
Pismo Trudeau u vezi Jerusalema

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,
Institute for Research of Genocide Canada calls on the Government of Canada to raise its voice of conscience against the violence in Jerusalem - the Holy City of Peace.

The state of Israel is systematically endangering the lives and human rights of Palestinians. This fact is almost universally recognized and marked as a violation of the International Convention for the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. 
We ask the Government of Canada and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to protect the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the Palestinians. 
Jerusalem is a place where Jews, Christians and Muslims should meet in peace to read the holy covenant written in the Old Testament, the Torah (Torah), the Gospel and the Qur’an. 

Bloodshed against Palestinians during the final days of the holy month of Ramadan and their expulsion from their homes represents an attack on the values which modern civilization, especially Canada, is based upon.

Canada should not ignore the scenes of savage attacks on believers and the seizure of property from the Palestinian Canada has an obligation to speak put about any violence and discrimination based on religion, ethnicity or ideology. All  citizens of the world, including the Palestinian people, have the right to live in freedom and security, and no one should be allowed to deny them that basic right.

Emir Ramic

Institute for Research of Genocide Canada 
