
Saopćenje povodom odgovora Kanade i Velike Britanije povodom kupovine meta s uvredljivim nazivom


20. 03. 2015.

Saopćenje povodom odgovora Kanade i Velike Britanije povodom kupovine meta s uvredljivim nazivom

Kanadska vlada izrazila žaljenje i izvinjenje povodom diskriminirajučih naziva za vojne mete

Britanska vlada izjavila da njena armija neće koristiti vojne mete sa diskriminirajučim nazivom

Lideri kanadskih Bošnjaka su dobili pismene odgovore od Kanade i Velike Britanije na zajedničko pismo Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) i Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IGK) povodom informacije da je kanadska vlada naručila mete za vježbe britanskih vojnika, meÄ‘u kojima su i mete nazvane “Bosanski muški“. U pismu je od nadležnih kanadskih i britanskih državnih organa zatraženo objašnjenje imenovanja vojnih meta, opoziv imenovanja i izvinjenje za ovaj ponižavajući i diskriminirajući čin, koji je graÄ‘ane Bosne i Hercegovine u Kanadi, kao preživjele žrtve agresije i genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini, ponovo vratio u ratne strahote i narušio njihov osjećaj sigurnosti i jednakosti kao graÄ‘ana i naroda u kanadskom društvu. U pismu je takoÄ‘e navedeno da ovaj sramni čin imenovanja vojnih meta je potpuno nepotreban u Kanadi, zemlji koja je ponosna na svoj društveni sistem prepoznatljiv kao Kulturni mozaik. Ovaj diskriminirajući čin je bolan i ponižavajući ne samo za trenutnu generaciju graÄ‘ana Bosne i Hercegovine u Kanadi, preživjelih žrtava agresije i genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini, već i posebno za mlade kanadske Bosance i Hercegovce, roÄ‘ene kao kanadski graÄ‘ani.

U odgovoru ministarstva odbrane Velike Britanije se izmeÄ‘u ostalog stoji: „Imena meta o kojima govorite u vašem pismu su komercijalno dostupni proizvodi za koje su nazivi u katalogu stvar pitanja za kompaniju koja iste proizvodi. Vama će, meÄ‘utim, biti drago da znate da Britanska armija koristi nespecifične geopolitičke scenarije i nijedna pretpostavka nije napravljena izmeÄ‘u naziva u katalozima i geografije operativnih aktivnosti Velike Britanije. Nazivi mete u katalogu o kojima vi govorite u vašem pismu neće se stoga koristiti kao dio obuke koju preduzimaju britanske trupe u Kanadi”.

U odgovoru Paul Dewar, člana Kanadskog parlamenta i NDP kritičara vanjskih poslova izmeÄ‘u ostalog stoji: “Dijelim sa vama svoje razočarenje po pitanju odluke Vlade Kanade za kupovinu vojnih meta sa etničkim imenom Bosanski muškarac. Pozivam Vladu Kanade da se prvo izvini za odabir tih meta, a zatim da sprijeći kupovinu takvih meta u budućnosti. Vojne mete sa etničkim ili nacionalnim imenom nisu u skladu sa kanadskom ponosnom tradicijom multikulturalizma i ne trebaju se nikada upotrebljavati na kanadskom tlu“.

 Prema informaciji koju su IGK i kanadski ogranak KBSA dobili od ambasade Bosne i Hercegovine u Ottawi, putem koje je naše pismo uručeno nadležnim državnim organima Kanade, Vlada Kanade je pozitivno odgovorila na naše zahtijeve u pismu, izrazila žaljenje za nazivom meta koji je ponizio dio kanadskih graÄ‘ana – prije svih kanadske Bošnjake i izvinula se graÄ‘anima Bosne i Hercegovine u Kanadi za ponižavajuće imenovanje vojnih meta.

 I ako su graÄ‘ani Bosne i Hercegovine koji žive u Kanadi, posebno Bošnjaci, još uvijek poniženi navedenom, nehumanom odlukom o nazivima meta, pozdravljamo  odluke vlada Kanade i Velike Britanije da ponižavajući i diskriminirajući naziv za mete “Bosanski muški“  ne koriste na svojim treninzima u Kanadi. Istovremeno pozivamo Kanadu i Veliku Britaniju kao članice Upravnog odbora Vijeća za implementaciju mira na još veću aktivnost da se istina o največim zločinima poslije holokausta u Evropi, genocid u Bosni i Hercegovini, sazna i da pravda za žrtve tih strašnih zločina bude zadovoljena. U tom smislu pozdravljamo nacrt rezolucije o proglašenju 11. jula Danom sjećanja na žrtve srebreničkog genocida, koji je Velika Britanija pripremila i uputila Generalnoj skupštini UN-a na usvajanje. Pozivamo vladu Kanade da podrži navedenu rezoluciju. Istina o genocidu u Bosni i Hercegovini  i pravda za žrtve tog zločina su najbitniji uslovi za pomirenje i budući zajednički život. Na žalost dvadeset godina poslije genocida u Srebrenici svijet još uvijek nije izvukao pouke i poruke iz toga zločina. Na kraju se zahvaljujemo akademskim, političkim i drugim javnim radnicima koji su pismeno podržali našu akciju, bez kojih ova akcija nebi uspjela. Posebno se zahvaljujemo Internacionalnom ekspertnom timu Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada na važnoj ulozi u ovoj akciji.

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike

Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada


March 20, 2015.

Press release regarding response of Canadian and United Kingdom goverments regarding offensive ethnic naming of shooting target

The Canadian government expressed regret and apology regarding discriminatory name for military targets

The British government said that its army will not use military targets with discriminatory title

Canadian Bosniak leaders received written responses from the goverments of Canada and the United Kingdom in a joint letter to the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) and the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) regarding the information that the Canadian government commissioned targets for the exercise of British soldiers, including the targets called "Bosnian Male". The letter requested an explanation for the naming of military targets, revocation, and apology for this degrading, discriminatory act. After the terrible torment of aggression and genocide, we came to Canada and accepted it as our second home where human rights, freedom and above all human dignity are protected. Unfortunately, this inappropriate act brings back memories of the horrors of aggression and genocide and threatens our sense of security and equality as Canadian citizens of Bosnian decent. This act of naming the targets as “Bosnian male” is completely unnecessary in Canada, a country that is proud of its cultural mosaic. Furthermore, these actions are hurtful to many outstanding and exemplary Canadian Bosniaks, those who immigrated to this great country as well as the growing generation of Bosniaks who are born as Canadian citizens

In response, the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain, among other things says: „You will, however, be pleased to know that the British Army use a non-specific geopolitical scenario and no assumptions are made between the catalogue names and the geography of the UK’s operational activity. The catalog name of the target in question will, not therefore, be used as a part of the training undertaken by British troops in Canada“.    

In response of Paul Dewar, Member of the Canadian Parliament and NDP Foreign Affairs Critic among other things says: “I share your disappointment in the decision by the Government of Canada to purchase the targets on behalf of the British military with the specifically ethnic description, including that of “Bosnian male”. The association of military targets with a particular ethnic or national community is unnecessary, unhelpful, and incompatible with Canada’s proud traditions as a multicultural society. These inappropriate targets should not be used on Canadian soil, or procured by the Canadian government. Although the notice of procurement has been amendment to remove overt references to the targets’ ethnic or national identity the Government of Canada should apologize for selecting these targets in the first place, and commit to avoid purchasing such targets in future”.

According to information that IGC and Canadian chapter of CNAB received from the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Ottawa, through which our letter delivered to the competent national authorities of Canada, the Government of Canada has responded positively to our demands in our letter, expressed regret for clicking a target which is afflicted part Canadian citizens - particularly the Canadian Bosniaks and apologized to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Canada for degrading the appointment of military targets.

Even if the majority of Canadian Bosniaks are victims of the aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina they’re still degraded with this inhuman decision on the target names. We welcome decisions of the goverments of Canada and United Kingdom for the British army not to use this humiliating and discriminatory target name such as “Bosnian male” for their training. At the same time, we invite Canada the UK as a members of the Governing board of the Peace Implementation Council on even greater activity so that the truth about the worst atrocity in Europe since the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, becomes known and for justice to be served for the victims of these horrible crimes. In this regard, we welcome the draft resolution proclaiming July 11 a day of remembrance for the victims of the Srebrenica genocide, which the United Kingdom has prepared and sent to the UN General Assembly for adoption. We urge the government of Canada and all members of UN to support the resolution.

The truth about the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and justice for the victims of this crime are the most important conditions for reconciliation and future life together. Unfortunately, twenty years after the Srebrenica genocide the world has not yet learned the lessons and messages from this crime. Finally, we thank the academic, political and other public subjects who have written support for our action, without who this action would not succeed. Special thanks to the International expert team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada on the important role in this action.

The Congress of North American Bosniaks

Institute for Resarch of Genocide, Canada

March 20, 2015.

Press release regarding response of Canadian and United Kingdom goverments regarding offensive ethnic naming of shooting target

The Canadian government expressed regret and apology regarding discriminatory name for military targets

The British government said that its army will not use military targets with discriminatory title

Canadian Bosniak leaders received written responses from the goverments of Canada and the United Kingdom in a joint letter to the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) and the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) regarding the information that the Canadian government commissioned targets for the exercise of British soldiers, including the targets called "Bosnian Male". The letter requested an explanation for the naming of military targets, revocation, and apology for this degrading, discriminatory act. After the terrible torment of aggression and genocide, we came to Canada and accepted it as our second home where human rights, freedom and above all human dignity are protected. Unfortunately, this inappropriate act brings back memories of the horrors of aggression and genocide and threatens our sense of security and equality as Canadian citizens of Bosnian decent. This act of naming the targets as “Bosnian male” is completely unnecessary in Canada, a country that is proud of its cultural mosaic. Furthermore, these actions are hurtful to many outstanding and exemplary Canadian Bosniaks, those who immigrated to this great country as well as the growing generation of Bosniaks who are born as Canadian citizens

In response, the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain, among other things says: „You will, however, be pleased to know that the British Army use a non-specific geopolitical scenario and no assumptions are made between the catalogue names and the geography of the UK’s operational activity. The catalog name of the target in question will, not therefore, be used as a part of the training undertaken by British troops in Canada“.    

In response of Paul Dewar, Member of the Canadian Parliament and NDP Foreign Affairs Critic among other things says: “I share your disappointment in the decision by the Government of Canada to purchase the targets on behalf of the British military with the specifically ethnic description, including that of “Bosnian male”. The association of military targets with a particular ethnic or national community is unnecessary, unhelpful, and incompatible with Canada’s proud traditions as a multicultural society. These inappropriate targets should not be used on Canadian soil, or procured by the Canadian government. Although the notice of procurement has been amendment to remove overt references to the targets’ ethnic or national identity the Government of Canada should apologize for selecting these targets in the first place, and commit to avoid purchasing such targets in future”.

According to information that IGC and Canadian chapter of CNAB received from the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Ottawa, through which our letter delivered to the competent national authorities of Canada, the Government of Canada has responded positively to our demands in our letter, expressed regret for clicking a target which is afflicted part Canadian citizens - particularly the Canadian Bosniaks and apologized to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Canada for degrading the appointment of military targets.

Even if the majority of Canadian Bosniaks are victims of the aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina they’re still degraded with this inhuman decision on the target names. We welcome decisions of the goverments of Canada and United Kingdom for the British army not to use this humiliating and discriminatory target name such as “Bosnian male” for their training. At the same time, we invite Canada the UK as a members of the Governing board of the Peace Implementation Council on even greater activity so that the truth about the worst atrocity in Europe since the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, becomes known and for justice to be served for the victims of these horrible crimes. In this regard, we welcome the draft resolution proclaiming July 11 a day of remembrance for the victims of the Srebrenica genocide, which the United Kingdom has prepared and sent to the UN General Assembly for adoption. We urge the government of Canada and all members of UN to support the resolution.

The truth about the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and justice for the victims of this crime are the most important conditions for reconciliation and future life together. Unfortunately, twenty years after the Srebrenica genocide the world has not yet learned the lessons and messages from this crime. Finally, we thank the academic, political and other public subjects who have written support for our action, without who this action would not succeed. Special thanks to the International expert team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada on the important role in this action.

Congress of North American Bosniaks

Institute for Resarch of Genocide, Canada
