


O1. januar, 2010.

Predsjedništvo Bosne i Hercegovine

Željko Komšić

Nebojša Radmanović

Dr. Haris Silajdžić

Ministarstvo pravde Bosne i Hercegovine

Ministar Bariša ÄŒolak

Sud Bosne i Hercegovine

Predsjednica Meddžida Kreso

Tužilaštvo Bosne i Hercegovine

Glavni tužilac Milorad Barašin

MeÄ‘unarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju
Predsjednik Patrick Lipton Robinson

MeÄ‘unarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju
Tužilac Međunarodnog suda Serge Brammertz

Evropski sud za ljudska prava

Predsjednik Jean Paul Costa


Bošnjački akademski forum u saradnji sa Institutom za istraživanje zločina genocida Kanada i Institutom za istraživanje zločina genocida SAD, traži uklanjanje Marka Pavića sa svih političkih, privrednih i drugih pozicija u Opštini Prijedor i manjem entitetu i pokretanje odgovornosti za planiranje i izvršenje zločina protiv čovječnosti, zločina genocida, kulturocida, urbicida, ekocida, etnocida, elitocida i zločina nasilnog etničkog čišÄ‡enja prijedorskih nesrba u periodu od 1992. godine do 1995. godine, te zbog učešÄ‡a u različitim oblicima privrednog kriminala.

Imajući u vidu blizinu granice sa Republikom Hrvatskom prijedorska regija je bila veoma bitna za kreatore zločina agresije i genocidaObavještajno bezbjedonosni lobi i službe iz Srbije imale su veliku ulogu oko pripremanja i organizovanja ovih zločina. Kompletna struktura subjekata koji su planirali, vodili i izvršavali zločine u Prijedoru  je bila pod kontrolom Marka Pavića, koji je tako bio glavni kreator i kontrolor najtežeg zločina protiv čovjeka i cicvilizacije u Prijedoru, poslije Drugog svijetskog rata, zločina genocida.

Operacija etničkog čišÄ‡enja Prijedora je dio poznatih planovaRAM 1“ iRAM 2“, koju je kreirao vojno-politički vrh iz BeogradaTako kompleksan zločinački zahvat koordiniran je i voÄ‘en od najsposobnijih operativaca državne  i vojne bezbjednosti. Operacije su trajale od  aprila do septembra 1992 godine, a radilo se o drastičnim mjerama, koje su uključivale torturu, likvidacije, zatvaranje, formiranja koncentracionih logora smrti, masovne likvidacije, silovanja i druga zvjerstva. Ove operacije je kordinirao i vodio tim na čelu sa Markom Pavićem. Krizni štab je formalno vodio operacije, ali je u suštini glavni šef bio Marko Pavić, koji  je koordinirao mnogobrojne pripadnike rezervnog i operativnog sastava državne i vojne bezbjednosti, a preko njih paravojne grupe i pripadnike policije, koja je objektivno bila glavni izvršilac etničkog čišÄ‡enja i zločina genocida. Vojne jedinice su pod kontrolom Srpske demokratske stranke davale  vatrenu podršku, granatirajući sa distance bošnjačka naselja.

Budžet opštine Prijedor pod patronatom Marka Pavića uz svoju osnovnu funkciju, imao je i funkciju značajnog servisiranja potreba političke partije, Demokratskog narodnog saveza Republike Srpske. Posebno je značajno da je funkcionisanje ove partije bilo oslonjeno i na Ministarstvo saobraćaja, odnosno na preduzeća koja pokriva ovo Ministarstvo, na čelu kojeg je bio Marko Pavić. Poslovanja opštine Prijedor, posebno poslovanje Zavoda za izgradnju grada ima obilježja ozbiljnog i organizovanog kriminala koji pokriva odreÄ‘enim metodama Marko Pavic. {1}. Postoji cijeli niz sumnjivih poslovanja koje se uglavnom odvijaju putem Zavoda za izgradnju grada i putem “povlaštenih izvodaća”. Funkcionisanje Zavoda za izgradnju grada, pod direktnom kontrolom načelnika Marka Pavića i stranke Demokratskog narodnog saveza predstavlja glavnu polugu u stvaranju nezakonitih fondova i postojećih zloupotreba, što je praksa u radu Vlade Republike Srpske. 

Polazeći od toga da je Marko Pavić kao najznačajniji i najbitniji kadar državno bezbjednosne i vojne obavještajne službe bio glavni kordinator svih aktivnosti na kreiranju, planiranju i izvršenju zločina genocida, kulturocida, ekocida, etnocida, urbicida, elitocida, nasilnog etničkog čišÄ‡enja, masovnog silovanja i svih drugih oblika torture, Bošnjački akademski forum u ime  preživjelih žrtava naznačenih zločina, zahtjeva njegovo skidanje sa svih političkih i privrednih funkcija i pokretanje odgovornosti za kreiranje, planiranje i izvršenje zločina genocida u Prijedoru. Takodje Bošnjački akademski forum zahtijeva skidanje sa dužnosti svih saradnika Marka Pavića koji su putem stranke Demokratskog narodnog saveza uključeni, odnosno ugraÄ‘eni u sistem lokalne vlasti u Prijedoru, a koji su još uvjek pod njegovom neposrednom kontrolom.

Call for Marko Pavic’s Removal from Office

Dr. Haris Silajdzic

Minister of Justice Barisa Colak

President Judge Kreso Medzida

The Chief Prosecutor Milorad Barasanin

Patrick L. Robinson, President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Serge Brammertz, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Jean-Paul Costa, President of the European Court of Human Rights

Bosniak Academic Circle, Bosniak Academic Forum together with the Canadian Institute for Genocide Research and Bosnian American Genocide Institute, and Education Center request the removal of Marko Pavic from all political, economic and other positions in the Prijedor municipality and the smaller entity unit. The acting organizations also request formal charges to be filed against Mr. Pavic for planning and executing war crimes, crimes against peace, crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity, particularly against Bosniaks in Prijedor during the period of 1992 through 1995. Furthermore, his involvement in various economic crimes must not be overlooked.

Taking into consideration the proximity of the Prijedor region to Croatia, the creators and aggressors of genocide considered this region very important. Secret service lobby and Serbian agencies played an executive role in preparing and organizing the crimes. All the subjects, their logistical organization and their implementation, were under direct supervision and control of Mr. Marko Pavic. This makes him the main initiator and organizer of the gravest crimes of genocide against humanity and civil society in Prijedor in the period following WWII.

The military and political elites in Belgrade created the plans of ethnic cleansing of Prijedor prior to the start of the Bosnian War. Those were known as the plans “RAM1″ and “RAM2.” This complex undertaking was coordinated and led by the most capable member of the state and military intelligence services. The operation lasted from April until September of 1992, and during this time drastic measures were taken against Bosniaks. Some of these measures included torture, liquidations, incarcerations, concentration and extermination camps, mass liquidations, rape and other inhumane actions. These actions were coordinated and supervised by a team headed by Marko Pavic. Emergency management team implemented the operations; however the actual ‘boss’ was Marko Pavic. He personally coordinated members of the reserve forces, tactical forces of the state and military security force. Through paramilitary formation he further organized members of the police, who were the main actors in carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide, while these military units were controlled by the Serbian Democratic Party (SDS). SDS provided these units with complete military support in shelling Bosnian civilian quarters.

The budget under Marko Pavic’s supervision in Prijedor municipality had an additional function of serving the needs of the political party: the Democratic People’s Union of Republika Srpska. The functioning of this party was dependent on the Ministry of Traffic because the head of the Ministry of Traffic was Marko Pavic. Prijedor municipality’s dealings, in areas such as the Department for City Development, are marked with clear signs of organized crime and money laundering covered by Marko Pavic. There is a visible set of dealings carried out for the most part by the Department for City Development and through “authorized contractors.” Works of Marko Pavic and the Department for City Development that he guided were the main pillars for the creation of illegal funds and abuses which are omnipresent in the government of Republika Srpska.

Starting with the premise that Marko Pavic was the most important asset of the state (Republika Srpska) and the military intelligence services, this makes him the main coordinator of all activities regarding creation, planning, and implementing the crimes of genocide and all other forms of torture. Bosniak Academic Circle and Bosniak Academic Forum together with the Canadian Institute for Genocide and the Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center represent the victims who survived the above mentioned crimes in Prijedor municipality. For that reason we request that Marko Pavic be removed from all political and economic positions. Moreover we request a formal criminal charge for his responsibility in creating, planning, and executing the mentioned crimes of genocide in Prijedor.

Additionally, Bosniak Academic Circle, Bosniak Academic Forum, the Canadian Institute for Genocide and Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center further demand that all Pavic’s accomplices who gained their positions through their affiliation with the Democratic People’s Union are also released from their duties – since they are ingrained in the system of local government and still under Marko Pavic’s direct control.

The Bosniak Academic Circle
Amer Sabitovic

Senad Hadziselimovic

Sanja Drnovsek

Emir Ramic
