
Lokalni izbori u Kanadi

Pozivamo prijatelje BiH u Kanadi koji imaju pravo glasa da glasaju na lokalnim izborima, da svoj glas daju borcima za istinu o agresiji na RBiH i genocida nad Bošnjacima, borcima za pravdu za žrtve tih zločina, borcima za jačanje jedinstvene, demokratske, suverene, prosperitetne države BiH i otvorenog, slobodnog, civilnog društva. U našem radu za istinu i pravdu i bolju državu BiH uvjerili smo se da postoje prijatelji BiH u Kanadskom parlamentu koji zaslužuju naš glas. U Hamiltonu nas glas zaslužuju za gradonačelnika Fred Eisenberger i za izbornu jedinu broj 10 Maria Pearson.
Hvala gradu Hamiltonu što je obilježavajući Dan državnosti BiH poslao sasvim jasnu poruku čitavom svijetu: BiH je ostala BiH kroz dugu svoju povijest. To što politički lideri kanadskog grada Hamiltona posebno obilježavaju Dan nezavisnosti i Dan državnosti BiH je znak priznavanja bosanskohercegovačke države i društva, znak da poštuju aktivizam bosanskohercegovačke dijaspore u njenoj borbi za očuvanje i jačanje bosanskohercegovačke države i društva. To što politički lideri Hamiltona poštuju i obilježavaju 31. maj Svijetski dan Bijelih traka i 11. juli Dan sjećanja na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici je znak da poštuje istinu i pravdu kao najvažnije tekovine civilizacije, kao najbolji put bolje bosanskohercegovačke budućnosti. BiH su mnogi pokušali uništiti, posebno u posljednjoj agresiji devedesetih godina prošlog vijeka, ali u tome nisu uspjeli zbog čega se ne smije u miru podleći pritiscima i dozvoliti da se univerzalne vrijednosti za koje su mnogi dali živote uništavaju.
Canadian Bosniaks have an obligation to help those electoral candidates who support values such as truth, justice, freedom, and equality. 
We invite friends of B&H in Hamilton who are entitled to vote, to give their votes to the fighters for the truth about the aggression and genocide in  B&H, to the fighters for justice for the victims of these crimes, to the fighters for the strengthening of a unified, democratic, sovereign, prosperous state of BiH and an open and free, civil society. In our work for truth and justice and a better state of BiH, we saw that there are friends of B&H in Hamilton who deserve our vote. In Hamilton our voice deserve for the mayor Fred Eisenberger and for the riding 10 Maria Pearson.
Thanks to the city of Hamilton which is marking the National Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a very clear message to the whole world: Bosnia remained Bosnia throughout her long history.The fact that the political leaders of the Canadian City of Hamilton specially marked Independence Day and National Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a sign of recognition of the Bosnian state and society, a sign that respect activism Bosnian diaspora in its struggle for the preservation and strengthening of Bosnian state and society. The fact that political leaders Hamilton respect and mark 31 May, Worldwide White Armband Day and 11 July, Remembrance Day for the victims of the Srebrenica genocide is a sign that respect truth and justice as the most important achievements of civilization, as the best way better Bosnian future.

Thanks to the political leaders of the city of Hamilton and especially members of the City Assembly, professor Emir Ramic, director of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada said :”Those who in their intoxication rule do not see that evil is again ready to finish the job of dividing Bosnia and Herzegovina and that Bosniaks came to the level of the most vulnerable people in Europe, the political leaders of the Canadian city of Hamilton through continuous support to Bosnia and Herzegovina, with truth and justice are sending a message: Bosnia has remained Bosnia throughout her long history, which has always been integral in terms of territory, cuturale and unique as historical existence. Bosnia has always succeeded to wake locked resources”.
