
Saopcenje IGK

On the occasion of the brutal threats to Professor Emir Ramic, Director of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC}, we thank the many individuals, organizations and communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and throughout the Diaspora for its support to Professor Ramic. Also Institute thanks you for your support of our work. IGC is in its five years of work achieved significant results in the field of scientific research of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The struggle for peace, tolerance, truth, justice, human rights and freedoms remains the core mission of our work. In particular, we will continue to use the results of scientific research in the fight against the deniers of genocide not only in Bosnian and Herzegovina, but also in the world. All the perpetrator asks is that the bystander do nothing. The victim, on the other contrary, asks the bystander to share the burden of pain. The victim demands action, engagement, and remembering. Without the knowledge of the past, we have no place in the future.As long as they deny the genocide we will beat them with the scientific and judicial truth.



Povodom brutalnih prijetnji upućenih profesoru Emiru Ramiću, direktoru Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada, {IGK} zahvaljujemo se mnogobrojnim pojedincima, organizacijama i zajednicama u BiH i šrom dijaspore na podršci kako profesoru Ramiću, tako i na podršci za naš rad.  IGK je u svome petogodišnjem radu ostvario značajne rezulate u oblasti  naučnih istraživanja genocida, ratnog zločina i zločina protiv čovječnosti. Borba za mir, toleranciju, istinu, pravdu, zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda ostaje osnovna misija našeg rada. Posebno čemo nastaviti upotrebu rezultata naučnih istraživanja u borbi protiv negatora genocida ne samo u BiH, već i u svijetu. Sve što zločinac traži je da posmatrač ostane pasivan. Žrtva, nasuprot tome, zahtjeva od svjedoka da s njom podijeli teret bola. Žrtva traži akciju, angažman i pamćenje. Bez znanja o prošlosti mi nemamo mjesta u budućnosti. Sve dok oni negiraju genocid mi čemo ih tućI naučnim i sudskom istinom.
