
Kanadska velika pobjeda istine o genocidu u Srebrenici i pravde za žrtve tog zločuna

Kanadska velika pobjeda istine o genocidu u Srebrenici i pravde za žrtve tog zločuna

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK} i Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike {KBSA} obavještavaju da je upravo u Kanadskom parlamentu jednoglasno usvojena druga rezolucija o genocidu u Srebrenici i BiH. Prva rezolucija je usvojena 19 oktobra 2010. Ovom rezolucijom potvrÄ‘uje se prethodna rezolucija M-416, 11 juli se potvrÄ‘uje kao Dan sjećanja u Kanadi na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici, genocid u Srebrenici ulazi zajedno sa pet drugih največih genocida u 20 stoljeću u komemorisanje i izučavanje svakog aprila koji je u Kanadi proglašen mjesecom borbe protiv genocida.

Posebno se zahvaljujemo članu Kanadskog parlamenta Brian Masse, sponzoru ove rezolucije, velikom prijatelju Bošnjaka i BiH. Zahvaljujemo se Irwin Cotler i Stephen Dion, članovima Kanadskog parlamenta koji su javno u parlamentu takoÄ‘e govorili o genocidu u Srebrenici. Zahvaljujemo se svima koji su zajedno sa IGK i KBSA lobirali za ovu rezoluciju.             Uskoro saopćenje.

Emir Ramić  

The Canadian great victory of the truth about the genocide in Srebrenica and justice for the victims of this crime

Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC} and the Congress of North American Bosniaks {CNAB} informed that today the Canadian Parliament unanimously adopted a second resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica and BiH. The first resolution was adopted on 19 October 2010. The second resolution confirms the previous resolution M-416, 11 July is confirmed as Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day in Canada. The genocide in Srebrenica together with the five other largest genocide's in the 20th century will be commemorated and studied every year in the month of April, which is the month set aside for remembering and fighting against genocide.

Special thanks to the Canadian member of Parliament Brian Masse, the sponsor of this resolution, a great friend of Bosniaks and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, thank you to Irwin Cotler and Stephen Dion, members of the Canadian Parliament who publicly in parliament also talked about the genocide in Srebrenica. Thank you to everyone who together with inhaled corticosteroids and CNAB lobbied for this resolution. Soon the statement will be released.

Emir Ramic
