handke is worthy of carrying the Henrik Ibsen award, and receiving 300,000 euros from the Government of Norway. All this implies that Peter Handke is a good role model for young playwrights, readers and viewers in the theater where they can carefully absorb Handke's ideas, aesthetics and ethics. Whether this applies to victims of Slobodan Milosevic's former regime, which Peter Handke respected and demonstrated by attending and giving a speech at his funeral? Does a young writer who is still searching for the bones of his father killed in Srebrenica 19 years ago, need to learn "formal beauty and brilliant reflection" from Handke? Should mothers, sisters, wives and children of those killed learn from Handke's works? Should concentration camp victims and victims of mass rape be relaxing in theaters and indulge in "prosperovskoj" wisdom and greatest "importance" Handke’s thoughts? Since you are very strongly determined of Handke exceptional strength, it is obvious that you think that the answers to these questions are "yes." We are asking you to explain how we, the victims of aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina can enjoy the work of Peter Handke, when he negates these crimes.


We are sending the same letter to the Government of Norway, which is funding the prize this year to withdraw funding for the award with apologies to humiliated victims and witnesses of aggression and genocide that have lost confidence in the Norwegian objectivity and impartiality.



Emir Ramic

Professor Emir Ramic, President

The Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada
