
The State of Michigan House resolution regarding the White Armband Day is a contribution to the truth about genocide in Prijedor and justice for the victims of this crime

The State of Michigan House resolution regarding the White Armband Day  is a contribution to the truth about genocide in Prijedor and justice for the victims of this crime


May 27, 2015


The State of Michigan Representatives adopted the House Resolution HR 96 of 2015, proclaiming May 31, 2015 as White Armband Day in the state of Michigan. State Representatives unanimously voted to adopt the Resolution. The Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC} welcomes the news of the passing of the House Resolution. Chairman of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC} professor Emir Ramic  thanked the Michigan legislators for their support to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosniak Americans in Michigan Considering that this is a major step toward the truth about the genocide in Prijedor and justice for the victims of this crime. At the same time professor Ramic on behalf of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC} thanked the Congress of North American Bosniaks {CNAB} on activities regarding the adoption of the Resolution. At the end professor Ramic thanked Dr. Haris Alibašić, a member of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada on activities regarding the resolution.


Transcript  of the House Resolution HR 96 of 2015


Reps. Dillon, Brinks, Yanez, Kivela, Cochran, Geiss, Hoadley, Neeley, Greig, Darany, Gay-Dagnogo, Byrd, Clemente, Moss, Guerra, Singh, Rutledge, VerHeulen, Pscholka, Victory, Barrett, Hughes, Hooker, Howrylak, Muxlow, Lucido, Callton, Outman, LaFontaine, Garcia, Greimel, Driskell, Faris, Pagan and Schor offered the following resolution:

House Resolution No. 96.

A resolution to declare May 31, 2015, as White Armband Day in the state of Michigan.


Whereas, The horror of the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina should never be forgotten; and


Whereas, May 31, 2015, is commemorated as the 23rd anniversary when the Serb authorities in Prijedor, a town in north-western Bosnia and Herzegovina, ordered all non-Serbs to mark their houses with white flags or sheets and to wear a white armband if they left their houses; and


Whereas, As a direct result of ethnic cleansing of the Prijedor municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the town of Kozarac, 53,000 of its Bosniak residents were expelled from their homes, some 3173 unarmed civilians were executed, and 31,000 civilians were interned in various Serb run concentration camps; and


Whereas, This anniversary, together with this year's 23rd anniversary since the beginning of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, raise awareness of the tragic suffering of the Bosnia and Herzegovina people and honors and remembers over 100,000 civilians who died as a result of the policies of ethnic cleansing and aggression in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period of 1992-1995; and


Whereas, The tragic history of the genocide offers an opportunity to reflect on the responsibilities of individuals, societies, and governments, and serves as an important reminder of what can happen to civilized people when bigotry, hatred, and indifference govern; and


Whereas, The state of Michigan recognizes the importance of this event to bring closure for the Bosnian people through justice and truth; now, therefore, be it


Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare May 31, 2015, as White Armband Day in the state of Michigan. We remember the victims of the policies of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina; and be it further


Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the representatives of the Congress of North American Bosniaks as evidence of our profound respect and esteem.




Rezolucija Predstavničkog Dom savezne države Mičigan, SAD, povodom Dan bijelih traka je doprinos istini o genocidu u Prijedoru i pravdi za žrtve tog zločina


27. maj. 2015


Predstavnici države Mičigan usvojili su Rezoluciju HR 96 2015, proglašavajući 31. Maj 2015 kao Dan bijelih traka u državi Michigan. Državni Predstavnici jednoglasno su glasali za usvajanje rezolucije. Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada {IGK} pozdravlja vijest o donošenju Rezolucije. Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK} profesor Emir Ramić zahvalio se zakonodavcima za njihovu podršku Bosni i Hercegovini i američkim Bošnjacima u državi Mičigan, smatrajući da je to veliki korak ka istini o genocidu u Prijedoru i pravdi za žrtve tog zločina. Istovremeno profesor Ramić se u ime Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada IGK zahvalio Kongresu Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike KBSA na aktivnostima oko usvajanja navedene Rezolucije. Na kraju profesor Ramić se zahvalio dr. Harisu Alibašiću, članu Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada na aktivnostima u vezi rezolucije.


Transkript Doma Rezolucije HR 96 2015



Prestavnici Dillon, Brinks, Yanez, Kivela, Cochran, Geiss, Hoadley, Neeley, Greig, Darany,Gay-Dagnogo, Byrd, Clemente, Moss, Guerra, Singh, Rutledge, VerHeulen, Pscholka, Victory,Barrett, Hughes, Hooker, Howrylak, Muxlow, Lucido, Callton, Outman, LaFontaine, Garcia,Greimel, Driskell, Faris, Pagan i Schor ponudili su sljedeću rezoluciju:

Rezolucija Predstavnickog Doma br 96.

Rezolucija da se proglasi 31. maj 2015, kao dan bijelih traka u državi Michigan.


DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, da se Užas genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini nikada ne smije zaboraviti; i


DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, da se 31. maj 2015. godine, obilježava kao 23. godišnjica od kada su srpske vlasti u Prijedoru, gradu u sjeverozapadnoj Bosni i Hercegovini, naredili da svi graÄ‘ani koji nisu Srbi označe svoje kuće bijelim zastavama ili čaršavima  i da nose bijelu traku ako su izlazili iz svojih kuća; i


DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, da je kao direktan rezultat etničkog čišÄ‡enja općine Prijedor u Bosni i Hercegovini, uključujući i grad Kozarac, 53.000 stanovnika Bošnjaka protjerano iz svojih domova, 3173 nenaoružanih civila je pogubljeno, a 31.000 civil zatvoren u koncentracionim logorima bosanskih Srba; i


DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, da ova godišnjica, zajedno sa 23. godišnjicom početka rata u Bosni i Hercegovini, služi ka podizanju svijesti o tragičnom stradanju u Bosni i Hercegovini i da se oda počast i prsijeti žrtava rata, 100.000 civila koji su poginuli kao rezultat politike etničkog čišÄ‡enja i agresije u Bosni i Hercegovini u periodu od 1992-1995; i


DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, da tragična historija genocida nudi priliku da se reflektuje na odgovornost pojedinaca, društva, i vlada, i služi kao važan podsjetnik šta se može desiti civilizovanim ljudi, kada netrpeljivosti, mržnja, i ravnodušnost prevladaju; i


DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, da država Michigan prepoznaje važnost ovog dogaÄ‘aja kako bi bosanski narod kroz istinu i pravdu došao do pravednog okončanja; sada,


SADA I OVIM PUTEM, Predstavnički Dom države Michigan i njegovi članovi proglašavaju 31 maj 2015, kao Dan bijelih traka u državi Michigan. Pamtimo žrtve politike etničkog čišÄ‡enja i genocida u Prijedoru, Bosni i Hercegovini; i da se kopije ove rezolucije dostavljaju predstavnicima Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike kao dokaz naše dubokog uvažavanja i poštovanja.
