
Ljudska prava i slobode ne stanuju u svijetu

Ljudska prava i slobode ne stanuju u svijetu
Nepravda počinjena protiv bilo koga je prijetnja svima

Deseti decembar je poznat kao MeÄ‘unarodni dan ljudskih prava, kojim se obilježava usvajanje Univerzalne deklaracije o ljudskim pravima i Konvencija o genocidu iz 1948. godine. Režimi širom svijeta ni najmanje se ne obaziru na više od pola vjeka staru Deklaraciju i da zalaganja Ujedinjenih Nacija ne sprečavaju represiju i progon, agresije i genocide. Na meti diskriminacije su pojedinci i grupe koji su najranjiviji, poput invalida, žena i djevojaka, siromašnih, emigranata, pripadnika manjina i svih onih za koje se vjeruje da su drugačiji od većine.  Iza nas je još jedna loša godina za ljudska prava. Ubistva se nastavljaju sa minornom i sporadičnom pažnjom medija i Ujedinjenih Nacija, ni ostatak svijeta nije bio ništa bolji. Svi ljudi se raÄ‘aju jednaki i nezavisni u osnovnim ljudskim pravima i slobodama. Koristite svoju slobodu za promociju sloboda drugih. Samo zajedno možemo spriječiti nove genocide. Samo zajedno možemo napraviti bolju budućnost za našu djecu. Ubijena djeca Prijedora zaslužuju spomen obilježje. Ponižena djeca Kotor Varoši i širom manjeg bosanskohercegovačkog entiteta zaslužuju da uče na maternjem, bosanskom jeziku. 

Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada

Human rights and freedoms are not living in the world
An injustice committed against anyone is a threat to everyone

The tenth day of December is known as International Human Rights Day, which marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Genocide Convention of 1948. The regimes around the world in the least ignore more than half a century-old commitment to the Declaration and the United Nations does not prevent repression and persecution, aggressions and genocides. The target of discrimination against individuals and groups who are most vulnerable, such as the disabled, women and girls, the poor, immigrants, ethnic minorities and all those who are believed to have been different from most. Behind us was another bad year for human rights. The murders continue with minor and sporadic attention of the media and the United Nations, nor the rest of the world was no better. We have a solemn duty to defend the vulnerable, to challenge the aggressor, to protect and promote human rights, human dignity. We stand shoulder to shoulder with human rights defenders who struggle to promote freedom and human rights around the world. All mankind being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions. Together we can prevent genocide from happening again. Together we can make a better future for our children. 
The killed children of Prijedor deserve a memorial. Humiliated children of Kotor Varos and around the smaller bosnian entity deserve to learn in the Bosnian language.
Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada
