

July 20, 2015.



The Honourable Stephen Harper

Prime Minister of Canada


The Honourable Robert Nicholson

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada


Dr Valentin Inzko

High Representative


Dear Excellencies,



On behalf of survivors of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) numbering at over 50,000 who currently reside in Canada, we are deeply concerned about this week’s vote at the National Assembly of Republika Srpska – BiH’s smaller entity – to hold a referendum on the State Judiciary, questioning the authority of national courts over Bosnian Serbs. This is clear violation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and a direct attack on the sovereignty, security, stability, and prosperity of BiH. We call on both the Office of High Representative (OHR) and the Canadian Ministry of Foreign affairs to respond firmly and swiftly to this latest aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The call for a referendum came only a day after the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), among whose member is Canada, warned that such a referendum would mark a “fundamental violation” of the DPA, which ended the war in BiH between 1992 and 1995, and would be “a direct threat to the sovereignty and security” of BiH that “cannot be tolerated.”


During the war in BiH, the likes of President Dodik were constantly testing the boundaries of international community’s commitment to BiH, increasingly encouraged by the hesitations and half-measures that left over 100,000 dead and over 2,000,000 displaced. This week’s vote is just another attempt to continue the aggression and test the boundaries of international community’s commitment to sovereignty of BiH today. Last April, President Dodik announced that BiH’s smaller entity plans to seek a referendum in 2018 on the entity’s secession from BiH.  Such calls for secession must not be looked at as empty threats and must be denounced immediately as they threaten international law, and if carried out, would have grave and negative consequences throughout Southeast Europe. Allowing this type of rhetoric and political maneuvering to remain unchecked not only bolsters Mr. Dodik and his sympathizers, but also undermines the attempts at reconciliation and efforts of BiH’s eventual integration into the European Union and NATO.


The timing of this vote is also highly suspect as it comes on the heels of the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide.  This is an attempt to change the conversation away from the genocide victims and survivors and continue the aggression through political means. The ongoing crisis in the Balkans and Ukraine calls for greater Canadian and more clear EU engagement. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territorial integrity must be affirmed and safeguarded against dangerously nationalist rhetoric and destabilizing forces both within and outside its borders.


We welcome the recent statement of the OHR in reaffirming that the pursuit of this referendum is in violation of the DPA and outside the jurisdiction of the entity authorities.  The statement also highlighted that the call for a referendum is irresponsible and “shows the readiness of a powerful elite to continue to drive the Republika Srpska and BiH into an even deeper crisis.”


We also welcome the statement of the Embassy of the United States to Bosnia and Herzegovina in opposing the referendum and calling any preparation for it “a violation of the Dayton Peace Accords,” noting the fear of “repercussions it will have for the people in the RS and for BiH as a whole.” 


Now is the time to respond to this political maneuvering and send a strong and clear message that any calls for secession will not be tolerated.  We urge the OHR to use all resources available, including the Bonn powers, to respond to this latest aggression on BiH and ask Canada to reaffirm its position as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Accords and pledge to commit armed forces, if necessary, to suppress the illegal calls for secession. We ask that you stand with us as we work on meaningful reforms to preserve Bosnia and Herzegovina as a united, multi-ethnic, democratic nation on a clear path towards membership in the EU and NATO.



Professor Emir Ramic

Chairman of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada

President of the Congress of North American Bosniaks, Branch of Canada

U ime više od 50,000 preživjelih žrtava etničkog čišÄ‡enja i genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) koji trenutno borave u Kanadi, izražavamo svoju dobuku zabrinutost rezultatem glasanja u Narodnoj skupštini Republike Srpske – manjem entitetu u BiH – da se održi referendum o državnom pravosuÄ‘u, dovodeći u pitanje ovlasti nacionalnih sudova nad bosanskim Srbima. Ovo je jasno kršenje Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma i direktan napad na suverenitet, sigurnost, stabilnost, i prosperitet BiH. Pozivamo Ured visokog predstavnika (OHR), Premijera Kanade i Ministra vanjskih poslova Kanade da čvrsto i brzo odgovore na ovu najnoviju agresiju na Bosnu i Hercegovinu.


Poziv za referendum došao je samo dan nakon što je Vijeće za implementaciju mira (PIC), meÄ‘u čijim članovima je i Kanada, upozorili je da bi takav referendum označio “temeljno kršenje” Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma, kojim je okončan rat u BiH izmeÄ‘u 1992. i 1995. godine, i da predstavlja “direktnu prijetnju suverenitetu i sigurnosti” BiH koja se “ne može tolerirati.”


Za vrijeme rata u BiH, osobe poput predsjednika manjeg entitat, Milorada Dodika, stalno testiraju granice predanosti meÄ‘unarodne zajednice u BiH, sve više ohrabreni oklijevanjem i polu mjerama koje su ostavile više od 100.000 mrtvih i više od 2.000.000 raseljenih. Ovo glasanje je samo još jedan pokušaj da se nastavi agresija i testiraju granice posvećenosti meÄ‘unarodne zajednice u suverenitet BiH. U aprilu prošle godine, predsjednik Dodik je najavio da manji entitet BiH planira da traži referendum o otcjepljenju od Bih 2018. godine. Takvi pozivi za secesiju ne smiju se gledati kao prazne prijetnje i moraju se odmah osudili jer ugrožavaju meÄ‘unarodno pravo, a ako obavljen, imao bi ozbiljne i negativne posljedice u cijeloj jugoistočnoj Europi. Dopuštanje ove vrste retorike i političko manevriranje bez konsekvenca ne samo da podstiču gospodina Dodika i njegove simpatizere, nego i potkopavaju pokušaje pomirenja i napore eventualnih integracija BiH u Evropsku uniju i NATO.


Vrijeme ovog glasanja je takoÄ‘er vrlo sumnjiv jer dolazi na petama obilježavanja 20. godišnjice genocida u Srebrenici. Ovo je pokušaj da se skrene pažnja od žrtava genocida i preživjelih i nastavi agresija na BiH političkim sredstvima. Tekuće krize na Balkanu i Ukrajini zahtijevaju veći i jasniji angažman SAD i EU. Teritorijalni integritet Bosne i Hercegovine mora biti potvrÄ‘en i zaštićen protiv opasne nacionalističke retorike i destabilizirajućih sila unutar i izvan njenih granica.


Pozdravljamo nedavne izjave OHR-a potvrÄ‘ujući da je težnja za ovim referenduom u suprotnosti sa Dejtonskim mirovnim sporazumom i izvan nadležnosti entitetskih vlasti. U izjavi se takoÄ‘er naglasilo da je poziv za referendum neodgovoran i “pokazuje spremnost moćne elite da nastavi voditi Republiku Srpsku i BiH u još dublju krizu.”


TakoÄ‘er pozdravljamo izjavu Ambasade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Bosni i Hercegovini protiv referenduma i opisu svih priprema za referendum kao “kršenje Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma”, navodeći strah od “posljedica koje će imati za ljude u RS i za BiH u cjelini.


Sada je vrijeme da se odgovori na ovo političke manevriranje i pošalje snažna i jasnu poruka da se pozivi na secesiju neće tolerirati. Pozivamo OHR da koriste sve raspoložive resurse, uključujući i bonske ovlasti, da odgovore na ovaj najnoviji pokušaj agresije na BiH i tražimo od Kanade da potvrde svoju poziciju kao garanti Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma i da založe oružane snage, ako je potrebno, da se suzbiju nezakoniti pozivi na secesiju. Molimo vas da stojite uz nas dok radimo na značajnim reformama za očuvanje Bosne i Hercegovine kao jedinstvene, multietničke, demokratske drzave na jasnom putu ka članstvu u EU i NATO-u.


S poštovanjem,


Profesor Emir Ramic

Direktor Instituta za istrzivanje genocida, Kanada

Predsjednik Kongresa Bosnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, Ogranak za Kanadu

