
Nema budućnosti ako se ne oslanja na prošlost koja je ispravno shvaćena i istražena

Nema budućnosti ako se ne oslanja na prošlost koja je ispravno shvaćena i istražena


Obuka istraživače genocida


U organizaciji  Instituta za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu,, održava se obuka istraživača genocida za članove Upravnog odbora i MeÄ‘unarodnog ekspertnog tima  Institita za istraživanje genocida Kanada, Prisustvo članova oba odbora je obavezno. Obuka je otvorenog tipa tako da možete pozvati sa sobom sve zainteresovane. Obuke će izvršiti uvaženi prof. Dr. Smail ÄŒekić, Direktor Instituta za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu i redovni profesor Fakulteta političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu.



Kada:       Petak, 26. novembar 2010. od 17:00 do 21:00 sati

                Subota, 27. novembar 2010. ujutru od 9:00 do 12:00


Lokacija: Bošnjačka islamska zajednica „Gazi Husrev Beg“ Toronto


S poštovanjem,


Emir Ramić

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada




There is no future if it does not rely on a past that is properly understood and researched


Training of Genocide


Organized by the Institute  for the Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo, Training of Genocide for Members of the Board of the Directors and Members of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Resarch of genocide Canada . The presence of members of both Boards is required. Training is open for the public. The Training will be run by esteemed professor, Dr. Smail Cekic, Director of the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of University Sarajevo and professor of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo.


When:       Friday, November 26, 2010 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

                 Saturday, November 27, 2010, from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Location: Bosnian Islamic Association “Gazi Husrev Beg” Toronto   




Emir Ramic

Institute for Research of Genocide Canada
