
U Kongresu

Za vrijeme posjete Američkom kongresu posebno, nezaboravno iskustvo je bilo u jednoj od prostorija Kongresa. Hodajući dugim i širokim hodnicima Kongresa mislio sam o Bosni koja ima sjajnu budućnost, ne samo zbog američke pomoći, već prije svega zbog  neuništive moralne supstance bosanskog života u obliku Ideje Bosne i Bosanskog duha. 
During the visit to the American Congress, a special, unforgettable experience was in one of the Congress room. Walking along the long and wide halls of the Congress, I thought of Bosnia with a great future, not only because of American assistance, but above all because of the indestructible moral substance of Bosnian life in the form of the Idea of Bosnia and the Bosnian Spirit.
/E. R./
