


08. 04. 2015.


Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK} pozdravlja pravosnažnu presudu Žalbenog vijeća MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za bivšu Jugoslaviju bivšem generalu Vojske entiteta Republike Srpske Zdravku Tolimiru, kome je potvrÄ‘ena prvostepena presuda kazne doživotnog zatvora za genocid i druge ratne zločine počinjene u Srebrenici. Ovom presudom je potvrÄ‘eno da se u Srebrenici, odnosno Bosni i Hercegovini dogodio genocid.

Tolimir je sudjelovao u udruženom  zločinačkom poduhvatu političkog, vojnog i policijskog  vodstva  entiteta Republika Srpska, čiji su ciljevi bili masovno ubijanje i prisilno uklanjanje Bošnjaka iz Srebrence, odnosno Istočne Bosne i Hercegovine. Presudom je potvrÄ‘eno da masovna ubistva Bošnjaka Srebrenice te protjerivanje, zlostavljanja i patnje civila predstavljaju genocid, jer su imali za cilj uništenje bošnjačkog stanovništva.

Genocid se u Istočnoj Bosni i Hercegovini dogodio prema „Direktivi 7“, potpisanoj od predsjednika entiteta Republika Srpska Radovana Karadžića optuženog za genocid, a koju su provodili zapovjednici Vojske entiteta Republika Srpska meÄ‘u ostalim i Tolimir u svom obavještajno-sigurnosnom sektoru u Glavnom štabu. Direktiva 7 je prema zaključcima Raspravnog vijeća imala za cilj stvaranje nemogućih uvjeta u enklavama, meÄ‘u ostalim i zaustavljanjem humanitarne pomoći. Tolimir je proveo zapovijed predsjednika entiteta Repubka Srpska Radovana Karadžića i generala Ratka Mladića, optuženih za ratne zločine i genocid, da svi muškarci Bošnjaci iz Srebrenice budu ubijeni.

IGK izražava nezadovoljstvo što je Žalbeno vijeće ukinulo dio presude Pretresnog vijeća koji se odnosi na presudu za genocid u Žepi, takoÄ‘e teritoriji sigurne zone Ujedinjenih nacija. Nasilno, mučko, kukavičko ubistvo trojice bošnjačkih lidera u Žepi - Mehmeda Hajrića, Amira Imamovića i Avde Palića, te masovno ubijanje, protjerivanje, zlostavljanja i patnje bošnjačkih civila predstavljaju genocid, jer su imali za cilj uništenje bošnjačkog stanovništva u zaštičenoj UN zoni Žepi. Ismijavanje, mućenje i ubijanje bošnjačkih dječaka samo zato što su muslimani je genocid.

IGK još jednom podsjeća da genocid, zločin države izvršen s namjerom da se potpuno ili djelimično uništi jedna nacionalna, etnička, rasna ili vjerska skupina kao takva, ima dugoročne, transgeneracijske posljedice na preživjele žrtve genocida i društvo u cjelini. Od 1992. do 1995. pred očima svjetske javnosti u Republici Bosni i Hercegovini, zemlji s dugom i zapaženom tradicijom kulturnih različitosti, multietničnosti i otvorenosti prema drugima, izvršena je agresija od strane država Savezne republike Jugoslavije (Srbije i Crne Gore) i Republike Hrvatske, koje su, pored zločina protiv mira i sigurnosti čovječanstva, u svim okupiranim mjestima u Republici Bosni i Hercegovini i gradovima u opsadi, izvršile masovna i pojedinačna ubistva i ranjavanja te druge oblike zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava, uključujući i genocid.

Dvije decenije nakon genocida počinjenog u Srebrenici, na teritoriji sigurne zone Ujedinjenih nacija, u julu 1995, evidentne su posljedice zločina genocida meÄ‘u preživjelim žrtvama koje se manifestiraju u bitnim aspektima ljudske i društvene egzistencije, individualnog i društvenog života. Rezultati agresije i genocida su u fundamentu bosanskohercegovačkog društva i države, njenog sistema, organizacije, funkcioniranja i funkcija, a tragovi zločina mogu se zapaziti i uočiti preko jasno prepoznatljivih različitih oblika manifestiranja, od negiranja genocida, predstavljanja zločinaca kao heroja, pa sve do otkrivanja i identifikacije tijela žrtava iz masovnih grobnica, društvene marginalizacije i diskriminacije povratnika i preživjelih žrtava, te nedovoljno djelotvornog i neefikasnog tužilaštva i pravosuÄ‘a. Iako je Dejtonskim mirovnim sporazumom ostvaren prekid oružanog sukoba i uspostavljen mir, nažalost, Sporazum je verificirao faktičke, društvene, političke, nacionalne i etničke protivrječnosti, legalizovao rezultate agresije i genocida, ponudio nedovršeni rat i nedovršeni mir, a time postao generator mnogih aktuelnih i dugoročnih problema. Izvršeni zločin genocida i drugi oblici zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava doprinijeli su formiranju i učvršÄ‡ivanju nepovjerenja kao bitne prepreke obnove i razvoja društva i države.

U godini kada se navršava dvadeset godina od genocida počinjenog nad Bošnjacima Republike Bosne i Hercegovine na teritoriji sigurne zone Ujedinjenih nacija Srebrenici, i ako svaka nova presuda predstavlja novo sjećanje na žrtve, znajuć da ništa ne može nadomjestiti patnju i bol Bošnjaka koji su preživjeli genocid u Bosni i Hercegovini, i koji su tokom agresije izgubili svoje najmilije, ova presuda predstavlja snažnu, historijsku podršku istini o agresiji na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovini i genocida protiv njenih graÄ‘ana, posebno Bošnjaka, te snažnu, historijsku podršku pravdi za žrtve tih monstruoznih zločina, nezamislivih u eri demokratije, zaštite ljudskih prava i sloboda. Ova presuda je značajna i za buduće generacije koje samo na istini i pravdi mogu graditi bolju bosanskohercegovačku, pa samim tim i evropsku i svijetsku budućnost. Istovremeno ova presuda nosi snažnu poruku i pouku agresorima na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu da se zločin potiv države i njenih graÄ‘ana ne isplati. Presuda je i najbolji odgovor negatorima genocida. IGK smatra da presudu Žalbenog Vijeća kojom se potvrÄ‘uje udruženi zločinački poduhvat kao doktrina za izvoÄ‘enje genocida treba uzeti kao početak kraja kulture nekažnjavanja zločina genocida, te kao činjeničnu i pravnu kvalifikaciju u predmetima protiv optuženih ratnih zločinaca Radovana Karadžića i Ratka Mladića

Profesor Emir Ramić

Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada

April 08, 2015.




Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC} welcomes the final judgment of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for confirming the first instance verdict of life imprisonment to former General of the Army of the Republic of Srpska, entity Zdravko Tolimir for genocide and other war crimes committed in Srebrenica.


The verdict found proves that the genocide took place in Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tolimir participated in a joint criminal enterprise of the political, military and police leadership entities Republic of Srpska, whose aims were mass killings and forced removal of Bosnians from Srebrenica, or in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. The verdict established there were mass killings of Bosniaks of Srebrenica, also expulsion, abuse and suffering of civilians constituting genocide, because they were aimed at the destruction of Bosnian population.


Genocide in Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina took place as planned "Directive 7", signed by the President of the Republic of Srpska entity Radovan Karadzic, who is charged with genocide. This plan was implemented by the commanders of the Army of the Republic of Srpska entities including Tolimir in his intelligence and security sector of the Main Staff. Directive 7 according to the conclusions of the Trial Chamber had the goal of creating impossible conditions in the enclaves, including the stopping of humanitarian aid.


Tolimir was conducted by an order of the President of the entity Republika Srpska Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic, (accused of war crimes and genocide) that all Bosniaks men from Srebrenica must be executed.


IGC expressed dissatisfaction with the Appeals Chamber that it has removed a part of the judgment of the Trial Chamber, which refers to the judgment of genocide in Žepa, the territory of UN safe area. Violent, perfidious and cowardly murder of three Bosniak leaders in Žepa - Mehmed Hajrić, Amir Imamovic and Avde Palić, and mass killing, expulsion, abuse and suffering of the Bosniks civilians is constituted as genocide, because they were aimed at the destruction of the Bosniak population in the UN protected area of Žepa.


IGC once again reminds us: Genocide, a state-sponsored crime intended to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group has far-reaching consequences and effects on survivors, future generations and the society as a whole. In the period between 1992 and 1995, the world watched how the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), a country known for its long tradition of diversity, multiculturalism and inclusiveness was subjected to a war of aggression. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and the Republic of Croatia, aside from violating international security and peace, waged the war of aggression and perpetrated the crimes committed in Bosnia against its people. The crimes committed, in all occupied territories in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and cities under siege, included mass individual and group torture and killings as well as other grave violations of crimes against humanity, international peace and international law, including the crime of genocide.

From 1992 to 1995,with the eyes of the world watching , in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country with a long and distinguished tradition of cultural diversity, multi-ethnicity and openness to others, aggression was carried out on it by the Member of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and the Republic of Croatian, who in addition to crimes against the peace and security of mankind, in all the occupied areas in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and towns under siege, carried out the mass and individual killings and injuries and other forms of crimes against humanity and international law, including genocide.


Two decades after the July 1995 genocide in the United Nation designated Safe Area of Srebrenica, the consequences of genocide are clearly present in the society as a whole; both in the private and public sphere. The consequences of the war of aggression and genocide are manifested in the fundamental structures of the country; in its political and social institutions as well as organizations influencing the society. The legacy of the consequences can be further seen in the form of genocide denial, public glorification of war criminals as heroes, the identification of human remains of the victims in mass graves, social marginalization and discrimination against returnees and survivors to the ineffective work of legal institutions, i.e. prosecutors’ office and the judiciary. While the Dayton Peace Accords stopped the armed conflict, ending the war and initiating peace; unfortunately, it cemented the divide within the social, political, national, and ethnic spheres. As such, it became the generator of present challenges and long-term consequences facing Bosnian society. The crime of genocide and other crimes against humanity and international law committed contributed to the mistrust within the different communities. This is an obstacle for the reconstruction and post-war development of Bosnia’s state and society.


In the year that marks the twentieth anniversary of the genocide against Bosniaks in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the territory of UN safe area Srebrenica, and if each new judgment represents a new memory of the victims, and that nothing can replace the pain and suffering of Bosnians who survived the genocide in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, and who during the aggression lost their loved ones, this judgment is a strong support to the truth about the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens, especially Bosniaks, and strong support for justice for the victims of these monstrous crimes, unimaginable in the era of democracy, protection of human rights and freedoms. This judgment is significant for future generations that only the truth and justice can build better the BiH, and therefore the European and worldwide future. At the same time the judgments has a strong voice and instruction to aggressors against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina that the crime and deter to the state and its citizens is not worth it.


IGC considers that the Appeals Council confirming joint criminal enterprise as a doctrine to perform genocide should be taken as factual and legal qualification in cases against indicted war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.


Professor Emir Ramic

Chairman of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada
