
Blokada tuzbe

 BiH se uporno servira blokada revizije tužbe. U toj blokadi protiv sudskog dogaÄ‘anja istine i pravde, usporeni hod bosanskohercegovačkog političkog establišmenta je na kritičkoj tački. Ukoliko BiH prokocka reviziju tužbe i ne osigura realizaciju odgovarajuće državne strategije po pitanju institucionalizacije kulture pamćenja, postoji realna mogućnost, da ostane vječni taoc srbijanskog režima i pojedinaca koji simboliziraju projekat velika Srbija.
B&H has steadfastly served blockade audit lawsuits. In this blockade against judicial events of truth and justice, the decreased speed of the BiH political establishment is at a critical point. If B&H gambles the revision of the suit and does not ensure the proper implementation of the national strategy with regard to the institutionalization of a culture of memory, there is a real possibility, that they remain eternal hostage to the Serbian regime and individuals who symbolize a greater Serbia.

Sloboda BiH je moguća samo onda kada se utvrdi sudska odgovornost za agresiju i genocid na čijim rezultatima se danas temelji ta sloboda. Država BiH i njene žrtve u agresiji i genocidu, se na smiju ponižavati. Istina i pravda su najbolja brana antibosanskom djelovanju i najbolja brana ponižavanju žrtava agresije i genocida.
Freedom of B&H is only possible when there is an established judicial responsibility for the genocide whose freedom is based on the results. The country B&H and its victims of the aggression and genocide, are not allowed to be humiliated. Truth and justice are the best barrier to anti Bosnian activities and the best barrier against humiliation of the victims of aggression and genocide.

