
Pismo Visokom predstavniku

January 9, 2015

 Dear Valentin Inzko

Mr. Valentin Inzko

High Representative

The Office of the High Representative

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear High Representative Inzko,


We are writing to express our concern about the intention of the authorities in Višegrad to demolish the Pionirska Street house. The Pionirska Street house fire that occurred on June 14, 1992, was one of two incidents in which approximately 60 civilians, including women and children, were burned alive. The second incident took place in the Bikavac settlement on June 27, 1992.  The ICTY Judgment, which convicted the perpetrators of these crimes, observed that:

“the Pionirska street fire and the Bikavac fires exemplify the worst acts of inhumanity that one person may inflict upon others. …these horrific events remain imprinted on the memory for the viciousness of the incendiary attack, for the sheer callousness and cruelty of herding, trapping, and locking the victims in the two houses, thereby rendering them helpless in the ensuing inferno, and for the degree of pain and suffering inflicted on the victims as they were burned alive.”1

Moreover, as part of its Sentencing of the perpetrators for the crimes at Pionirska Street house, the Court took “the gravity of the offence” into account, referring to the particular gravity of the “monstrous mass killings.”2 The Court considered as well the extreme vulnerability of the victims,” who had been “rendered helpless,” victims who included “a seventy-five year old woman” and “six children between the ages of two and four years old, and a two-day-old infant.”3 In its related “Discussion and findings” the Court asserted that:


“By burning the victims and the houses in which they were trapped, Milan Lukić and the other perpetrators intended to obliterate the identities of their victims and, in so doing, to strip them of their humanity. The families of victims could not identify or bury their loved ones. … There is a unique cruelty in expunging all traces of the individual victims which must heighten the gravity ascribed to these crimes.“4

The Court proceeded to emphasize the perpetrators’ “depravity” in their efforts to kill the victims “in a way calculated to cause the maximum amount of suffering.”5

In Višegrad today, the Bikavac house has indeed been entirely obliterated, and the Pionirska Street house is the only remaining evidence of these horrible crimes. The Pionirska Street house serves, in its very existence, as the only memorial to the victims. Unfortunately, it seems to be the official policy in Republika Srpska to deny crimes against humanity and genocide, and to suppress the cultural practice of mourning and memorialization for the victims. The plan to demolish the Pionirska Street house confirms this official policy. If the authorities are permitted to demolish the Pionirska Street house, then their genocide denial in Republika Srpska will have attained to new levels of depravity.

In the face of such efforts to erase the traces of the crime, Mrs. Bakira Hasečić, President of the Association of Women Victims of War, has attempted to restore the Pionirska Street house in order to preserve the memory of the victims. However, as a result of her heroic efforts, Mrs. Hasečić has been investigated for “illegal construction” and for crossing a “red tape,” with which the authorities encircled the house to forbid access to the property. Mrs. Hasečić was persecuted and victimized during the genocide from 1992-1995, and now, as she resists genocide denial, she is being persecuted once again. Thus, it would seem that the perpetrators, who carried out the genocide in 1992, are succeeding once again in the intimidation and persecution of Bosniaks and non-Serbs, and in the destruction civilian homes.  Word has reached us that all final appeals to prevent the demolition of Pionirska Street house have been exhausted.


On December 9, 2014, Al Jazeera Balkans published an article by Professor David Pettigrew, in which he reported on remarks that you made in Prague on October 30.6 We found your remarks to be quite encouraging when you described genocide denial as “unbelievable,” and when you referred to the glorification of war criminals in Republika Srpska as simply “unacceptable,” and as being equivalent to “hate speech.” You insisted, moreover, that Bosnia and Herzegovina needed to enact laws against genocide denial and hate speech.


In addition, Professor Pettigrew stated in his article that, on March 18, 2014, he crossed the “red tape” that forbids access to the Pionirska Street house in solidarity with Mrs. Hasečić and in order to respect and honor the memory of the victims of the crime. Further, in the same article, Professor Pettigrew invited you to join him in crossing and defying the “red tape” at the Pionirska Street house in the sense that the “red tape” is a “red line” of genocide denial, hate speech, discrimination, persecution, psychological intimidation and dehumanizing exclusion. Pettigrew wrote:  “Let us cross the red line together in remembrance of the victims, in solidarity with the survivors, and in support of human rights.”


Mr. High Representative, we ask you to accept Professor Pettigrew’s invitation to defy the red line of genocide denial so as to preserve Pionirska Street house in remembrance of the victims and also to protect Mrs. Hasečić from further persecution. The situation in Višegrad is indeed dire, and we are seeking your support and intervention now especially because of your recent remarks in Prague. We ask you to demonstrate the moral leadership befitting your position and to intervene before it is too late. We implore you take whatever administrative action is necessary and is in your power to prevent the destruction of the house and to resist genocide denial.


Approximately one year ago we proposed that you declare such atrocity sites as federal or national property such that the survivors would be empowered to create memorials and commemorate the genocide free of interference, denial and the suppression of the truth. Such protected national memorial sites could be established on analogy with the Potočari Memorial Center and Cemetery, which was established by the Office High Representative in memory of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide. With the impending demolition of the Pionirska Street house, we believe that now is the time to move forward with such an initiative for Višegrad, Prijedor, Foča, and other “places of pain”7 where survivors have been prevented from mourning and memorializing the victims.


Thank you for your kind consideration.




Sanja Seferović-Drnovšek, J.D., M.Ed.,

Chairperson, Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center (BAGI)

Member, Illinois Holocaust and Genocide Commission




Prof. Emir Ramić, Chairman,

Institute for the Research of Genocide, Canada (IRGC);


Prof. Dr. Rasim Muratović, Director,

Institute for the Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo;


Prof. Dr. Senadin Lavic, President,

Bosniak Cultural Association “Renaissance”;


Ajla Delkic, Executive Director,

Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina;


Mirsad Duratovic, President,

Association of Detainees “Prijedor ‘92”;


Satko Mujagic, President,

Platform Bosnia and Herzegovina, umbrella organization of Bosnian associations and foundations in the Netherlands.





International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Judgement, Milan Lukić & Sredoje Lukić (IT-98-32/1-T) “Višegrad”, Trial Chamber III, §1061,July 20, 2009, accessed January 4, 2015,


Ibid, §1064.

Ibid, §1062.


Ibid, §1063.


Inzko, Valentin. “Panel Presentation and Discussion.” “Conference on “European Integration of the Western Balkans” Council for International Relations in Cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs Czech Republic, Prague. Speech, October 30, 2014, accessed January 4, 2015,


Hariz Halilovich, Places of Pain: Forced Displacement, Popular Memory and Trans-Local Identities in Bosnian War-Torn Communities. New York. Berghahn 2013.




Gospodin Valentin Inzko

Visoki predstavnik

Ured Visokog predstavnika

Sarajevo, Bosna I Heercegovina



9 januar, 2015


Poštovani Visoki Predstavniče Inzko,


Ovim pismom izrazavamo  zabrinutost zbog namjere višegradske vlasti da sruši kuću u Pionirskoj ulici koja je mjesto ratnog zločina koji se desio tokom 1992. godine. Paljenje ove kuće, jedan od dva takva slučaja, se desilo 14. juna 1992. godine,  tokom kojeg je oko 60 civila, uključujući žene i djecu, živo spaljeno. Drugi slučaj se desio u naselju Bikavac 27. juna 1992. godine. MeÄ‘unarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju je počinioce osudio za ove zločine opažajući da “su lomace u Pionirskoj ulici i na Bikavcu primjeri najgorih činova nehumanosti koje neko može drugoj osobi nanijeti…ovi stravični dogaÄ‘aji ostaju ucrtani u sjećanju zbog zlokobnog spaljivanja, bezdušnosti i surovosti sprovoÄ‘enja, zatvaranja i zaključavanja žrtava u ove kuće, zrtve su se našle bespomoćne u paklu koji je nastao i zbog stepena boli i patnje koje su  žrtve trpile dok su žive gorile.“


Tokom presude počiniocima zločina u Pionirskoj, sud je takoÄ‘e uračunao težinu tog čina, odnosno težinu monstruoznog masovnog ubijanja, kao i istaknutu ranjivost žrtava koje su prisilno dovedene u stanje bespomoćnosti, meÄ‘u kojima se nalazila sedamdesetpetogodišnja žena, šestoro djece od dvije do četiri godine i novoroÄ‘enče staro dva dana.  Sud je u dijelu “Diskusija i zaključci” istakao:


“Spaljivanjem žrtava u kućama u kojim su one bile zatvorene, Milan Lukić i drugi počinioci su namjeravali da potpuno uniste  identitet svojih žrtava i time ih liše njihove ljudskosti. Porodice žrtava nisu mogle identifikovati ni sahraniti svoje najmilije…Ovakvom brisanju svih tragova individualnih žrtava svojstvena je jedinstvena okrtunost koja mora uvećati težinu pridatu tim zločinima.


Sud je dalje naglasio silnu  “izopačenost” zločinaca u njihovoj “proračunatoj namjeri da uzrokuju maksimalnu patnju”.



U današnjem Višegradu, kuća na Bikavcu je skoro potpuno uništena, a kuća u Pionirskoj ulici je jedini preostali dokaz ovih strahovitih zločina. Samo postojanje kuće u Pionirskoj služi kao jedini spomenik žrtvama. Nažalost, negiranje zločina protiv čovječnosti i genocida kao i osporavanje običaja žaljenja žrtava i spomena na njih  su zvanično pravilo Republike Srpske, što je potvrÄ‘eno namjerom da se kuća u Pionirskoj ulici poruši. Ako vlastima bude dozvoljeno da poruše kuću u Pionirskoj, negiranje genocida u Republici Srpskoj će dostići  jos jedan nivo izopačenosti.


Nasuprot naporima da se izbrišu tragovi zločina, gospoÄ‘a Bakira Hasečić, predsjednica udruženja “Žene žrtve rata”, se potrudila da pronaÄ‘e način da se kuća u Pionirskoj obnovi da bi se očuvalo sjećanje na žrtve koje su u njoj poginule. Zbog ovih napora, gospoÄ‘a Hasečić je postala meta istrage radi takozvane “protuzakonite gradnje” i prelaženja “crvene trake” kojom su vlasti okružile kuću da bi se spriječio pristup kući. GospoÄ‘a Hasečić je proganjana i izmučena tokom genocida od 1992-1995 a sad, kad se protivi negiranju genocida, progon se nastavlja. Dakle čini se da počinioci genocida iz 1992. godine opet uspijevaju da zastraše i proganjaju Bošnjake i ostale koji nisu Srbi i da ruše kuće civila. Saznali smo da su iskorištena konačna prava na žalbu kojom bi se spriječilo rušenje kuće u Pionirskoj ulici.


Novinska agencija Al Jazeera Balkans je 9. decembra 2014 objavila članak profesora Dejvida Petigrua u kojem je pisao o Vašoj izjavi u Pragu, 30. oktobra. Ohrabreni smo vašim opažanjima, koja opisuju negiranje genocida “nevjerovatnim” i glorifikovanje ratnih zločinaca u Republici Srpskoj “neprihvatljivo” i jednako “govoru mržnje”. Vi ste takoÄ‘e insistirali da Bosna i Hercegovina mora donijeti zakone protiv negiranja genocida i govora mržnje.


Profesor Petigru je u istom članku istakao  da je 18. marta 2014 i on prešao “crvenu traku” koja zabranjuje pristup kući u Pionirskoj ulici u znak solidarnosti s gospoÄ‘om Hasečić i u znak poštovanja i ospomena na žrtve zločina koji je tu počinjen. Profesor Petigru Vas je u tom članku pozvao da mu se pridružite u  prelaženju , uprkos zabrane,  “crvene trake” oko kuće u Pionirskoj, shvatajući tu traku kao “crvenu liniju” negiranja genocida, govora mržnje, diskriminacije, progona, psihološkog zastrašivanja i dehumanizirajućeg isključivanja. Petigru je napisao sljedeće: “PreÄ‘imo crvenu crtu zajedno u znak sjećanja na žrtve, u znak solidarnosti s preživjelima i u znak podrške ljudskih prava”.


Poštovani Visoki Predstavniče, molimo Vas da prihvatite poziv Profesora Petigrua da se usprotivite crvenoj liniji negiranja genocida da bi se kuća u Pionirskoj ulici očuvala u znak sjećanja na žrtve ali i da bi se gospoÄ‘u Hasečić zaštitila od daljnjeg progona. Situacija u Višegradu je kobna i tražimo Vašu podršku i posredovanje upravo zbog Vaše izjave u Pragu. Molimo Vas da pokažete onakvo moralno voÄ‘stvo kakvo dolikuje Vašem položaju i da intervenišete prije nego što bude prekasno. Molimo Vas da pokrenete sva  potrebna i Vama raspoloživa upravna djela da spriječite rušenje kuće u Pionirskoj i da pružite otpor negiranju genocida.


Prije otprilike godinu dana smo predložili da mjesta ovakvih zvjerstava proglasite federalnim ili državnim vlasništvima kako bi se slobodno mogli graditi spomenici  zrtvama genocida a koji su i spomen na genocid,  bez intervencija, negiranja i potiskivanja istine. Zaštićeni državni spomenici mogu biti podignuti na isti nacin kao sto je Ured visokog predstavnika osnovao Memorijalni centar i mezarje u Potočarima  u znak sjećanja na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici. Smatramo da je sada, kad se rušenje kuće u Pionirskoj čini neminovno, pravo vrijeme da se počne s takvim poduhvatom u Višegradu, Prijedoru, Foči i u drugim “mjestima boli” gdje se preživjelima ne dozvoljava da na ovaj nacin zale  i odaju duznu postu u znak sjecanja na zrtve zlocina.


Zahvaljujemo Vam se na razmatranju našeg prijedloga.




Sanja  Seferović-Drnovšek, J.D., M.Ed.,

Predsjednica, Bosansko-američki Institut za istrazivanje genocida i obrazovanje (BAGI)

ÄŒlan, Ilinois  Komisija  za holokaust i genocid


Prof. Emir Ramić, predsjednik,

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC);


Dr Rasim Muratović, direktor,

Institut za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu;


Senadin Lavić dr, predsjednik,

Bošnjačka kulturna Zajednica “Preporod”;


Ajla Delkic, izvršni direktor,

Savjetodavno vijeće za Bosnu i Hercegovinu;


Mirsad Duratović, predsjednik,

Udruženje logoraša “Prijedor ’92″;


Satko Mujagić, predsjednik,

Platforma Bosna i Hercegovina, krovna organizacija bosanskih udruženja i fondacija u Nizozemskoj.
