Vijećnica simbol pobjede nad fašizmom, veÄeras je obasjana bojama zastave Evropske unije i Bosne i Hercegovine.
Kolektivno znanje pohranjeno u spisima jednog naroda predstavlja bitan dio identiteta tog naroda. Do danas brojni vlastodršci širom svijeta, a posebno kreatori i izvršioci agresije na BiH i genocida nad njenim graÄ‘anima nisu shvatili da se snagu misli i duha, bilo u obliku pisane rijeÄi ili izraženu nekim drugim umjetniÄkim jezikom, nije moguće izbrisati. Još nije izmišljeno oružje koje je snažnije od snage duha.
Vijecnica, a symbol of victory over fascism, was illuminated tonight with the colors of the flag of the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The collected history and knowledge that is saved and recorded in the writings of a people is an essential component in the identity of a nation. Rulers around the world, even today, do not realize the power contained in the thoughts and the spirit of people – regardless how it is expressed: either written, spoken its many dialects or in the collections of items.