


Povodom dogaÄ‘aja u Novom Zelandu i ubistva 50 nedužnih muslimana, BIC Hamilton je poduzeo mjere u vezi sa osiguranjem bezbjednosti naših članova koji posjećuju džamiju

Izvršni odbor BIC Hamilton na osnovu ukazane potrebe i u skladu sa operativnim aktivnostima koje imaju slične organizacije i zajednice u Kanadi je usvojio sljedeće zaključke:

1. Usvaja se procedura za zaključavanje objekta BIC Hamilton sa prostorijama u slučaju bilo kakve opasnosti po članove zajednice i članove njihovih porodice koji se zadese u objektu.

2. Formiran je tim sa predsjednikom Izvršnog odbora BIC Hamilton Hasanom Kapo kao rukovodiocem tima koji će biti zadužen za sprovoÄ‘enje navedene procedure. Predsjednik će raditi sa volunterima iz BIC Hamilton na implementaciji istih.

3. Za potpunu implementaciju procedure treba više vremena, što uključuje angažovanje voluntera, pribavljanje dokumentacije, kupovina opreme, komunickacija sa vlastima, uvježbavanje procedure itd.

4. U meÄ‘uvremenu do potpune implementacije procedure  Izvršni odbor BIC Hamilton uvedi privremene korake u cilju zaštite objekta BIC Hamilton.

5. Nedelja za vrijeme mekteba i škole bosanskog jezika:
Vrata džamije će biti otvorena do 11:00 am. Od 11:00 am do 1:45 pm, vrata će biti zaključana. Ispred vrata će biti najmanje jedan roditelj, volunter poslije zaključavanja vrata. Volunteri će obavljati dužnost osmatranja i biti unutar zgrade. Za vrijeme klanjanja podne namaza, volunteri će biti unutar zgrade u funkciji nadgledanja. Kada podne namaz završi, dva voluntera će pregledati ulaz i parking prije puštanja djece kući.

6. Petak za vrijeme džuma namaza:
Vrata džamije će biti otvorena do 1:30 pm. Od 1:30 pm do 2:15 pm vrata će biti zaključana. Tokom dolaska na džuma namaz, ispred vrata će biti dva voluntera. Za vrijeme klanjanja džuma namaza, dva voluntera će biti unutar zgrade u funkciji nadgledanja. Kada džuma namaz završi, dva voluntera će pregledati ulaz i parking prije puštanja vani posjetioca.

7. Ulazi/Izlazi podruma mogu se koristiti samo u hitnim slučajevima. Jedini ulaz i izlaz iz džamije je kroz glavna vrata na prvom spratu.

Nadamo se da će navedeni postupci i procedure dati povjerenje našim članovima da se osjećaju sigurno dok su u našoj džamiji.

Izvršni odbor BIC Hamilton


On the occasion of the events in New Zealand and the killing of 50 innocent Muslims, BIC Hamilton took measures to ensure the safety of its members, who visiting the mosque.

The BIC Hamilton Executive Committee, based on the identified need and in line with the operational activities of similar organizations and communities in Canada, has adopted the following conclusions:

1. The procedure for locking the BIC Hamilton facility with premises in case of any danger to members of the community and members of their families who are being encountered in the facility is adopted.

2. A team has been formed with the chairman of the BIC Executive Committee, Hamilton, Mr.  Hasan Kapo as the team leader who will be in charge of the implementation of the procedure. The president will work with volunteers from BIC Hamilton to implement it.

3. In order to fully implement the procedure, it takes more time, which involves engaging volunteers, obtaining documentation, purchasing equipment, communicating with authorities, training procedures, etc.

4. In the meantime, until the full implementation of the procedure, the Executive Committee BIC Hamilton introduces interim measures to protect the BIC Hamilton facility.

5. Sunday during the Mekteb and the Bosnian language school:
- The door of the mosque will be open until 11:00 am. From 11:00 am to 1:45 pm, the door will be locked. In front of the door there will be at least one parent as a volunteer after the door lock,
- Volunteers will perform the duty of observation and be inside the building. During the duhr prayer  volunteers will be inside the building as a monitoring function. When the duhr prayer end, two volunteers will inspect the entrance and parking before putting the children home.

6. Friday during the jumma's prayer:
- The mosque door will be open until 1:30 pm. From 1:30 pm to 2:15 pm the door will be locked. In front of the front door, there will be at least two volunteers. After the door is locked. Volunteers will be doing over-watch from inside of the building. During the dzuma prayer, volunteers will be inside of the building. When congregational prayer is completed, volunteers will check entrance and parking for any suspicious activity before letting out visitors.  

7. Basement entrance/exit will be used only for emergency purposes. Only front door on first floor will be used for both entrance and exit.  

We hope that measures we are taking will give confidence to our community members to feel save and secure when visiting BIC Hamilton.  

The BIC Hamilton Executive Committee
