
Podrska Brian Masse

I have just sent this to all the leaders of the Bosnian community in Canada, especially those in Windsor. Tomorrow it goes to all our social networks.
Why the Bosnian community in Canada, especially in Windsor, should support Brian Masse in the Canadian federal election?
Election Day in Canada - Monday - September 20, 2021.
Re-Elect Brian Masse
All citizens of a Bosnian descent living in Canada and many of Canadian citizens can witness Brian Massa's contribution for Canada to recognize and declare July 11th, as the Day of Remembrance of the Srebrenica Genocide, and to admit that the crime of genocide was committed in Srebrenica. Despite resistance to using the word genocide, Brian Masse has not given up on the term and thus two resolutions have been passed in the Canadian Parliament. In addition, Brian Masse contributed to commemorating the 31st of May as World White Ribbon Day in Canada, setting up a permanent exhibition on the Srebrenica Genocide at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights, and unveiling a monument to the victims of the Srebrenica Genocide in Windsor. As a sponsor of the parliamentary petition for the criminal sanctioning of genocide deniers, he continuously asked the Canadian Government to make more efforts in sanctioning genocide deniers. Brian’s dedication, commitment, integrity, and courage are essential factors that have led to the achievement of these essential goals that are of great importance for the institutionalization of a culture of remembrance, not only in Canada, but in the world at large. Speaking of Brian Masse, it is important to highlight his commitment to the idea and struggles for human rights and freedoms from the beginning of his political career until now. In fact, his entry into politics was linked to the genocide in East Timor. From then until now, Brian has maintained his integrity in the fight for human rights and freedoms, and in the case of the Srebrenica resolutions has shown that the need for justice outweighs the need for apparent peace. The Institute for Research of Genocide Canada pays tribute to Brian Masse for his tremendous efforts for peace, truth and justice in the world.
Zašto Bosanska zajednica u Kanadi, posebno u Windsor treba podržati Brian Masse na federalnim kanadskim izborima?
Dan izbora u Kanadi - ponedjeljak - 20. septembar 2021.
Reizabrati  Brian Masse
Svi graÄ‘ani bosanskohercegovačkog porijekla koji žive u Kanadi i mnogi KanaÄ‘ani mogu posvjedočiti doprinos Briana Masse u borbi da Kanada prizna i proglasi 11. juli, Danom sjećanja na genocid u Srebrenici, te prizna da je u Srebrenici počinjen zločin genocida. I pored otpora da se koristi riječ genocid, Brian Masse nije odustajao od ovog termina i dvije rezolucije su usvojene u Kanadskom parlamentu. Pored toga Brian Masse je dao doprinos da se 31. svijetski Dan bijelih traka komemoriše u Kanadi, postavi stalna izložba o Genocidu u Srebrenici u kanadskom Muzeju za ljudska prava, otkrije spomenik žrtvama Genocida u Srebrenici u Windsoru. Kao sponzor parlamentarne peticije za krivično sanskcionisanje negatora genocida kontinuirano je tražo od kanadske Vlade da učini više napora u sankcionisanju negatora genocida. Brianova predanost, zalaganje, integritet i hrabrost su bitni faktori koji su doveli do ostvarenja ovih bitnih ciljeva koji su od velike važnosti za institucionalizaciju kulture sjećanja, ne samo u Kanadi, već u svijetu uopšte. Govoreći o Brian Masse-u, bitno je istaći njegovu predanosti ideji i borbi za ljudska prava i slobode od početka njegove političke karijere pa do sada. Zapravo, njegov ulazak u politiku bio je vezan za genocid u Istočnom Timoru. Od tada pa do sada Brian je održao svoj integritet u borbi za ljudska prava i slobode, i u slučaju rezolucija o Srebrenici pokazao da potreba za pravdom nadmašuje potrebu za prividnim mirom.
Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada odaje priznanje Brianu Masse za ogromne napore koje ulaže za mir, istinu i pravdu u svijetu.
