
Zajedničko pismo TV kući CBS i

April 25, 2016


CBS Television Studios

c/o CBS Studio Center

4024 Radford Ave., Bungalow 5

Studio City, CA  91604


Dear Mr. Matthew Perry, Eric and Kim Tannenbaum, Sarah Timberman and Carl Beverly,

As a Bosnian American organization with thousands of active members, we are very disturbed and disappointed by a recent episode of your show “The Odd Couple” where one of the characters, Felix Unger (Thomas Lennon), brings up a reference to Srebrenica in an offensive fashion. Mr. Lennon says “So, Emily, I thought we could try that new Serbian restaurant, a Taste of Srebrenica.”

As most of us know, Srebrenica is a Bosnian city where mass genocide and atrocious war crimes were committed in 1995 by Serbian fascists on Bosnian men, women and children. The Srebrenica massacre was just one of many genocidal events that were committed by Serbs on Bosnians during a bloody war that occurred from 1992 - 1995, including the concentration camps, massacre of civilians and systematic mass rapes as well as other horrific crimes against humanity.

For Bosnians, Srebrenica is a painful symbol of suffering and genocide, analogous to what Auschwitz represents to Jewish people. Saying “Let’s go visit that new Serbian restaurant, The taste of Srebrenica” is analogous to saying something as horrendous as “Let’s go visit that new German restaurant, The taste of Auschwitz”. 

Post-war Bosnia in the late 90’s faced many political, financial and social issues, but Bosnian people’s will to rebuild and revive was stronger than the darkness they faced in the early 90’s.

We  resonate the thoughts and feelings of  Bosnian-American people and we truly  hope that Mr. Perry and fellow producers unknowingly included the joke into the script, and that such distasteful jokes will not be included in the future episodes of the show “The Odd Couple”.

We would strongly encourage Mr. Perry and the other producers to show solidarity with the Bosnian people and question the intentions and cultural understanding of the person responsible for the joke, whether it be an assistant script writer or another staff member of the show.

We welcome any response or comments from the producers of the show.

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter.



Eldin Elezović

President of the Congress of North American Bosniaks


Emir Ramić

Director of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada



25. april 2016. godine

Poštovani gospodine Matthew Perry, Eric i Kim Tannenbaum, Sarah Timberman, Carl Beverly,


Kao bosansko - američka organizacija sa hiljadama aktivnih članova, veoma smo uznemireni i razočarani nedavnom epizodom emisije "The Odd Couple" u kojoj se jedan od aktera, Felix Unger (Thomas Lennon) poziva   na Srebrenicu na uvredljiv način. Gospodin Lennon kaže: "Dakle, Emily, mislio sam da bi mogli probati novi srpski restoran, Ukus Srebrenice".


Kao što većina nas zna, Srebrenica je bosanski grad u kome je počinjen  genocid i stravični ratni zločini 1995. godine od strane srpskih fašista nad bosanskim muškaracima, ženama i djecom. Masakr u Srebrenici bio je samo jedan od mnogih genocidnih dogaÄ‘aja koji su počinile srbske snage nad bošnjačkim civilima tokom agresije i krvavog rata koji se dešavao u period od 1992 – 1995. Koncetracioni logori, masakri civila i sistematska masovna silovanja, kao i drugi strašni zločini protiv čovječnosti, bili su bosanskohercegovačka svakodnevnica.


Za Bošnjake Srebrenica je bolni simbol stradanja , analogan simbolu koji Aušvic predstavlja  jevrejskom narodu. Reći "Hajdemo posjetiti taj novi srpski restoran, Ukus Srebrenice" ekvivalentan je sloganu "Idemo posjetiti taj novi njemački restoran, Ukus Aušvica".


Prenosimo vam razočarenje brojnog bosansko-američkog naroda i iskreno se nadamo da je gospodin Perry i njegove kolege producenti nesvjesno uključili vic u ovaj nesretni scenarij, i da takve neukusne šale neće biti uključene u buduće epizode emisije "The Odd Couple ".


Mi bismo preporučili producentima da pokažu solidarnost sa bosanskim ljudima i dovodu u pitanje namjere i razumijevanje nemilih dogaÄ‘aja od strane osobe koja je odgovorna za šalu, bilo da je pomoćnik scenarista ili drugi član osoblja emisije.


Iskreno se nadamo vašem odgovoru.


Hvala vam za uzimanje vremena da pročitate naše pismo.


S poštovanjem,


Eldin Elezović

Predsjednik Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike


Emir Ramić

Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada
