
Saopćenje IGK povodom Međunarodnog dana sjećanja na holocaust


Saopćenje IGK povodom Međunarodnog dana sjećanja na holocaust


Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada {IGK} na Međunarodni dan sjećanja na holokaust sjeća se žrtava holokausta ali žrtava genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini i svih žrtava svih zločina u svijetu.

Dvadeseto stoljeće je obilježila monstruozna neljudska težnja da se istrijebe cijele nacionalne, etničke, rasne ili vjerske grupe, da im se onemogući biološki, kulturni, socijalni i ekološki opstanak. Iz nacističkog holokausta čovječanstvo još uvijek ima mogućnost izvući historijsku pouku i poruku, te osigurati bolju budućnost, mada je genocid u Bosni i Hercegovini, koga je generirao srpski i hrvatski nacizam i na kostima ubijenih žrtava inaugurirao genocidne tvorevine na jedinstvenom državnom i društvenom bosanskohercegovačkom tkivu, pokazao ogromno negativno iskustvo.


Baš zato, danas je više nego ikada, kada zločini protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava postoje u svijetu, potrebno formirati i jačati historijsku svijest o holokaustu, genocidu u Bosni i Hercegovini i genocidu u svijetu, što zahtijeva da čuvamo sjećanje na žrtve kao i da se procesuiraju svi oni koji su odgovorni za stravične zločine.


Posebno istićemo da je najgnusniji od svih zločina  negiranje zločina protiv čovječnosti, ratnog zločina i holokausta i genocida.


Pored holokausta koji mora biti stalni predmet naučnih istraživanja, zločin genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini zaslužuje takoÄ‘e posebnu pažnju. Njegovi planeri, naredbodavci i izvršioci identifikuju i odreÄ‘uju čitave grupe ljudi za istrebljenje. Stoga je sveti zadatak intelektualaca i odgovornost istraživača da naučno istražuju genocid i druge oblike zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava, na čemu se temelji istina i pravda i maksimalno sužava prostor za potencijalne falsifikate, manipulacije i laži. Protiv onih koji veličaju i negiraju holokaust i genocid treba se boriti svim sredstvima, dajući im na znanje da se takva zla neće tolerirati.


Zajedno možemo zaustaviti zločin negiranja holokausta i genocida i time poslati jasnu poruku žrtvama da nisu sami u borbi da dokažu očiglednu i neospornu istinu o svojim patnjama. Istina o holokaustu i genocidima mora biti dokućena. Pravda za žrtve holokausta i genocida mora biti zadovoljena.


Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada



Notification from IGK on the International Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust


Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC} on the International Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust remembers Holocaust victims or victims of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and all the victims of all crimes in the world.


The twentieth century was marked by a monstrous inhuman desire to exterminate the entire national, ethnic, racial or religious group, to prevent biological, cultural, social and environmental survival.


From the Nazi Holocaust, humanity still has the ability to learn a historical lesson and message, and to ensure a better future. Although the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, generated by the Serbian and Croatian Nazism, who have used the bones of murder victims to inaugurate  genocidal in the single state and social tissue of the Bosnian,  is displayed tremendous negative experience.


Therefore, today more than ever, when crimes against humanity and international law exist in the world, it is necessary to form and strengthen the historical consciousness of the Holocaust, the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide in the world, which requires us to preserve the memory of the victims as well as to prosecute all those responsible for horrific crimes.


In particular, we stress that the most heinous of all crimes is a crime of denial against humanity, war crimes and the Holocaust and genocide.


In addition to the Holocaust, which must be permanent subject of scientific research, the crime of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina also deserves special attention. Its planners, commanders and perpetrators are identifying d and determining the entire human groups for extinction. Therefore, the sacred task of intellectuals and responsibility of researchers is to scientifically investigate genocide and other forms of crimes against humanity and international law, which is based on truth and justice. With a solid foundation of truth and justice, there will come a narrowing of the maximum space for potential falsification, manipulation and lies. Against those who glorify and deny the Holocaust and genocide, we need to fight them by all means, letting them know that this evil will not be tolerated.


Together we can stop the crime of Holocaust denial and genocide and in this way we can send a clear message to victims that they are not alone in the struggle to prove the obvious and undeniable truth about their suffering.


The truth about the Holocaust and genocides must be fathomed.  Justice for victims of the Holocaust and genocide must be satisfied.


Institute for Research of Genocide Canada
