
Hvala vam poštovani Borys


Hvala vam poštovani Borys Wrzesnewskyj za kontinuiranu, uspješnu borbu za istinu o genocidu u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini i pravdi za žrtve tog zločina, hvala vam za kontinuiranu borbu za ljudska prava, slobode i za demokratiju u svijetu.
Genocid u Srebrenici je zločin koji osramottio Europe, poštovani Borys Wrzesnewskyj govoreći na 21. godišnjicu genocida u Srebrenici u Torontu jula ove godine: "Više od 8.000  bošnjačkih muškaraca i dječaka ubijeno je u zločinu protiv civila u julu 1995. Mi nikada ne smijemo zaboraviti čin genocida koji se desio u Srebrenici To je bio zločin koji osramotio Europe. Dugujemo žrtvama da se dobro nauči lekciju iz Srebrenice, da se mora suočiti sa ylo ako čovečanstvo hoće da bude  zaštićeno, dugujemo žrtvama da svi optuženi za ovaj zločin budu privedeni pravdi . Sve što je moguće treba učiniti kako bi se osiguralo da se takav zločin nikada ne može ponoviti. Srebrenica će zauvijek ostati najmračniji dio 20. stoljeća. Svakog 11 jula kada potomci žrtava sahranjuju svoje najmilije, Kanada stoji sa graÄ‘anima Bosne i Hercegovine i žali zbog nevinih ljudskih gubitka. Naša srca i najdublje simpatije su s njima, i mi se obavezujemo i naše trajno opredjeljenje je da podrži njihova težnje za bolje sutra. Nastavljamo se boriti za genocid u Srebrenici da se globalno prepozna, tako da se ovaj zločin nikada ne zaboravlja. Nadamo se da će pomen imena Srebrenice podsjetiti svako dijete u svijetu da je neprihvatljivo ubijati ljude samo zato što su druge vjere, nacije, kulture, tradicije".
Thank you Hon. Borys Wrzesnewskyj for the continued, successful fight for the truth about the genocide in Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina and justice for the victims of this crime, thank you for continuing the fight for human rights, freedom and democracy in the world.
Genocide in Srebrenica was "a crime that shamed Europe" Hon. Borys Wrzesnewskyj speaking on the 21th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide in Toronto: "More than 8,000 Muslim Bosnian men and boys were killed in the atrocity in July 1995. We must never forget the act of genocide that happened at Srebrenica. It was a crime that shamed Europe. We owe it to the victims to learn the lesson of Srebrenica: that evil must be confronted if humanity is to be protected. We owe it to the victims to ensure that those indicted for this appalling crime are pursued relentlessly until they are brought to justice. Everything possible should be done to ensure that such an atrocity can never be repeated.The name Srebrenica will forever be associated with some of the darkest acts of the 20th century. As more innocent victims of this tragedy are laid to rest on July 11, Canada  stands with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina and grieves again for the loss of so many loved ones.  Our hearts and deepest sympathies are with them, and we pledge our enduring commitment to support their aspirations for a better tomorrow. We continue to fight for Srebrenica genocide  to be recognised globally, so this crime is never forgotten. We hope the very mention of the name Srebrenica will remind every child in the world that pride in our own religious and ethnic heritage does not require or permit us to dehumanise or kill those who are different".
Emir Ramic
