
Deklaracija o Republici Bosni i Hercegovini

1. Deklaracija o Republici Bosni i Hercegovini 

2. The Declaration of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Polazeći od pravosnažne presude Internacionalnog suda pravde (ICJ) od 26. februara 2007. godine u slučaju Bosna i Hercegovina protiv Srbije i Crne Gore, Mi, gradjani Bosne i Hercegovine, odlucni da se borimo protiv diskriminacije po bilo kojoj osnovi, za vladavinu prava i  pravdu za zrtve agresije i genocida, poštivajući Konvenciju o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida, poštivajući Evropsku Povelju o lokalnoj samoupravi, poštivajući Povelju Ujedinjenih Nacija, odlucni da putem ove Deklaracije implementiramo pravosnazne presude Internacionalnog krivičnog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju (ICTY) i pravosnazne presude Internacionalnog suda pravde (ICJ) od 26. februara 2007. godine u slučaju Bosna i Hercegovina protiv Srbije i Crne Gore, na dan 24. septembra 2010. godine, usvajamo

Deklaraciju o Republici Bosni i Hercegovini

Internacionalni sud pravde je 26. februara 2007. godine svojom pravosnažnom presudom u slučaju Bosna i Hercegovina protiv Srbije i Crne Gore presudio: „Da je Srbija prekršila obavezu da spriječi genocid na što je bila obavezna na osnovu Konvencije o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida, koji se odnosi na genocid počinjen u Srebrenici u julu 1995. godine.”  Sud je utvrdio da su genocid počinile vlasti i institucije Republike Srpske, posebno Vojska (VRS) i Policija (MUP) „Republike Srpske” i da je Srbija imala obavezu da sprijeci genocid. Podnošenje tužbe za genocid 1993. godine prethodi svim naknadnim ustavnim i pravnim aranzmanima za državu Bosnu i Hercegovinu.  Presuda Internacionalnog suda pravde je nadreÄ‘ena svim ustavnim aranzmanima koji se danas nude žrtvama agresije i genocida uključujući i Aneks IV Dejtonskog sporazuma.

Stoga, Mi, gradjani Bosne i Hercegovine, zrtve agresije i genocida, pozivajući se na pravosnažnu  presudu Internacionalnog suda pravde i zakonito pravo na RESTITUTIO IN INTEGRUM (vraćanje u originalno stanje) utemeljeno na imperativnim normama Internacionalnog prava JUS COGENS, usvajamo Deklaraciju kojom proglasavamo da postujemo iskljucivo ustav Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i da cemo se boriti za povrat institucija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, onakvih kakve su bile prije agresije i genocida i proglasavamo nevazecim Dayton-ski ustav i institucije kreirane Dayton-skim ustavom.

Ustav Republike Bosne i Hercegovine je jedini pravni dokument na osnovu kojeg je priznata nezavisnost Bosne i Hercegovine. Ustav Republike Bosne i Hercegovine je ukinuo komunizam i obezbjedio odrzavanje slobodnih visepartijskih izbora u Bosni i Hercegovini u 1990. godini i obezbjedio je odrzavanje slobodnog referenduma za nezavisnot u 1992. godini. Pod ovim ustavom, Republika Bosna i Hercegovina je postala clanica UN-a. Ustav Republike Bosne i Hercegovine obezbjedjuje da je svaki gradjanin suveren na cijeloj teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine bez obzira na etnicku i vjersku pripadnost.

ÄŒlan 154. Ustava Republike Bosne i Hercegovine: “Neprikosnoveno je i neotuÄ‘ivo pravo i dužnost graÄ‘ana, naroda Bosne i Hercegovine i pripadnika drugih naroda koji u njoj žive da štite i brane slobodu, nezavisnost, suverenitet, teritorijalni integritet i cjelokupnost i Ustavom utvrÄ‘eno ureÄ‘enje Republike”.

ÄŒlan 155. Ustava Republike Bosne I Hercegovine: “Niko nema pravo da prizna ili potpiše kapitulaciju, niti da prihvati ili prizna okupaciju Republike Bosne i Hercegovine ili pojedinog njenog dijela. Niko nema pravo da spriječi graÄ‘ane Republike Bosne i Hercegovine da se bore protiv neprijatelja koji je napao Republiku. Takvi akti su protuustavni i kažnjavaju se kao izdaja Republike. Izdaja Republike je najteži zločin prema narodu i kažnjava se kao teško krivično djelo”.

Internacionalna zajednica je prihvatila volju gradjana Bosne i Hercegovine izrazenu referendumom od 1. marta 1992. godine priznanjem Republike Bosne i Hercegovine kao suverene drzave.

Ostatak Jugoslavije (Srbija i Crna Gora) i Jugoslovenska narodna armija (JNA) pokrenuli su rat i izvrsili agresiju u 1992. godini protiv Republike Bosne i Hercegovine sa ciljem stvaranja etnicki ciste Velike Srbije sto je dovelo do ubijanja, genocida i stradanja nevidjenog u Evropi poslije Drugog svjestkog rata. Pravosnaznim Rezolucijama broj 752 i 757 od 1992. godine, Savjet bezbjednosti Ujedinjenih nacija je usvojio ekonomske sankcije i politicku izolaciju Srbije i Crne Gore kao kaznu za agresiju na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu.

U privremenim mjerama Internacionalnog suda pravde od 13. septembra 1993. godine,  “Sud je ubiljezio da, od vremena Naredbe [Srbiji i Crnoj Gori] od 8. aprila 1993. godine, i pored vise rezolucija Savjeta bezbjednosti Ujedinjenih nacija, “stanovnistvo Bosne i Hercegovine je izlozeno strasnom stradanju i gubitaku zivota koje sokira savjest covjecanstva i u flagrantnoj je suprotnosti sa zakonom morala”.”

Nakon agresije i genocida, ustav Republike Bosne i Hercegovine je nelegalno (putem genocida) suspendovan i ilegalno zamjenjen Dayton-skim ustavom. Ne postoje pravne odredbe u internacionalnom pravu niti gradjanskom pravu koje se mogu koristiti kao osnova da se agresijom i genocidom promijeni ustav i politicki sistem suverene drzave.  Gradjanima Bosne i Hercegovine su oduzeta njihova prava agresijom i genocidom. Nasa je obaveza da drzavi Bosni i Hercegovini vratimo ustavni, pravni i teritorijalni status kakav je Bosna i Hercegovina imala prije agresije i genocida.

Cilj agresije i genocida protiv gradjana Republike Bosne i Hercegovine je bio stvaranje etnicki ciste Velike Srbije na racun teritorije Republike Bosne i Hercegovine.  Zakonitost i pravda u slucaju Bosne i Hercegovine ce biti ostvareni samo nakon sto ce izvsiocima agresije i genocida biti oduzeto ono sto su ostvarili kao svoj cilj. Na osnovu Internacionalnog prava i gradjanskog prava, sve sto je steceno na ilegalan nacin ne moze biti priznato kao legalno.

Dayton-ski sporazum potpisan u Parizu u decembru 1995. je nagradio agresiju i genocid sa prisilnom, ilegalnom i nepravednom podjelom Republike Bosne i Hercegovine na dva “entiteta”: “Federaciju Bosne i Hercegovine” i “Republiku Srpsku”, namecuci nepravedan i samo-paralizirajuci ustavni sistem koji je rezultirao neefekasnim strukturama vlasti.

Agresijom i genocidom je zrtva, drzava Republika Bosna i Hercegovina, prisiljena na Dayton-ski sporazum i Dayton-ski ustav. Na osnovu Konvencije o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida, nista ne moze opravdati potcinjavanje gradjana Bosne i Hercegovine jurisdikciji ustavnog, pravnog i politickog uredjenja Dayton-ske Bosne i Hercegovine.

Na osnovu Povelje UN-a, Ujedinjene Nacije su bile obavezne da zastite svoju clanicu, Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu, od agresije i genocida, a ne da nagrade izvsioce agresije i genocida sa teritorijom drzave zrtve.

Dayton-ski ustav Bosne i Hercegovine (Aneks IV Dayton-skog sporazuma) je nametnut agresijom i genocidom, i nije prosao legalnu proceduru propisanu za usvajanje amandmana na Ustav Republike Bosne i Hercegovine. I zato mi nikada necemo priznati Dayton-ski ustav niti bilo kakve izmjene tog ustava ili novi ustav koji bi mogao biti usvojen na institucijama Dayton-ske Bosne I Hercegovine.  

Ako ne bude ukinut, Dayton-ski ustav moze postati pravni I politicki presedan da ustav suverene drzave moze biti promijenjen sa agresijom iz vana i gore od toga sa agresijom i genocidom. Dayton-ski ustav je rezultat agresije i genocida i graditi buducnost Bosne i Hercegovine na osnovu Dayton-skog ustava je isto sto i podrzavati genocid.  Dayton-ski ustav je nastavak agresije i genocida protiv gradjana Bosne i Hercegovine drugim sredstvima.

Dayton-skim ustavom, vlast nad zrtvama agresije i genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini je nezakonito stavljena u ruke onih koji su izvrsili genocid i onih koji su kolaborirali sa izvsiocima genocida. Gradjani drzve Bosne i Hercegovine imaju legalno pravo da ne prihvate sadasnju situaciju jer bi to podrazumijevalo da same zrtve agresije i genocida legalizuju agresiju i genocid.

Bilo kakav pritisak ili pokušaj navikavanja žrtve da prihvati stanje uspostavljeno genocidom je čin genocida.

Trenutno stanje u drzavi Bosni i Hercgovini nije ništa drugo, nego ilegalni nastavak onoga sto je zapoceto sa agresijom u 1992. da se legalizuje agresija i genocid, koji su sada potvrdjeni Odlukom Internacionalnog suda pravde.

Ova Deklaracija ponistava ilegalni Dayton-ski ustav Bosne i Hercegovine, koji kada ne bi bio ukinut mogao bi postati pravni I politicki presedan da se ustav suverene drzave moze mijenjati sa stranom agresijom i gore od toga sa agresijom i genocidom.

Ovom Deklaracijom se proglasava da su oba entiteta “Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine” i “Republika Srpska” nelegalna i nelegitimna, jer su rezultat agresije, genocida i ilegalnog, nelegitimnog Dayton-skog ustava.

Sa ovom Deklaracijom, pozivaju se gradjani drzave Bosne i Hercegovine da se bore svim legalnim sredstvima da uspostave Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu, da nose zastave i da koriste simbole Republike Bosne i Hercegovine. 

Bilo koja promjena u Ustavu moze biti usvojena iskljucivo na osnovu procedure odredjene Ustavom Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i pravnih osnova nadreÄ‘enih gradjanskom zakonodavstvu kao što su Povelja UN-a i pridružene joj konvencije, ali nikada odlukom paralelnih, dogovornih, ratnih i ostalih ad hoc  institucija i pojedinaca koje nemaju na to legalno pravo.

Sa ciljem ostvarivanja svojih prava, a na osnovu neosporivih normi Internacionalnog prava (JUS COGENS ), gradjani drzave Bosne i Hercegovine ne trebaju saglasnost institucija koje su osudjene za agresiju i genocide niti od drugih institucija ciji mandat potice na osnovu bilo kojeg sporazuma ukljucujuci i Dayton-ski sporazum.

Mi stavljamo svoje potpise kao fizicki dokaz nase vjere u pravo naseg naroda da samostalno donosi odluke o svojoj buducnosti uvazavajuci zakon i suverenitet slobodnog gradjanina.


Ibran Mustafic

Predsjednik Upravnog odbora Udruzenja gradjana "Majke Srebrenice i Podrinja"

Potocari - Srebrenica, Bosna i Hercegovina                                              

Profesor Francis A. Boyle

Generlni Zastupnik  Republike Bosne i Hercegovina sa punim ovlastenjima na Internacionalnom sudu pravde (1993-1994)

Champaign, Illinois, SAD                                          

 Zineta Mujic

Presjednik Udruzenja gradjana “Majke Srebrenice i Podrinja”

Fojhari - Srebrenica, Bosna i Hercegovina                                              

 Ivana Mostarac

Predsjednik “Djeciji Pokret Mira, Ljubavi i Prijateljstva”

Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

 Fahrudin Alic

Bikodze - Lukavac, Bosna i Hercegovina

Almir Omerovic

Modrica, Bosna i Hercegovina

Vahid Sendijarevic

Nacionalni kongres Republike Bosne i Hercegovine

Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina

 Muhamed Borogovac

Nacionalni kongres Republike Bosne i Hercegovine

Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina



Based on the binding judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 26, 2007 in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro, We, the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are decisively against any form of discrimination, committed to the rule of law and the justice for the victims of aggression and genocide, obeying the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, obeying the European Charter of Local Self-Government, obeying the Charter of the United Nations, have decided  by means of this Declaration to implement the judgments  of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 26, 2007 in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro, on this 24th day of September, 2010, adopt 


The Declaration of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina


The International Court of Justice, on February 26, 2007, in its legally binding judgment in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro Finds that Serbia has violated the obligation to prevent genocide, under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in respect of the genocide that occurred in Srebrenica in July 1995.”  The Court ruled that the genocide was committed by the government and institutions of “Republika Srpska” and specifically the Army (VRS) and Police (MUP) of „Republika Srpska” and that Serbia had an obligation to prevent the genocide.  Filing the law suit for genocide in 1993 preceded all subsequent constitutional and legal arrangements for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The final judgment of the International Court of Justice supersedes all constitutional arrangements that are offered today to the victims of aggression and genocide including Annex 4 to the Dayton Agreement.

Therefore, We, the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the victims of aggression and genocide, based on the binding judgment of the International Court of Justice and applying the legal right to RESTITUTIO IN INTEGRUM (restoration of the original condition) based on the peremptory norms of International law JUS COGENS, adopt The Declaration that We will exclusively obey the constitution of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and that we will fight to restore the institutions of the nation as they were before the aggression and genocide, and We declare null and void the Dayton Constitution and institutions created under the Dayton Constitution.

The constitution of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the only legally binding document on the basis of which the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been recognized.  This constitution ended communism and provided for free multiparty elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1990 and provided for free referendum of its independence in 1992.  Under this constitution, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina became a UN member nation.  This constitution provides that each individual is sovereign on entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina irrelevant on ethnicity or religion.

Article 154 of the Constitution of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina: It is a sacred and inalienable right and duty of citizens, all members of all ethnic groups living in Bosnia and Herzegovina to protect and defend the liberty, independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity, and the organization of the Republic defined by the Constitution.”

Article 154 of the Constitution of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina: “No person has the right to recognize or to sign the capitulation, or to accept or recognize occupation of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina or any single part of it. No person has the right to prevent the citizens of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina from fighting any aggressor against the Republic. Such acts are unconstitutional and they are punishable as treason against the Republic. Treason against the Republic is the heaviest offence against the people and is treated as a criminal act of the highest degree.”

The international community acknowledged the will of people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as expressed in a referendum on March 1, 1992 and recognized the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a sovereign nation.

The rump-Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro today) and the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) have waged a war of aggression in 1992 against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to create an ethnically pure greater Serbia, that led to killing, genocide and suffering unseen in Europe since World War II.  In legally binding Resolutions 752 and 757 from 1992, the UN Security Council adopted economic sanctions and political isolation to Serbia and Montenegro as punishment for their aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the provisional measures of the International Court of Justice on September 13, 1993, the Court recorded that, since its Order [to Serbia and Montenegro] of April 8, 1993, and despite it and many resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, "great suffering and loss of life has been sustained by the population of Bosnia-Herzegovina in circumstances which shock the conscience of mankind and flagrantly conflict with moral law ..."

After the aggression and genocide, the constitution of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was illegally (with genocide) suspended and illegally replaced by the Dayton Constitution. There are no legal provisions under the international law nor customary laws that can be used as bases to replace constitution and political system of a sovereign nation by aggression and genocide.  People of Bosnia and Herzegovina were deprived of their will through aggression and genocide.   This is why we are obliged to return the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the constitutional, legal and territorial status that the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina had before the aggression and genocide.

The goal of the aggression and genocide against the people of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was to create an ethnically pure greater Serbia at the expense of territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The lawfulness and justice in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be accomplished only after the goal of the aggression and genocide is denied to the perpetrators of the aggression and genocide.   According to International law, and domestic laws, anything what was achieved unlawfully can not be recognized as lawful.

The Dayton Agreement signed in Paris on December 1995 has rewarded the aggression and the genocide by imposing an illegal and unjust division on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina into two “entities”: “Federation of Bosnia and Herzegivina” and “Republika Srpska”, and by constructing unjust and self-paralyzing constitutional system that resulted in ineffective government structures.

The aggression and genocide was the foundation on which the Dayton Agreement and Dayton Constitution was forced on the victim nation, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.   According to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment for the Crime of Genocide, nothing can justify subjugation of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the jurisdiction of the constitutional, legal, and political arrangement of the Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina.

By the UN Charter, the United Nations were obligated to protect its member state, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from aggression and genocide, and not to reward the perpetrators of aggression and genocide with the territory of the victim state.

The Dayton Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Annex IV of the General Framework of the Dayton Agreement) was imposed by aggression and genocide, and it was never properly adapted in accordance with the procedures for the amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, we will never recognize the Dayton Constitution nor any constitution or constitutional changes that might be adapted by institutions of the Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina.

 If not nullified, the Dayton Constitution could become a legal and political precedent that a constitution of a sovereign nation can be changed by foreign aggression and more so by aggression and genocide. The Dayton Constitution is a result of aggression and genocide and to build a future of Bosnia and Herzegovina on a base of the Dayton Constitution amounts to complicity in genocide.  The Dayton constitution is constitution of aggression and genocide against people of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina by other means.

Under the Dayton Agreement, the unlawful governing power over the victims of aggression and genocide in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina was put into the hands of those who committed the genocide and those who were complicit in the genocide. The people of State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, take the legitimate position that the current situation is unacceptable because it implies that the victims of aggression and genocide are themselves legalizing the aggression and genocide.

Any pressure or attempt to force the victims of aggression and genocide to get used to and accept the situation created by the genocide, is an act of genocide itself.

The present situation in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina is nothing more than an illegal attempt that started with aggression in 1992 to legalize the aggression and genocide which now is confirmed by the Judgment of the International Court of Justice. 

Therefore, this Declaration makes null and void the illegal Dayton constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which if not nullified could become a legal and political precedent that a constitution of a sovereign nation can be changed by foreign aggression and more so by aggression and genocide.

This Declaration declares that both “entities,” “Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina” and “Republika Srpska” are illegal and illegitimate, as they were the products of the aggression, genocide, and illegal and illegitimate Dayton “Constitution”.

With this Declaration, the people of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina are invited to fight by all legal means to restore the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, flying the flag and using the symbols of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Any changes in the constitution can be enacted only according to the procedures defined by the Constitution of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the legal principle that supersede national laws, such as the Charter of the United Nations and corresponding Human Rights Conventions, but under no circumstances will they be based on the decisions of parallel, negotiated, war and other ad-hoc institutions and individuals with disputed legal authority.  

In order to exercise its rights, based on the peremptory norms of International law (jus cogens), the people of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina do not need an approval from the institutions that were condemned for the aggression and genocide nor from other institutions whose mandate originates from any agreement including the Dayton Agreement.

Below we set our signatures as a physical expression of our belief in the right of our people to determine our own future in a manner that respects the law and sovereignty of the individual citizen. 


Ibran Mustafic

President of the Executive Board of Association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje”

Potocari – Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina                                         


Professor Francis A. Boyle

General Agent for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Powers before the International Court of Justice (1993-1994)

Champaign, Illinois, USA                                  


Zineta Mujic

President of Association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje”

Fojhari - Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Ivana Mostarac

President, “Children’s Movement of Peace, Love, and Friendship”

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Fahrudin Alic

Bikodze – Lukavac, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Almir Omerovic

Modrica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Vahid Sendijarevic

National Congress of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Muhamed Borogovac

National Congress of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
