
Juce smo dobili odgovor od Minstra vanjskih poslova Kanade

Juce smo dobili odgovor od Minstra vanjskih poslova Kanade koga saljem u prilogu. Veoma je vazno sto ministar upotrebljava rijec genocid koja je posebno bila sporna za kanadsku vladajucu partiju – Konzervativnu partiju Kanade. U zemlji u kojoj je cetnicki pokret medju najrazvijenijim u svijetu izlobirati dvije rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici i natjerati vladajucu politicku partiju da promjeni vlastito misljenje u pogledu genocida u Srebrenici i BiH je velika stvar za nasu malu kanadsku bosnjacku zajednica. Ovu prilku koristim da se svima zahvalim koji su zajedno sa nasim IGK, KBSA, Islamskom zajednicom radili duzi niz godina na ovom projektu.

Dear Professor Ramic:

Thank you for your correspondence of March 30, April 6 and 29, 2015, regarding victims of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Office of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has also forwarded to me your correspondence on this same matter. Thank you for sharing your views on this important subject. Canada condemns all war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The Government of Canada will continue to work in cooperation with other states and international institutions to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for the horrible atrocities committed during the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

As stated in your letter, on October 19, 2010, the House of Commons unanimously adopted a motion on recognition of July 11 as Srebrenica Remembrance Day. This motion is an expression of the sorrow felt by Canadians over the Srebrenica genocide, and our determination to ensure that the memory of these tragic events, especially this 20th anniversary year, does not fade. Thank you for taking the time to write.

Yours truly,

The Honourable Rob Nicholson, Minister of Foreign Affairs
