

Chancellor Carol Christ  
Office of the Chancellor
University of California, Berkeley
200 California Hall # 1500 
Berkeley, CA 94720-1500

04. 04. 2019.

Poštovana kancelar Carol Christ,

Obraćamo vam se u ime istraživača, akademika, advokata i aktivista ljudskih prava i slobode, te posebno u ime preživjelih žrtava agresije i genocida u BiH koji žive u Sjevernoj Americi, te članova Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada u vezi prof. dr. Jasmina Vujić, dekana katedre za nuklearni inženjering prestižnog univerziteta Berkli. 
Zapanjeni smo saznanjem da svijetski poznati stručnjak u oblasti nuklearnog inženjeringa, dr. Vujić se vrlo aktivno bavi finansiranjem i lobiranjem za aktivnosti ekstremnih, nacionalističkih, srpskih pokreta koji su činili velike zločine kako u Drugom svijetskom ratu, tako i u agresiji i genocidu u BiH. Ističemo da su se SAD u Drugom svijetskom ratu borile protiv ekstremnih, srpskih, četničkih pokreta koji su bili na strani fašizma i nacizma. U agresiji na državu BiH navedeni ekstremni nacionalistički pokreti su počinili velike zločine, uključujući i genocid nad Bošnjacima. Istovremeno su pripadnici tih ekstremnih pokreta vezali američke vojnike, koji su bili u sastavu mirovnih operacija u BiH kao taoce 1995 u blizini Sarajeva.
Dr. Vujić je organizovala proteste protiv NATO u SAD. Organizovala je ekstremnu srpsku dijasporu u SAD koja pruža materjalnu i drugu podršku navedenim fašističkim pokretima u Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj. Na kraju dr. Vujić lobira protiv američkih organa koji su predsjednika entiteta Republika Srpska stavili na američku crnu listu, što je direktno protiv američkih interesa i američke države. Na kraju dr. Vujić negira pavosnažne presude internacionalnih sudova o ratnim zločinima, zločinima protiv čovječnosti i genocida u BiH.
Smatramo da su navedene činjenice sasvim dovoljne da preispitate rad prof. Vujić. Po našem mišljenju navedene aktivnosti i podržavanje ekstremnih, fašističih pokreta od strane vašeg akademskog člana narušava ugled respektabilne vaše akademske institucije. Istovremeno njena aktivnost je uznemirila mnoge američke Bosance i Bosanke, preživjele žrtve agresije i genocida, koji ponovo osjećaju strah.

U nadi vašeg odgovora,

Primite izraze našeg poštovanja.

Profesor Emir Ramic
Direktor Instituta za Istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK} 

Dear respected president of the University of Berkeley

We are contacting you on behalf of the researchers, academics, lawyers and the human rights and freedom activists, and in particular on a behalf of the survivors of the aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovinia that have resettled a in North America, as well as the members of the International expert team of the Institute for Research of Genocide in Canada in conjunction with prof. dr. Jasmina Vujic, the Dean of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the your prestigious Berkeley University.
We are astounded by the knowledge that a world-renowned expert in nuclear engineering such as dr. Vujic is actively engaged in financing and lobbying activities of the extreme and nationalistic Serbian movements that have committed great crimes both in the Second World War and in the aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovinia. We would like to point out that the United States fought in the Second World War against extreme Serbian-Chetnik movements that were on the side of fascism and Nazism. In the aggression against the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the extreme nationalist movements committed major crimes, including genocide against Bosniaks. At the same time, members of these extreme movements have tied up US soldiers and held them as hostages even though they were part of a peace operations in Bosnia in 1995 near the city of Sarajevo.
Dr. Vujic has organized protests against NATO in the US. She has also organized an extreme Serbian diaspora in the United States that provides financial and other support to the aforementioned fascist movements in Serbia and the Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska. Dr. Vujic lobbied against US authorities that have placed the president of Bosnian entity of the Republika Srpska Mr. Dodik on the US blacklist, which is a direct action against US and its interests. At the end we would like to point out that dr. Vujic has openly denied the verdicts of international tribunals on war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovinia.
We believe that these facts are quite sufficient to re-examine the work that prof. Vujić does for your respected university. We believe that the activities and support of extreme and fascist movements by your academic member disrupts the prestige of your academic institution. At the same time her activities and the activities of the organizations she actively leads and supports has disturbed many American Bosnians who survived the Serbian aggression and genocide.
We are hoping for a prompt answer and action from your prestige university in order to justify the fear that many survivors of Bosnian genocide are felling at this time.


Professor Emir Ramic
Institute for research of genocide Canada {IGC}
