

Final  negotiated version of the Motion- M - 416


After Consultations with the members of the Boards of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada, the Congress of the North American Bosniaks, Branch Canada, and Islamic Congress of Canada, accept the first version of the motion. It includes the term genocide, the term Bosniak, number of victims and the name of criminals.


What will be achieved by this motion?

The five essential elements that were set out at the beginning of the process:

1. Identification of the victims.

2. Enumeration of the victims.

3. Acknowledgement of the genocide.

4. Identification of the perpetrators and where the ultimate responsibility resides (something that is incomplete in the US and European motions).


5. Designates a day for memorial & remembrance.

Along with passage, we have achieved unanimous consent, which means that all political parties in Canadian Parliament have agreed in unison to support the motion. This is a significant symbol of 100 percent Canadian Parliamentary endorsement of the meaning and importance of the motion. This does not happen very often, especially when it comes to issues and policies in the foreign affairs realm. It adds a magnitude of historic relevance to the motion that is beyond just passing it by a majority of MPs.


The next steps are:


1. Notify the Minister's office of the acceptance of  version  of the motion.


2. Discussion of the acceptance of the motion at the House leaders' meeting next Tuesday.


3. After the Tuesday House leaders' meeting, the date of the unanimous consent of the House for the motion will be determined.

Emir Ramic


The Congress of North American Bosniaks, Branch Canada

The Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada
