
Prvi mart je prelomni historijski trenutak savremene BiH


Prvi mart je prelomni historijski trenutak savremene BiH jer potvrÄ‘uje bosanskohercegovačko državno, pravno, političko i društveno trajanje i uzdizanje. Ovo je historijska činjenica koja je naučno i društveno verificirana. ÄŒinom nezavisnosti BiH se u formi nezavisne države, politički reuspostavila.  Referendumom su potvrÄ‘eni bosanskohercegovačka državnost, samostalnost i nezavisnost kao većinsko  opredjeljenje graÄ‘ana BiH.


Taj historijski datum i naučno verificiranu, pravnu i historijsku činjenicu, vlasti manjeg entiteta još ne prihvataju. Ali značaj ovog historijskog datuma daleko prevazilazi dnevnu antibosanskohercegovačku politiku. Historijska činjenica je da je BiH tim danom postala članica meÄ‘unarodne zajednice, internacionalno priznata 177. članica Ujedinjeih Nacija. To je nepobitna stvarnost s kojom antibosanskohercegovačka politika mora računati, jer se ta pravna stvarnost ne može dovesti u pitanje.


Referendumom su stvoreni preduvjeti za meÄ‘unarodno priznanje državnog suvereniteta i političke nezavisnosti BiH, suvereniteta, teritorijalnog integriteta i državno, pravno, političkog kontinuiteta, koji omogučuju egzistenciju največih bosanskohercegovačkih vrednota Ideje Bosne i Bosanskog duha. I baš na te vrednote, koje su stotinama godina utemeljivale BiH, koje su stotinama godina hranjene iz bosanskohercegovačke historije, tradicije, kulture, odmah poslije meÄ‘unarodnog priznanja, izvršena je agresije i genocid. Strategija agresvno genocidnog zla udarila je na simbol bosanskohercegovačkog trajanja i uzdizanja, na bosanskohercegovačke čuvare. To se ne smije i neće zaboraviti. To se mora i hoće pamtiti u ime života bosanskohercegovačkih vrednota. Obnova vjere u te vrednote je strateški cilj svih onih koji poštuju državu BiH.


Samo slobodan čovjek, graÄ‘anin, svojom uutrašnjom energijom može doći do te vjere. Ali BiH još nema državnih garancija za svoju slobodu. Gdje postoji strah nema slobode. Gdje se ne može govoriti svojim maternjim jezikom nema demokratije, ljudskih prava i sloboda. Dok se BiH progoni zbog svojih vrednota, dok BiH još traga za istinom i pravdom, dok BiH još broji svoje mrtve i traži nestale u znak poštovanja prema svima onima koji su prepoznali značaj nezavisnosti i suvereniteta države i dali svoj glas za nezavisnost i budućnost, dužni smo graditi demokratsku, jedinstvenu državu BiH, dužni smo obilježavati Dan nezavisnosti, dužni smo se boriti protiv stratega i ideologija zla.

Oni koji poštuju jedinstvenu, suverenu, nezavisnu, demokratsku BiH, oni koji priznaju historijske rezultate referenduma iz 1992. godine, oni koji priznaju naučno verificiranu činjenicu da je BiH priznata tada kao nezavisna država,  treba da se osjećaju počastvovano zbog historijske činjenice da pripadaju generaciji utemeljitelja nezavisne države BiH. Ostale koji rečeno negiraju nećemo moliti, već poručiti Dan nezavisnosti je bio jeste i vječno će ostati simbol bosanskohercegovačkog državnog i društvenog trajanja i uzdizanja. Slavili ga ili ne BiH je nezavisna država koja kao takva postoji.





The 1st of March, 1992 is a groundbreaking historical moment for contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina as it confirms Bosnian statehood - including its legal, political and social endurance and elevation. This is a historical fact that has been proven scientifically and socially. The fact of Bosnian independence has been politically established. The referendum confirmed Bosnian statehood, independence and self-determination, as expressed by the majority of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


This historical date and historical, legal, and scientific fact has not been accepted by Bosnia’s smaller entity. However, the relevance of this historical date far exceeds the anti-Bosnian rhetoric that is displayed daily. The historical fact is that on that day, Bosnia and Herzegovina became a member of the international community, as the internationally recognized 177th member of the UN. This is an undeniable truth with which those aligned with anti-Bosnian politics must reckon with, because this legal reality is indisputable.


The referendum created the conditions for the international recognition of state sovereignty and the political independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina - for its sovereignty, territorial integrity and statehood, legal and political continuity. This allows for the existence of Bosnia’s tremendous values - the notion of Bosnia and the Bosnian spirit. And it’s these very values - which have been the foundation of Bosnia for hundreds of years and have been formed by Bosnian history, tradition, culture - that were subject to aggression and genocide immediately after the country was recognized internationally.


The strategy of aggressive genocidal evil struck at the symbol of Bosnian continuity and exaltation, and at those who safeguard Bosnian culture. This cannot and will not be forgotten. This must and will be remembered in the name of Bosnian values. A renewal of faith in these values is the strategic goal of all those who respect the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Only a free man, a citizen, through his internal energy, can be led towards this faith. But Bosnia and Herzegovina still has no governmental guarantees for its freedom. Where there is fear, there is no freedom. Where one cannot speak one’s own mother tongue, there is no democracy, human rights or freedom. While Bosnia is being persecuted because of its values, while it is still searching for truth and justice, while Bosnia is still counting its dead and searching for its missing in honour of all those who have recognized the importance of the independence and sovereignty of this country and cast their vote for independence and for the future - we are obligated to build a democratic, unified state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have an obligation to celebrate Independence Day, and we are obligated to fight the strategies and ideology of evil.


Those who respect the unique, sovereign, independent, and democratic Bosnia and Herzegovina, those who acknowledge the historical results of the referendum of 1992, those who acknowledge the scientifically verified fact that B & H was then recognized as an independent state, should feel honoured because of the historical fact that they belong to the generation of the founders of the independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


With regards to those who deny these facts: we will not plead with them, but rather send them the message that Independence Day will forever remain a symbol of the Bosnian state.
