
Ispraćamo majku kojoj dušmani nisu dali da bude majka

Ispraćamo majku kojoj dušmani nisu dali da bude majka. Majku koja se do posljednjeg dana borila za istinu i pravdu. Obećavamo da ćemo nastaviti tragati za istinom i pravdom u ime bolje zajedničke budućnosti u Srebrenici i BiH. Majka Hatidža ostaje trajni simbol i inspiracija svim ljudima bez obzira na vjeru i naciju koji se bore za svijet bez genocida u kome će djeca uživati božije blagodati života. 
We pay our respects to the mother who was deprived by her enemies of being a mother. A mother who fought for truth and justice until the last day. We promise that we will continue to search for truth and justice in the name of a better future in Srebrenica and BiH. Mother Hatidža remains a permanent symbol and inspiration to all people regardless of religion and nation that are fighting for a world without genocide in which children will enjoy God's blessings of life.

Izgubili smo velikog borca za istinu, pravdu, ljudsko dostojanstvo, državu BiH. Dobili smo trajnu inspiraciju za veliku misiju borbe za bolji svijet bez genocida.
We lost the great fighter for truth, justice, human dignity, the state of B&H. We got a lasting inspiration for a great mission of fighting for a better world without genocide.
/E. R./
