
Pismo za Jody Wislon

The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8


Kanadski Srbin Milan Lešić, osnivač i predsjednik humanitarne organizacije iz Kanade "Humanitarne organizacije Republika Srpska", je tokom agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida protiv njenih graÄ‘ana, posebno Bošnjaka, sredstvima prikupljenim u Kanadi finansirao Vojsku i Policiju entiteta Republika Srpska. Pravosnažnom presudom MeÄ‘unarodnog suda pravde iz 2007. godine Vojska i Policija entiteta Republika Srpska su osuÄ‘eni za največi zločin u Evropi poslije Drugog svjetskog rata, genocid u Srebrenici, odnosno Bosni i Hercegovini. Milan Lešić je takoÄ‘e imao više susreta sa Radovanom Karadžićem i Ratkom Mladićem, optuženim za genocid i druge zločine u Bosni i Hercegovini od strane MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju u vremenu kada je protiv njih pokrenuta meÄ‘unarodna potjernica. Milan Lešić se takoÄ‘e više puta susretao sa predstavnicima političkog establišmenta entiteta Republika Srpska kako u Kanadi, tako i u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Za finansiranje agresije i genocida u entitet Republiku Srpsku odnio na desetine hiljada kanadskih dolara. Zauzvrat je od Karadžića dobio pištolj, a od Mladića gusle. O dubini njihovog prijateljstva svjedoči i činjenica da je posljednji put Karadžića i Mladića vidio 2001. godine i to u Beogradu gdje su se obojica skrivali od meÄ‘unarodne pravde. Ta podrška očito nije prestala ni nakon agresije i genocida na Bosnu i Hercegovinu s obzirom da je održavao kontakte sa Karadžićem i u vrijeme dok je bio bjegunac od meÄ‘unarodne pravde. Lešić se, naime, 2001. godine odvojeno susreo sa Karadžićem i sa Mladićem u Beogradu. Nepunih godinu dana nakon Karadžićevog hapšenja, početkom 2009. godine, u crkvi u Kanadi mu je pristupila nećaka Momčila Krajišnika koja je tražila novac za pomoć Karadžiću.

Milan Lešić je finansirao u proljeće 1993. godine agresiju Vojske entiteta Republika Srpska na Goražde, Grebak i Trnovo. Poslije okupacije Grepka i Trnova i potpune izolacije Goražda politički, vojni i policijski stablišment entiteta Republika Srpska  na posebnom prijemu izražavaju zahvalnost Milanu Lešiću, planirajući napad na zaštičene zone Ujedninjenih nacija Srebrenicu i Žepu. Nakon dvije godine Milan Lešić je finansirao i agresiju na  na zaštičene zone Ujedninjenih nacija Srebrenicu i Žepu.

Polazeći od toga da je Kanada jusvojila savezni zakon o "univerzalnoj nadležnosti" za zločine protiv čovječnosti na osnovu koga je jedan državljanin Ruande 2009. osuÄ‘en na doživotnu robiju za učešÄ‡a u genocidu koji je u toj zemlji počinjen 1994. godine, Internacionalni ekspertni tim Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada koji broji više od stotinu eminentnih istraživača genocida i aktivista za ljudska prava i slobode u saradnji sa Kongresom Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, mnogim organizacijama za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda u svijetu, te u saradnji sa organizacijama preživjelih žrtava genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini traži od vas da sa posebnom pažnjom preispitate navode koje vam šaljemo u vezi zločonačke aktivnosti kanadskog Srbina Milana Lešića. U interesu je pravde i istini, a samim tim i bolje zajedničke bosanskohercegovačke budućnosti da se svi ratni zločinci koji žive na područiju Kanade procesuiraju.

U prilogu su linkovi na kojima možete vidjeti zločinačke aktivnosti Milana Lešića.

S poštovanjem.

Profesor Emir Ramić
Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada
Eldin Elezović
Predsjednik Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike

Attached are links where you can see Milan Lešić's criminal activities.

1. The young man in the presence of Milan Lešić baptized is a captured Bosniak in Trnovo in 1994

2. Milan Lešić gives a donation to finance the war for the genocide for Radovan Karadžić and war crimes indictee Momčilo Krajišnik in Pale in 1994.

3. Milan Lešić gives a donation to the Accused for the genocide of Ratko Mladić in the command of the Main Staff of the Republika Srpska Army at Han Pijesak 1994

4. Milan Lešić with genocide indictee Ratko Mladić visits a line of attacks on the UN protected Zepa zone in 1994.

5. Milan Lesic and Ratko Mladic at the Military Hospital in Belgrade

6. Karadzic's and Mladic's gifts to their brother in Canada


 The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8

Dear Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould

Canadian Serb Milan Lešić, founder and president of the humanitarian organization from Canada, "Humanitarian Organizations Republika Srpska", during the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the genocide against its citizens, especially Bosniaks, financed the Republika Srpska Army and Police from the funds collected in Canada. By the final verdict of the International Court of Justice in 2007, the Republika Srpska Army and Police were convicted of the worst crime in Europe after the Second World War, the genocide in Srebrenica of  Bosnia and Herzegovina. Milan Lešić also had several meetings with Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić, charged with genocide and other crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, at the time when an international arrest warrant was launched against them. Milan Lesic also met several times with representatives of the political establishment of the Republika Srpska entity both in Canada and in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Milan Lesic took tens of thousands of Canadian dollars to finance the aggression and genocide in the Republika Srpska entity. In return, Karadzic give him a pistol, and Mladic fiddle for his support. The depth of their friendship is testified by the fact that he saw Karadzic and Mladic in 2001 for the last time in Belgrade, where both were hiding from international justice. This support obviously did not stop even after the aggression and genocide on Bosnia and Herzegovina, since he maintained contacts with Karadzic while he was a fugitive from international justice. Namely, in 2001 Lešić met separately with Karadžić and Mladić in Belgrade. Within a year after Karadzic's arrest, at the beginning of 2009, the niece of Momcilo Krajisnik, joined Milan Lasic in the church in Canada where she was seeking money to help Karadzic.

Milan Lešić financed in the spring of 1993 the aggression of the Republika Srpska Army entity to Gorazde, Grebak and Trnovo. After the occupation of Grepka and Trnovo and complete isolation of Gorazde, Republika Srpska's political, military and police in a special reception expresses gratitude to Milan Lešić,also were they planned an attack on the protected zones of the United Nations Srebrenica and Zepa. After two years, Milan Lešić also financed the aggression against the protected zones of the United Nations Srebrenica and Zepa.

Based on the fact that Canada has adopted a federal law on "Universal Jurisdiction" for crimes against humanity, on the basis of which a citizen of Rwanda in 2009 was sentenced to life imprisonment for participating in the genocide committed in that country in 1994, the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada which has more than a hundred eminent genocide researchers and human rights activists in collaboration with the Congress of North American Bosniaks, many organizations for the protection of human rights and freedoms in the world, and in cooperation with organizations of survivors of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina asks you to pay special attention to the allegations we receive concerning the criminal activities of Canadian Serb Milan Lešić.

It is in the interests of justice and truth, therefore, a better common Bosnian-Herzegovinian future for all war criminals living in Canada to be prosecute.

We look forward to Canada response.


Professor Emir Ramic
Chairman of the Institute for Research of Genocide
Eldin Elezovic
President of the Congress of North American Bosniaks

Attached are links where you can see Milan Lešić's criminal activities.

1. The young man in the presence of Milan Lešić baptized is a captured Bosniak in Trnovo in 1994

2. Milan Lešić gives a donation to finance the war for the genocide for Radovan Karadžić and war crimes indictee Momčilo Krajišnik in Pale in 1994.

3. Milan Lešić gives a donation to the Accused for the genocide of Ratko Mladić in the command of the Main Staff of the Republika Srpska Army at Han Pijesak 1994

4. Milan Lešić with genocide indictee Ratko Mladić visits a line of attacks on the UN protected Zepa zone in 1994.

5. Milan Lesic and Ratko Mladic at the Military Hospital in Belgrade

6. Karadzic's and Mladic's gifts to their brother in Canada
