David Pettigrew "...it was an honor for me to participate in the White Armband Day commemoration...Prijedor BiH " Dan bijelih traka" 31. May 2021...organized by the Bosnian Community Council NSW (Sydney Australia) and Penshurst Mosque...with live feed from the commemoration in Prijedor, and presentations by Nusreta Sivac (Prijedor), Bahra Harambašić (Sydney), Emir Ramic (Canada), Hariz Halilovich (Melbourne), Senadin Lavić (Sarajevo), Dragan Bursić (Bosnia)...thanks to Safet Alispahic and Fahir Zecevic for organizing the program from Sarajevo and Sydney...the white armband emerged in 2012 as a symbol of protest when survivors could not gain access to Omarska concentration camp and memorial gatherings were forbidden in Prijedor...the white armband is drawn from the fact that Bosnian Muslims and other non-Serbs were ordered to wear the white armband in May 1992 so they could be identified for persecution and deportation...now the white armband is an act of resistance to genocide denial, and to the prohibition of memorials...White Armband Day, commemorated around the world, provides a way to bear witness to the truth of the suffering in the concentration camps and to remember and mourn the victims in the absence of memorials…"
...you can watch the whole program at this link in your own time zone: