
“Verdict is a compromise, Karadzic is guilty of genocide in all the occupied towns and cities in BiH

“Verdict is a compromise, Karadzic is guilty of genocide in all the occupied towns and cities in BiH
For the reasons known only to ICTY, the Indictment against Radovan Karadžić was reduced from 32 to 11, and finally 8 municipalities. Nevertheless, the available, valid, and reliable documents, primarily empiric sources of data, confirm and prove that the genocide was committed in all occupied places and towns under siege, including the UN safe area, for which Radovan Karadžić is responsible, and the mere pronouncement of such Verdict would meet the expectation of genocide victims, serve justice, and send a clear message to all on the planet Earth that the fair punishment would follow the planning, preparation, organization, and commission of genocide. This would mean that there is inherent and developed awareness and system of universal values on the planet Earth in the contemporary democratic society, will and determination to act in the direction of prevention and punishment of crime of genocide, which would in reality of human and social life reaffirm the meaningfulness of the Convention on prevention and punishment of crime of genocide. A Court that is not ready to punish a crime is an immoral, political court. Only truth and justice are the foundation of the future of a unified, sovereign, and democratic B&H. B&H, Europe and world remain without a necessary seal on truth and justice as a warning to future criminals”.
Emir Ramić

Političkim kompromisom Pretresnog vijeća MKSJ izostala je ključna, univerzalna i civilizacijska poruka presude da obeshrabri sve buduće planere i izvršioce genocida da ne mogu činiti zlo i da neće ostati nekažnjeni
Nažalost donošenjem takve presude MKSJ pravda nije zadovoljena. U odreÄ‘enom kontinuitetu, iz razloga samo MKSJ poznatih, optužnica protiv Radovana Karadžića reducirana sa 32, na 11, te na 8 općina. MeÄ‘utim, sva raspoloživa, valjana i pouzdana dokumenta, a prije svega, empirijski izvori podataka, potvrÄ‘uju i dokazuju da je genocid izvršen u svim okupiranim mjestima, gradovima u opsadi i sigurnim zonama Ujedinjenih nacija, za što je kriv Radovan Karadžić. Izricanjem takve presude ispunilo bi se očekivanja žrtava genocida, zadovoljilo pravdu i poslalo jasnu poruku svima na planeti Zemlji da će, u slučaju planiranja, pripreme, organizovanja i izvršenja genocida, uslijediti pravedna kazna. To bi značilo da na Planeti postoji izgraÄ‘ena i razvijena svijest i sistem univerzalnih vrijednosti u savremenom demokratskom ljudskom društvu, volja i odlučnost da se djeluje u pravcu sprečavanja i kažnjavanja zločina genocida, čime bi se u praksi ljudskog i društvenog života potvrdila ciljnost i svrsishodnost Konvencije o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida.
Sud koji nije spreman da potpuno kazni zločin je nemoralni, politički sud. Jedino je potpuna istina i pravda temelj budućnosti jedinstvene, suverene, demokratske BiH. BiH, Evropa i svijet ostaju i dalje bez pečata na stinu i pravdu kao opomenu budućim zločincima.
Emir Ramić
