
Saopčenje IGK o novoj rezoluciji U.S. Kongresa o genocide u Srebrenici

Saopčenje IGK o novoj rezoluciji U.S. Kongresa o genocide u Srebrenici

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK} pozdravlja prijedlog nove rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici koju je predložio američki kongresmen Christopher Smith iz New Jerseya. Veoma je važno da u godini kada se navrašava 20 godina od genocida u Srebrenici, SAD još jednom, putem nove rezolucije, politički potvrde da zločine koje  su provodile snage bosanskih Srba,  smatraju genocidom. Istovremeno u prijedlogu rezolucije se osuÄ‘uju izjave koje tu činjenicu opovrgavaju. TakoÄ‘e važno je što rezolucija govori o genocdu ne samo u Srebrenici, već na čitavoj teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine. IGK smatra da je  prijedlog nove rezolucije veliki korak za pobjedu istine o agresiji i genocidu u Bosni i Hercegovini i pravde za žrtve tih zločina, što je najvažniji uslov bolje budućnosti kako Bosne i Hercegovine, tako i regiona, Evrope i svijeta.

“Kazna za zločince i pravda za žrtve je trajan zadatak i obaveza, kako se genocid više nikada i nigdje ne bi ponovio. U godini kada se navršava 20 godina od genocida u Srebrenici, največeg zločina poslije holokausta u Evropi ukazujemo na neophodnost prevladavanja kulture nekažnjivosti, te na neophodnost sprečavanja negiranja genocida u Srebrenici, koji je potvrÄ‘en relevantnim sudskim odlukama, kao i na spoznaju da je njegovo priznanje prvi korak na putu do pomirenja. Kultura sjećanja na žrtve genocida je od egzistencijalne važnost. Genocid u Srebrenici nije samo pitanje Bosne i Hercegovine, nego i cijelog svijeta. Važno je ukazati na potrebu memorijalizacije genocida i kolektivnog sjećanja. Kroz memorijalizaciju genocida i kolektivno sjećanje radimo na historijskom pamćenju, kao bitnom faktoru otpora fašizmu, destrukciji i agresiji. ÄŒuvajući  uspomene na genocid u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini, danas snažno afirmišemo univerzalne vrijednosti: bogatstvo različitosti, antifašizam, svetost mira i razvijamo aktivizam i internacionalno suprostavljanje nepravdama i svim devijacijama vremena u kome živimo. ÄŒuvajući  uspomene na genocid u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini sprječavamo buduće genocide u vremenu kada se širom svijeta dešavaju brojni zločini” rekao je profesor Emir Ramić, direktor IGK povodom nove rezolucije u Američkom kongresu .

Pozivajući sve američke Bošnjake i sve američke prijatelje istine i pravde da ulože maksimalne napore u lobiranju za konačno usvajanje rezolucije, IGK se zahvaljuje Savjetodavnom vijeću za Bosnu i Hercegovinu na naporima koje kontinuirano čini da se bosanskohercegovački glas čuje u Vašingtonu.

Instiut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada

IGC Press Release Regarding New Srebrenica Genocide Resolution in U.S. Congress


Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC} welcomes the proposal of a new resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, which was proposed by US Congressman Christopher Smith of New Jersey. It is very important that in the year that marks the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, the United States once again, through a new resolution, confirms that crimes carried out by Bosnian Serb forces, are considered to be genocide.  At the same time the draft resolution condemning statements denying that fact. Also important is that the resolution speaks of genocide not only in Srebrenica, but on the whole territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. IGC believes that the proposal for a new resolution is a huge step for the victory of the truth about the aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and justice for the victims of these crimes, which is the most important condition for a better future of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, Europe and the world.

The penalty for the crime and justice for victims is the ongoing task and obligation, that genocide is never and nowhere can be repeated. In the year that marks the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, the biggest crime after the Holocaust in Europe point to the necessity of overcoming the culture of impunity, and the necessity of preventing denial of genocide in Srebrenica, which was confirmed by the relevant court decisions, as well as the knowledge that his confession first step on the road to reconciliation. The Srebrenica genocide is not just a question of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also around the world. It is important to point out the necessary memorialization of genocide and collective memory. Through the memorialization of genocide and collective memory, work on historical memory is an important factor of resistance to fascism, destruction and aggression. Preserving the memory of the genocide in Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina, today we strongly affirm universal values: the richness of diversity, anti-fascism, with veto’s peace and develop activism and international opposition to the injustices and all the deviations of the times in which we live. Preserving the memory of the genocide in Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina will prevent future genocides at a time when worldwide occur numerous crimes, "said Professor Emir Ramic, Director of the IGC on the occasion of a new resolution in the US Congress.

We urge all  Bosnian American’s and all the American friends of truth and justice to make every effort in lobbying for the approval of resolutions, IGC is grateful to the Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina to the efforts that continually make to Bosnian and Herzegovina’s  voice is heard in Washington.

Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada

