
Vrijeme je za povratak Ustava Republike BiH


We are calling all patriots to gather here in this group - under the flag of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and soon also at protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to clearly demand the restitution of the Constitution of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RBiH).

Contrary to the Constitution of RBiH itself and contrary to international law, the Constitution was suspended in Dayton, yielding a so-called „constitution“ that was never passed through any parliamentary procedure, which makes it illegal.

Based on the Constitution of RBiH, a referendum was held at which people voted for independence and sovereignty of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which became a member of United Nations, and then a victim of a brutal aggression and genocide.

Highest international courts of justice - the Tribunal and the International Court of Justice in The Hague - with their convictions of both individuals as well as Serbia/Republika Srpska as states - verified that genocide was committed in RBiH. These court decisions give us the right to demand the constitutional order that was valid before the aggression and genocide.

Based on fundamental international laws, and based on the Constitution of RBiH, a status that was achieved through genocide cannot be legalized, unless we allow that by continuing our silence and compliancy.

Thus, let us finally wake up and raise our voices for the Constitution of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for our freedom, dignity, and better future!

Vrijeme je za povratak Ustava Republike BiH

Pozivamo patriote da se pod zastavom države Republike Bosne i Hercegovine sada okupe na internetu, a uskoro i na protestima u Bosni i Hercegovini i jasno zahtijevaju povratak u život Ustava Republike Bosne i Hercegovine.

Protivno samom Ustavu RBiH i meÄ‘unarodnom pravu, Ustav RBiH je suspendiran u Daytonu, a takozvani daytonski ustav nije nikad prošao parlamentarnu proceduru, pa je nelegalan. Legalan je jedino Ustav RBiH.

Na osnovu Ustava RBiH, raspisan je referendum i izglasana samostalnost RBiH i država Republika Bosna i Hercegovina primljena u UN, a na koju je potom izvršena brutalna agresija i počinjen genocid.

Najviše svjetske sudske instance - Tribunal i MeÄ‘unarodni sud prava u Den Haagu su presudama pojedincima, te Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj kao državama - dokazale i presudile za genocid počinjen u RBiH. I te nam presude daju za pravo na zahtjev za uspostavu ustavnog poretka RBiH koji je važio prije agresije i genocida.

Na osnovu temeljnih meÄ‘unarodnih zakona i Ustava RBiH se ne može legalizirati stanje na terenu postignuto genocidom, osim ako mi to svojom šutnjom i neprotivljenjem dozvolimo.

Zato, osvjestimo se i dignimo svoj glas za Ustav RBiH, za svoju slobodu, dostojanstvo i bolju budućnost!
